Game of Thrones, Anyone? (Open)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Well, as the title says, I am seeking a partner for a Game of Thrones roleplay. You don't need to have watched the show to join, but please understand the setting, society, politics, etc. enough to adhere to it without too much guidance or correction. It's pretty easy to find all of the needed information online through a google search, but beware that searching will *absolutely* reveal spoilers.

I am up to either do OCs in an AU type setting or canon characters in new and unique situations, and what we do all depends on what you'd like! I am however set on one to five paragraphs per post. Length can vary through the RP, but never drop below one paragraph (5 sentences, dialog included).

I believe that covers it all! The checked boxes are all only possibilities, just so you know. Yep, well, I suck at ending things like this.... Thanks for reading.

Nailed it