Original poster
ok, ladies and gents, and everything in between, this thread is dedicated to a craving i've been trying to get my hands on for few days, but haven't really had much luck. hopefully this will change things.
a few things about myself: i promise i type with capital letters most of the time, i was just trying to stylize my post here... durr. i'm old enough to have the pink star, and i've been roleplaying long enough to at least kind of know what i'm doing. here is a list of samples and SOME profiles (i'm in the process of moving them over, blah). here is my "inspiration" blog, and here is my normal tumblr.
● i'm literally dying for an all OC fandom RP, specifically naruto or the persona series. i want some gritty drama and stories of betrayal and blood everywhere and psychological trauma. i have some half formed plots for these two universes, but i won't bore you guys with them here.
this will more than likely be m// (with one exception in the drug abuse and mental illness plot or the persona plot), and even then i might need convincing, just a heads up to everyone. if you're interested in roleplaying with me, shoot me a pm or post here :D
a few things about myself: i promise i type with capital letters most of the time, i was just trying to stylize my post here... durr. i'm old enough to have the pink star, and i've been roleplaying long enough to at least kind of know what i'm doing. here is a list of samples and SOME profiles (i'm in the process of moving them over, blah). here is my "inspiration" blog, and here is my normal tumblr.
● i would actually kill a child for the chance to do a serial killer x victim plot, or something along those lines. i have these twins i'd like to use (as my main character), that happened to have some murderous tendencies.
● i have two characters that i'd love to use in rp dealing with drug abuse and mental illness. we can go with one theme, or both, it doesn't matter, i just want these characters to suffer.
● i have the worst craving for something involving slenderman or something similarly paranormal, with lots of conspiracies and cameras.
● i've had a very bizarre, very intense desire for a nitty gritty crime related plot for a few days now. i'm talking bar fights, crime families, smokey rooms and tense card games.
● i'm definitely up for trying something involving the gifted / superheroes trope. i'm a little picky in how i'd like this plot, so if you're interested, go ahead and pitch me your ideas and i'll pitch you mine and we'll go from there ;3
● list of appealing keywords and phrases: blood, tears of fear, tears of frustration, choking, sneaking out late, knocking on bedroom windows, more than friends but less than lovers, casual make outs, coughing up blood, violent possessions, not being yourself, running in the rain, shadow people, being alone in the dark, ghosts and spirits, hair pulling, bloody noses, broken bones, kicks to the ribs, hair cutting as a symbol of submission, casual drug use, smokey rooms
this will more than likely be m// (with one exception in the drug abuse and mental illness plot or the persona plot), and even then i might need convincing, just a heads up to everyone. if you're interested in roleplaying with me, shoot me a pm or post here :D
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