Game Design

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Blind Hemingway

Ancient Iwaku Scum from 2006.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Surrealism, Surreal Horror (Think Tim Burton), Steampunk, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Spaghetti Westerns, Mercenaries, Dieselpunk, Cyberpunk, Historical fantasies
Okay, I am thinking we should probably ditch the concept of trying to do a total visual novel style game with the way that the plot is currently going. I am not 100% sure how difficult or time consuming it'll be to try doing a "16-bit" style game but I am right now thinking about maybe having the game focused more on exploration and puzzle solving with maybe a few aspects of combat. I am drawing some influneces from games like Ib and Mad Father.

There are versions of RP Maker 2000 floating around that can help with designing levels etc and if Osso still feels up to it, she can still make head spirits for when characters speak. I think that'll help cut down on the need for total body sprites. This will probably be just as challenging, but I think it'll be worth a shot in the dark.
Ib is worth checking out, both of them really are. While I don't want to ride on the tailcoats of these guys, I think we have enough for a macabre/surreal game with some elements of humor involved as well to make something that can stand on its own without having to be connected to the mythos of the Iwaku universes.
Right now, I am thinking that maybe we should go with about 5 to 7 different "episodes" for the game itself.

I am considering making Puppet Town the major region of the game itself and that Roriko is trying to capture it from the Cat Cult since it was her toy before getting bored with it. The other major place could be Undercouch and Skullcrusher Mountain.

Depending on if the players get all the correct items or puzzles, you can get a bad, good, or true ending.
I do have a rain sound effect.
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