It was at a party- it was a little tavern built in Arizona, over an ancient Dwarf Fortress.
About halfway through the party, we were attacked by a Red Dragon screaming "reLOVEUtion" while a swarm of possessed Drop Bears (koalas made of muder) started funneling out of the fortesses through the back of the inn.
The party:
Aberrant-elf introvert, spec-ops elf from Sweeden, half-vampire college student, a gith that was teen councilor, a time-traveller, a changeling that worked at a jewelry shop, a dragon born paladin that was changeling's girlfriend, a teenage lamia that snuck into the party, my character who was the bartender, a half lovecraftian horror from her mother's side (dad hooked up on craigslist, wound up pregnant, etc., etc.), and a sentient anti-aircraft cannon from WW1 that felt it was his duty to enforce the LAW OF GRAVITY.
After finally slaying the dragon and accidentally tossing the bar (and first three stories of the fortress) a few hundred feet, the koala corpses melted together to become a massive, ancient horror from beyond time and space.
It was the best party ever.