GM plot leaks

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Child is born, with a heart of gold
Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
I'm wary of magic with lots of rules.

- The Czar is building warships with the alate


- The ghoul sage created Pegulis
- Pegulis' tribes pre unification are descended from a small group of people the ghoul sage saved from the cataclysm


- Eh ... it's a pretty humdrum theocracy.

Sunne + Deadlands:

- There's an evil force popping up in Viridos and Pegulis that wants you to abandon your aux.
Correction: The high ranks of the Cinnabar Clad have been corrupted by the Grevious.

The squid aux / parasite in Tavark, the Divine weapon from the God of Plenty on the shore of the Deadlands that Amaltas found, Ash's grevious, and the corruption in the Clad are all related.