FxF or MxF

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Original poster
So I already am working on an idea for this with someone but I kind of want to try this a few different ways. Maybe two more, I have not decided yet.

So, the basic premise is that the characters are two 'starving artists' or something of the sort who have blown in to either San Francisco, New York, LA, one of the big cities to try and make it. I don't know what kind of relationship it would be at first. They could already be a couple, maybe one of them posts an ad in the paper desperate for a roommate and the other bites because they need a place to stay. Either/or we can discuss this in a PM. :)

So I would like to play a female. I am open to this being FxF or FxM. Maybe even MxM but I'm not very good at MxM to be completely honest.

Thanks for reading. :)
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