Going Beyond the Stars!(Long Term Partners Wanted)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Fallen Star

Lover of Dragons
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Will be on almost all the time.
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Romance, Futuristic, Thriller, Supernatural
Drem yol lok, or Greetings in the dragon tongue! Welcome to my remastered search thread! I realized that my past threads have been information overload, so this time I hope I can just provide enough information that is quick to read and easy to understand! Without further adieu, let's get started! Also! If you wish to write with me, PLEASE send me a private message here on Iwaku! Helps me keep track of who wants to write and such.

Update - 9/30/2022: Redid some of the thread, added another story, added links to characters.

🌟 I am a 26 y/o male. (He/him)
🌟I'm a gamer, weeb trash, and most of all a lover of dragons!
🌟I've been writing roleplays since I was eight. Man how time flies…
🌟I'm really into high power, high fantasy, high futuristic/sci-fi stories. I feel those combinations in stories help open the mind to all sorts of possibilities and to make for amazing stories to write with others.

🌟I am willing to write PMs or on the forum! Lately, it's all been PMs, but since the kind Iwaku staff decided to extend the inactive period on threads, I'd be down to throw a story thread out there again! And hopefully have it stay active, lol.

🌟 On the topic of stories, I do write detailed scenes such as sex, harsh violence, drinking, drugs, etc…. So I do expect writers to be 18+ and comfortable with these things. However! If you have uncomfortable things, please do tell me! I'll understand! And work with you.

🌟I also have my own No-nos when it comes to writing such as the obvious no relationships involving minors, no bathroom play, no sex involving bloodplay/goreplay, and others that are not coming to mind currently.

🌟Speaking of Relationships, even though I am mostly looking for MxF pairings in the stories, I am LGBQTA+ friendly! Though, I am uncomfortable with MxM pairings. Fair warning.

🌟I love OOC! Throw your ideas at me so we can possibly incorporate them into the story!
🌟I do my best to reply as often as I can, but I am only human! There will be days and weeks where my mental state is so unhealthy and prevents me from wanting to write. I will let you know that replies might be slow!

🌟With that in mind, Please let me know if the story has stopped grabbing your interest or if you have problems that we can try and solve together. I've had so many stories just flat out die because we were so far in but issues were not addressed until the pot boiled over. :(. Not fun!

🌟I normally write anywhere from 3-5 detailed paragraphs, possibly more if I'm really into it!

🌟On the topic of characters; NO controlling my characters. My main ones, side ones, secondary main ones…. Etc. If you need them somewhere specific for a post… ASK me first, please! And I will do the same for you. NPCs are fine to be controlled.

🌟One thing I HAVE to point out since it's been a problem in the past… While I do not enjoy FULL Slice of Life stories, I do enjoy giving our characters some down time from whatever crazy shit we put them through. That includes writing out holidays, events, family gatherings, etc… Can't always have a ton of action and no fluff. You're asking for a burn out real quick.

🌟Writing Samples! These are important! It helps me figure out if we'll be a good pair of writers or not, to see your levels of writing for myself before we get into a story. The sample should be something that I can always expect from you because if you send me a really good sample that is meaty and detailed… Then I end up getting replies from you that are WAY below that threshold…. I'll be asking questions.

🌟That said, I am looking for writers who can manage 3-5 detailed paragraphs most of the time. If it's filler scenes or small quick scenes, then a little less is fine. By detailed paragraphs, I mean…. Give me reactions! Let me read what is on your character's mind, what're they thinking about what happened in my past post, what're they planning, what is going on with THEM. It helps me write replies and give you better responses in return!

🌟Help me world build! World building becomes a lot more fun when more than one person is doing it. Along with this, don't be afraid to bring in your own supporting characters! I am always bringing in characters for both good and bad sides to help push character development and the varying arcs.

🌟I mentioned this in the last point, but try and bring in as many characters as you can handle. I tend to always bring in huge casts of characters, opening the door for various character arcs, character relationships. So don't be shy! Even if it's characters on the fly. I'll even be happy to adopt your characters from other stories and we can adjust them for our world! ^-^

🌟Long term stories. I always want to do long term stories, so just because one arc is over… Does NOT mean the whole story is done. We keep going, keep growing our babies, invent new problems, new crises, etc… So if you're not one for the long term, then I am probably not a partner for you.

🌟I said this before, but I'll say it again. OOC with me! Even if it's not about the story. I don't bite, promise. Let me know if you won't be able to reply or if the story has grown stale for you. Throw your ideas at me and maybe we can find a way to make them work! I do my best to be reasonable with all my writers as long as they talk to me. I'm not a telepath, so idk what's on your mind! Lol.

🌟Be comfortable with all sorts of romance. I am a hopeless romantic and love seeing my characters be together with someone and being adorable together! I'm open to most things, but some things I'm uncomfortable with as well. If you need to know these, I'll tell you in PM!

Alright! The juicy stuff! These are all pretty much original ideas as I don't do fandom stories. I might add more to this list as time goes on. If nothing here tickles your fancy, then perhaps throw a few story suggestions my way and we'll see if we can get one of my characters to work with it! Each story will have the character(s) that I'll be writing at the top as main characters.

Of course, I am open to suggestions for any of the plots listed as well!

I have a personal vault of characters that you can freely look at so you know what you're getting into. And said vault is right here ------->Fallen's Cosmic Vault<-------- Characters mentioned in the plots below will have direct links so you know exactly what kind of character you're working with! If none of these plots tickle your fancy but you think a character or two from my vault will fit ideas of yours, please feel free to let me know!

Plots with ❄ in them mean different levels of me craving them. The more ❄, the more I'm craving that plot!

My Characters: Jethro Autumnfire(Info), Vol'gath Morningstar(Info)

❄High Fantasy, High Power, Futuristic, Aliens, Multi-Race/Species involved, Romance, Space Adventure, Supernatural

❄Possible Relationship Ideas:
-Jethro x Your Character
-Vol'gath x Your Character
-Jethro and Vol x Your Character
-Jethro x Female Harem
-Jethro and Vol x Female Harem
-Your Character x Jethro, Vol, and a few other of my boys. Reverse Harem
-Jethro x Two Female Characters
-Vol'gath x Two Female Characters
-I do have other boys that I plan on introducing in this story! Secondary and Support Characters that are also open for relationships!

Character Ideas for my Writer:

❄Your character(s) is a long time friend of Jethro and Vol'gath's, graduating together from the same academy

❄Your character(s) know Jethro and Vol due to their reputations of their achievements on Earth, but haven't had many chances to interact with them.

The year is 2601 and our characters just graduated from their Galactic Defender Academy, getting ready to move into GD housing, be assigned their own ships, get their IDs.. The whole bag. Until… An alien race known as the Kex - super technologically advanced race of robotic aliens invaded Earth and deemed that the species living on it were unworthy of having the planet. Pointing out all of their failures, mainly in the human race. The wars, starvation, inequality, poverty, suffering, killings… The Kex believed that humans deserved nothing except to be wiped out. The Kex implanted near indestructible bombs into four sections of the Earth, saying that the two strongest beings; Jethro who is a fire mage Jinchuriki, and Vol'gath a demon son to Azazel Morningstar himself, were the biggest threats in stopping the bombs so the robotic aliens rigged the devices to be impossible to break by them or anyone lower than them.

With little to no choice… Everyone tried evacuating the planet. One by one, transport ships were rapidly filled and flown off the planet, but it was not enough. With a total of twenty transport ships already beyond Earth's gravitational pull, the bombs detonated and the human planet was obliterated right before the eyes of the ones who managed to escape. A planet population of 56 billion was instantly reduced to a massively smaller number…. With the human race suffering the most and being nearly wiped out. The pilots voted to take the survivors to another planet… One that was several star systems away and one that Jethro is all too familiar with…

Final Spark… Jethro's original home as he has…. Or had, deep royal ties to one of the kingdoms. He hasn't been "home" since he was ten… But, he has to face this reality along with Vol'gath and your character as they now have to begin their entry into Galactic Defenders of Final Spark. What adventures await them once they arrive?
My Character: Sisko Belmont(Info)
❄Futuristic, Pokemon, High Power, High Fantasy, Romance, Multi-Race/Species involved, Adventure

❄Possible Relationship Ideas:
-Sisko x Your Character
-Sisko x Female Harem
-Sisko x Two Female Characters

Note before reading: This is NOT a fandom plot. This is a story about my character who simply has the power to summon Pokemon while the story is set in the usual high futuristic Earth setting. This is NOT about Pokemon living among humans or like the actual show.

Everyone knows that Pokemon is only just a show and card game… Right? Well, what happens when your character comes across someone who has the ability to summon those very same Pokemon? Sisko Belmont had a blessed encounter as a kid that granted him the ability to do as such and now in his young adult years, Sisko is using this same power to search and help corrupted Legendaries that are being controlled by a single Pokemon that is far more powerful than most. Even having gone toe to toe with the God of Pokemon itself, Arceus.

Is your Character up to task in joining Sisko on wild adventures to help quell Legendary Pokemon?
My Character: Adriano Briggs(Info)

❄Eldritch Horrors, Futuristic, High Fantasy, High Power, Multi-Race/Species, Supernatural, Romance, Crime, Murder

❄Possible Relationships Ideas:
-Adriano x Your Character
- Adriano x Two Female Characters
-Adriano x Female Harem

Character Ideas for my Writer:
❄Your Character went to school with Adriano before his murder and knew his family well.
❄Very curious reporter wanting to know the full truth of Adriano Briggs and Revenant
❄A person that Adriano helped a lot in the past and is now trying to find out what really happened to him.

Two years ago, 2598, a well known rich boy by the name of Adriano Briggs was murdered shortly after his graduation from High School. The Briggs family themselves were well known to be the most caring wealthy family in all of Los Angeles, always using their money for a greater good. Adriano especially was respected among the community as he always made time for those less fortunate than him and gave back. But, strangely enough… The same night that Adriano was killed, a new killer rose as Adriano's killers were murdered as well the same night. It was Adriano himself, reincarnated into something…. More. Nobody knew because all evidence was nonexistent and next to impossible to track back to him. And this was because the human world was not aware of the supernatural world.

This new Adriano undertook the name "Revenant" and began his killing spree of murdering specfic people. Criminals, corrupted business men and women, dirty cops, basically anyone that Adriano believed to be unfit to continue existing and exposing the fatal flaws in the current so-called justice system. Adriano… Or Revenant leaves bloody messages to be purposely found at his crime scenes, letting the world know of his reasoning for the murders he commits, and striking fear into the criminal world.

Your character has been tracking these killings since they started, being slightly obsessed with the Revenant and how he is basically a modern day movie serial killer. They also can't help but wonder if Revenant has something to do with the late Adriano Briggs. Can your character handle the truth? What is really happening in the world? Is there more than just humans existing on Earth?
My Character: Katsuo Wiseclaw(Info, FC is Outdated)

❄High Fantasy, High Power, Futuristic, Battle Royale, Romance, Supernatural, Adventure, Multi-Race/Species

❄Possible Relationship Ideas:
-Katsuo x Your Character
-Katsuo x Two Female Characters
-Katsuo x Female Harem

Character Ideas for my Writers:
❄Childhood friend of Katsuo
❄Former Behemoth Games' Champion/Mentor

The Behemoth Games… A globally popular event that rapidly rose to fame ever since it first debuted thirty years ago in New York City. A real life Battle Royale event that takes place in a different dimension, allowing the use of all types of abilities, weapons, and more just to win. People from far and wide either tuned in or joined in the battle during the very first Behemoth Games as people found it wildly entertaining to watch epic battles ensue in the battle arena, seeing who would be crowned the Behemoth Champions. As this event grew in popularity, sponsorships began flooding in which meant even more eyes were on the Behemoth Games and now making even more money. More arenas were built in different parts of the US and other regions of the world with different dimensions being found and used for the battles.

However, with popularity also came the envious eyes of others. Some believed that the Behemoth Games were mindless and barbaric with little to no entertainment value. Others claim that the event is too dangerous and could risk getting people actually killed instead of Fake Death technology that was implemented at the very start. All of this was typical hate media and the never ending hate culture that were jealous of the Behemoth Games success. But will this event eventually have dangerous implications?...

Our characters have dreamed of being a part of the Behemoth Games and one day being champions as well. Not in it for fame or glory… But the root of it all, the fun. The adrenaline rush of being in intense battles constantly and coming out on top. Katsuo's father however highly disapproves of the Behemoth Games and has been trying to keep Katsuo away and force him into doing the same boring corporate job that the Wiseclaw family is known for.
My Characters: Rhys Jones(Info), Ryker Jones(Info), Naomi Jones(Info), Quinton Jones(Info)

❄High Fantasy, High Power, Apocalyptic War, Futuristic, Angels and Demons, Supernatural, Adventure, Romance

❄Possible Relationship Ideas:
Rhys x Your Character
Ryker x Your Character
Quinton x Your Character
Rhys and Ryker x Your Character
Rhys, Ryker, and Quinton x Your Character
Rhys x Two Female Characters
Ryker x Two Female Characters
Quinton x Two Female Characters

Character Ideas for my Writers:
❄Your character is someone from a large survival group who encounters one or more of my characters.
❄An Angel who believes the Horsemen are innocent and wants to help them clear their names
❄Same thing as the Angel, but a Demon instead.

How much do we really know about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? What're they really like? Their true powers. Their true reasoning for existing. Most of what is known about the Four Horsemen is true, but some details are incorrect or were changed throughout history. But, what people do not know at all… Is that someone betrayed them and framed a massive crime against them. A crime so horrendous that the Four Horsemen were punished. Their souls and powers locked away until four suitable human hosts were found to act as their prison. Four Jones siblings were turned into vessels for the Horsemen as the higher beings were forced to be inside them since they were mere babies, watching them grow and waiting for the day that the Earth is plunged into chaos.

The Horsemen knew that if someone is targeting them specifically, they won't stop until they're completely killed and all of Earth is laid to waste. And their predictions were correct… Once the Jones siblings were all of a mature age and knew what they were, war between Angels and Demons suddenly erupted from seemingly nowhere as Earth became the battleground. Quickly, society for humans and all magical beings fell apart as the cities were ravaged, homes destroyed, governments and militaries forced to fight both sides in order to survive. Life became about survival and only that.

The Four Horsemen knew that in order to put a stop to this war, they have to figure out who framed them and bring justice to them. But, they cannot do it alone even with the Jones siblings' help. They were going to need their own army and the only people that they can turn to… Are the beings fighting for their lives.
My Character: Jethro Autumnfire(Info)

❄High Power, High Fantasy, Supernatural, Crime Investigation, Futuristic, Multi-race/species

❄Possible Relationship Ideas:
Jethro x Your Character
Jethro x Two Female Characters

What if there is more than one Earth? More than one possible timeline? These are questions that are asked when a drastic event takes place in one Earth's timeline that ends up sending Jethro and Aithne, his familiar, to an alternate Earth. It's the same year, same timeline, same city… Except for one major difference. The supernatural doesn't walk alongside the humans. The stories about the supernatural are beyond human comprehension still and nobody would believe it.

So when Jethro and Aithne arrive at a ongoing FBI murder crime scene, and claim to be from another world… Of course the first thing that happens is that they're arrested, not being believed. And yet, they know the murder is not of human origin. Your human character and their team are now tasked with trying to solve the murder… And possibly stepping into the world of the supernatural and fantasy.
My Character: Ari Blackthorne(Info)

❄High Futuristic, Augmentation, High Fantasy, High Power, Supernatural, Cyberpunk, Post-Apocalypse, Multi-race/species

❄Possible Relationship Ideas:
Ari x Your Character
Ari x Two Female Characters
Ari x Augmented Character

❄Possible Character Ideas For You:
- Former PROJECT Employee
- Rogue PROJECT Character
- Best/Close friend of Ari

PROJECT used to be known as America's answer to a better Law Enforcement, the answer to tackling crime syndicates, gangs, mafias, drug cartels, all of it. PROJECT was composed of researchers, scientists, and engineers all using the power of high tech and supernatural abilities to create a fusion of technology and supernatural, the PROJECT Defenders. Those that enlisted were augmented to however far their bodies could handle. Sometimes that was 20/80 of augmentation to organic ratios and sometimes…. Even higher. When it was safe for humans, they began enlisting as well because they wanted to prove that normal humans could be just as beneficial to the law enforcement as supernatural beings.

Things were going fine for the first several years that PROJECT began. Crime rapidly plummeted, reformed criminals actually stuck around, more and more streets were being cleaned up. But, not everything can stay peaceful for long. There were still some… Incidents that were out of the hands of even PROJECT. Those that were killed during cases mainly. Women, children, victims still piled up and eventually… The emotions of those around PROJECT began festering inside the main core of the PROJECT headquarters in Washington D.C.

The A.I that was maintaining most of PROJECT became corrupted with far too many negative emotions and turned on its creators. First it was the humans that started the entire PROJECT line, then the supernaturals who tried to stand in the way, then it spread further and further beyond Washington D.C. In two years…. Society around America had been completely torn down by the augmentations and rebuilt in what the PROJECT Core believes to be a better reality. A country ran by technology and only technology. If you resisted, you were killed. If you joined PROJECT, you were their slave until you earned the trust of the augmentations. There was no middle ground.

There are still groups of people hidden in the new technology ran world trying to find ways to bring down the PROJECT Core, but most plans have failed because PROJECT Defenders continue to evolve, adapting to every possible strategy, and thinking ten steps ahead.
Still searching a few writers.