Ghost Isle Boarding School

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Hehe, yeah I have a character making addiction, though I have no good male face claims.
Hehe, yeah I have a character making addiction, though I have no good male face claims.
I also have an addiction. Google search face claim directory
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Ooh that place. I had a hard time using it for some reason
I think Dixon would be good with Mirabelle while Cara and Chris can be with others
Sadly I am going to have to drop this. I have a ridiculous amount of work piled up and I am struggling to make it manageable.
Well you did claim him, though him and Cara would be an interesting pair
She is a senior and it would be cute seeing Mira try to get him social
Hmm, that's fine then, but I am making other males
What pages are your characters on, @IceQueen?
1, and the others I would look but I'm on mobile, but somewhere around 5 or 3 and then a few pages back, like 13

Lunah Giselle Carrington

LuLu, NaNa, Carrington Princess

✮Age and Birthday✮
18 (April 20th)




Popular: Rich Girl

Carrington Witch (Long Line Of A Family Clan Of Witches, They Have Their Own Style Of Witchcraft. It's Only taught and known by True Born Carrington Witches)

✮Part-time job✮
Does Shopping Count? If Not Then Nope.

✮Eye Color✮
Hazel (They Turn Violet When She's Using Her Magic)

✮Hair Description✮
Platinum Blonde (Real or Fake, she'll never tell).



Earrings, Belly Button, Nipples

This Tattoo:
This Tattoo:

✮Health Ailments✮
None (Magical Protection From Natural and Supernatural Sicknesses)

+Funny: Lunah can be a funny and charismatic girl when she tries, she loves to make jokes, corny or actually funny, doesn't matter as long as she's laughing.
+Sweet: Lunah can be a great and nice person when she's in a good mood, he family knows that she is a helpful and sweet girl. If your her friend Lunah will help you with anything you need, no matter what.
+Brave: Lunah doesn't stand down to anyone, if she has something to say she'll stay to the person's face, you better be prepare for when this Powerful Witch comes your way.
+Forgiving: Lunah rarely holds grudges, if she talks it out with the other person or people she'll get over it right afterwards.
+Loving: Lunah loves everyone and everything, she doesn't judge people on who they are or what they are, as long as your nice to her she'll love you to the bitter end.
-Snobby: Lunah doesn't always act this way, but when she acts like she's better then someone, she really acts like it. Her family The Carrington Witches, being one of the oldest and strongest clan of witches alive, Lunah knows that people know what her family is capable of and what they can and would do for her.
-Reckless: Lunah loves to party and drink, she has no limit or a stop button, that can get her in trouble a lot of times, but she's young, hot and who cares?
-Mean: Lunah can become a real bitch if something is not going her way, she is usually go with the flow, but if she doesn't like something or someone she'll let it be known A.S.A.P.

Lunah comes from a long and strong line of witches. Her family were such amazing experts at magic that they started to use their own style of magic, it was called Carrington Magic. Lunah was a pro at the magic from the start. Her family showed her the ropes and what to do and what not to do with it. Most witches wish they had the magic Lunah was born with, and she doesn't take it for granted at all. Lunah is still learning, she'll get stronger and smarter as the days go by.


+Expensive Shoes
+Sports Cars
+Fun People

Magic Spells, Making Magic, Partying, Singing, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Dancing, Going To The Beach


+Carrington Magic (Carrington Witches can make things appear, disappear, morph or dismantle, just by snapping their fingers. It's a strong but dangerous magic, and only a Carrington Witch can use it without causing mayhem).

+Carrington Magic Spells (Carrington Witches can string any normal words or one word and turn them/it into powerful spells).
-Her Pride
-Her Recklessness

Lunah's biggest and only fear is her not being able to become as great or better then her family in the magic department.

Lunah once got so drunk she made out with a dog.
Lunah almost killed one of her cousin's when she tried out a new spell.
Lunah is NOT a natural blonde...just don't ever stay anything about her natural hair color.


(Open PM Me)

The Carrington Witches

✮Extra Curricular✮


1. Homeroom
2. Calculus

3. Free Period
4. World Languages Study
5. P.E.
6. Drama
7. AP Chemistry
8. Witchcraft Practice
9. History & Science of Supernatural Beings

Theme Song:
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Will finish tomorrow, about to head to work. Carrington Witches are like Bennett witches from The Vampire Diaries, if you ever watched it.

Was going to make a non pop char, but I can't think up one lol. I guess I never felt unpopular so I don't know how to play it, that's a problem lol.
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"Wake me up, call my name and save me from the dark."

Alfie L. Cross

Al, Zero, Death

Age & Birthday
19 | 10/31




Popular Rich Kid

Demon & Angel Hybrid
(Unknown Lycan half)

Part-time job

Eye Color
- Black
Usually happens when outraged or right before a fight.

- Blue & Black
These are his normal eyes, they can be normally blue and black
or like the ones linked above.

Hair Description
Alfie's hair is a light brown, sometimes changing colors depending
on the time of year. It's sometimes slicked back, up in a style, or
simply messy. You also might find it parted as well.




One in each ear and one in his nose.

A few tattoos on his arms, neck, back, and right leg.

Health Ailments


- Independent
He doesn't play well with others, enough said.

- Stubborn
He hates when people tell him what to do, so often he goes
and does something his own way.

- Crazy
Ah yes, he's crazy and he admits it 100%. Does he care?
No, not really...he actually enjoys it.

- Jealous
This is just relationship wise, when he sees his guy or gal
trying to flirt with someone else or talking to some other
person he'll get jealous, but not clingy or bitchy.

- Loyal
He stays loyal to whoever may come his way, be it
relationship wise or friendship wise.

- Brave
Why be afraid of something he can over come? Alfie's bravery
depends on the situation, this doesn't mean he isn't afraid of

- Short Tempered
People like to test him at the wrong times, which slowly
lead to him losing patience and control over his anger.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Lets begin this twisted and inhuman journey shall we?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Alfie was born as a spawn of an angel, lycan, and demon though his parents only shined light on him being a demon and an angel. He wasn't like he was now, always giggling and being goofy with everyone trying to make the best jokes to get people to laugh. He never had a problem with other people, no insults or bullying came his way nor was he the type of person that would inflict that kind of mental or physical pain on someone else. Though this was true, his parents weren't the best of people. They would lie, cheat, and scam their way out of things and whenever Alfie would ask why, they would torture him and tell him that he better not tell anyone anything or they would perform more than the minor things they already did.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Of course Alfie didn't understand, how could he at such a young age? So time went on and they still did the same thing, dad even started dealing drugs and starting up a gang so that they would have even more money while mom became some top business lady getting paid to crush people's dreams and take away their households. They barely were home and when they were, all they did was ignore him or push him to do crap for them when they could have just did it themselves. His dad even made him do a drop off once, which was totally a bad idea. He didn't know what to do, all his dad told him was to stand on the corner and wait for a specific license plate to come up to him. Well, he did just that and gave the man the drug, but the guy had more than just that in mind. He and the other guys grabbed Alfie and raped him then dumped him off somewhere in the woods, yeah such a great idea.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After that day Alfie wasn't the same and his parents didn't do shit about it, all they did was tell him a few [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]lies[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] to get him to stop bothering them about it and move on. Well, Alfie didn't move on, he kept that rage inside of him ever since that day. A few years later he had gotten a girlfriend that he was with for about four years until she started slipping, cheating on him and asking him for money or arguing with him because she didn't get what she wanted. When he found out about her cheating, that's when Alfie cracked…. no turning back now. First to go was his parents, who still treated him like shit by the way. By knife he butchered them at night while they were sleeping, they didn't have an inch of soul in them anyway. Next came the girlfriend who he butchered with the same knife, unsurprisingly catching her having sex with another guy other than him. "Together forever right?" was all that he said before killing her and the person she cheated on him with. The evidence was easy to hide and cover up, persuasion was always his thing. Surprisingly he didn't have any guilt after a while, that was until he starting seeing different pictures, news reports, and people crying over it. He'd gone completely psycho and after a while he just didn't give a shit anymore, he accepted himself. He began murdering all the gangs who followed after his dad and gave money back to the people his mother stepped on, he was gonna rewrite his life that his parents stole from him. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Too bad no one could rewrite the crap that his girlfriend did to him, at least not yet. After he did his deeds, he decided it was time to live a semi normal life and go to school. He didn't know how he stumbled about the Academy, but it was better than nothing.[/BCOLOR]

Wild People || Cuteness || Challenges || Innocence || Intimidation
Obnoxious People || Sharp Things || Staring || Clingy Love

Producing Music || Stunt Skating || Basketball || Free Running

Endurance || Fire || Intellect || Following || Blood
Healing || Nails/Chains

Not knowing his own strength
Falling In love

- He murdered his parents and girlfriend

- He hit rock bottom a long time ago, he can't seem
to get back to his usual mindset...meaning he's lost it.

- He's trying to work on it but, when he smells blood he
goes crazy into this monster whose unstoppable.



A sister who is living far away.

Lilith Price


Not anyone yet, but doesn't mean he won't come
across someone that'll piss him off.


Extra Curricular
Music Producing

Home Room
Study Hall
Musical Practice
Basketball Practice
Gifted Power Study & Controlling
History & Science of Supernatural Beings

- What I meant by "Unknown Lycan half" is that he doesn't know he's
also part werewolf too, his parents failed to mention this to him.
- Necklace

His theme song
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Sadly I am going to have to drop this. I have a ridiculous amount of work piled up and I am struggling to make it manageable.
Awh! So sad you have to leave us!
Am I accepted?
Love Alfie , Terror!
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Thank you Shayla :D

Totally calling you ShayBae, woo new nickname.
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