Frost Bitten

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Original poster

December 2019

A remote area in Alaska has gone dark, presumably due to the heavy snowstorms through out winter. We have a small window of time to make contact with the people in the area, most importantly the science outpost Sulvard Biological Center or the SBC short. The SBC is a military outpost, but primarily thought to just be a science center that studies the effects of chemical compounds on organic life. When the latest storm hit, a monstrous blizzard that lasted nearly three weeks, has the compound completely silent.
The nearby town of Sulvard is your secondary objective, the people there have also seemingly disappeared. The whole ordeal has a strange smell, and thats why they are sending in a team to check on the scientists at the SBC, as well as the citizens in the area. What ever happened is unknown to use, and completely confidential once we find out what exactly happened.


A small rural town built by the families of the military personal that lived on site at the SBC. Located in the middle of a dense forest, many hunting lodges are hidden among the now frozen river. The city only houses a few notable buildings, such as a single school, police and fire station, library, and grocery store.

A few miles away is the SBC, a fenced off military compound with a small airstrip, multiple barracks and watch towers, and a large singular science building.

Character Sheet
Blood Type:

Gear: (What is on you at all times, from the clothes on your back to what is in your pockets.
Equipment: (What do you keep in your pack? Things that will help you survive the blistering cold nights, and fight off wildlife, and other potential dangers.

Phobias, Ailments, Etc.:

History: Optional
Occupation: (Team Roles: Scientist, Soldier, Engineer, Doctor, etc.) [Survivor: A few lucky people have managed to survive the storm and the dangers that lurk with it. Later on I will grant people the option to play as a survivor in the town.]

Standard Iwaku rules apply
Swearing, Blood and Gore, Alcohol and Drug use, and more is highly possible within this RP
Post once a week, if you can't let me know ASAP. If you break this rule your character CAN die
Each post much be a good, two paragraph length.
Make your character unique, nothing generic
Real picture or realistic drawing only
You can have up to three characters, but must have at least one government role before making a survivor.
I'm accepting six other players for a total of seven, once you're character is accepted you're position is locked in.
Have fun, respect others, and I do have final say

Things To Know:

Only the Strong Survive
In order for this to be a Survival Roleplay, every character has the potential to die. I will warn you if what you post is on the verge of getting your character killed. For example; if you think you're character can take on a dozen infected with a baseball bat, you are mistaken.
The Weather is your enemy
While we will be facing physical threats such as wildlife and infected people, Mother Nature herself is against you. If you're character doesn't stay warm, he/she can lose limbs, get sick, or die. Make sure you wear proper clothing, and keep a fire lit during the cold nights.
Fire is your Friend

The warmth of a fire can not only warm your body, but keep creatures like wolves away. It can sooth your mind, keep you from getting sick, and help prevent infection.
Fire is also an effective weapon against the infected.

Beware Blood
While our characters may not know it, the virus infecting the people in and around the SBC resides in the blood and other bodily fluids. If an infected persons blood enters your body, you have a high chance of being infected. However, if you catch the infection in the early stages you can treat the infection with warmth. Eating warm foods, staying close to a fire, and keeping away from the cold helps fend off the first two stages of infection.
Stage One of Infection: Cold chills throughout body, primary around the place of infection. Fingers and Toes start to go numb.
Stage Two of Infection: Cold chills are replaced by hot flashes throughout the body as the virus spreads. Arms and legs soon go numb as well.
Stage Three of Infection: The hot flashes become a fever, and the infected person suffers short term memory loss. The numbness spreads throughout the rest of the body. Once the body and mind reach stage 3, treatment and it no longer curable by any known means.
Stage Four of Infection: The fever stops, and the infection takes hold of the mind. The short term memory becomes long term, and the infected starts to lose memory of past life, only retaining basic knowledge. They become hostile, and develop an e
xcessive appetite.
Stage Five of Infection: Most of the infects memory is gone. Along with any humanity. Retaining the ability to use tools and weaponry, along with the hostility to hunt down animals and surviving humans. Most infected also retain the ability to speak basic language. The infected recognize other infected and often work together. They also show signs of increased pain tolerance.

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Character Sheets
Blood Type:

185 Lbs

Isiah tends to prefer lightweight equipment so he has fluid movement on the field. His only protection is a lightweight Kevlar chestplate and leg pads. In cold environments, such as this one, he is wearing thermal undergarments,
Equipment: (What do you keep in your pack? Things that will help you survive the blistering cold nights, and fight off wildlife, and other potential dangers.

Phobias, Ailments, Etc.:

History: Optional
Occupation: (Team Roles: Scientist, Soldier, Engineer, Doctor, etc.) [Survivor: A few lucky people have managed to survive the storm and the dangers that lurk with it. Later on I will grant people the option to play as a survivor in the town.]

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Character Sheet
Scientist 2.jpg
Name: Mercury Edmonson (Cury for short)
Age: 32
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Blood Type: A+

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Gear: Thermal undergarments, turtleneck, heavy ski pants, thermal socks and waterproof shin high boots, down parka with fur lined hood, thermal gloves with fingertip electronic inserts to allow use of a tablet, computer or phone without removal of gloves, scarf and thermal cap for under hood of parka. She has extra clothing and gloves, but not extra boots or hats. She also ahd a five inch hunting knife that she wears sheathed at her right side, and a taser that she has in a shoulder harness under her left arm. She has been issued a rifle but is inexperienced in its use, but she is carrying it on her right shoulder.
Equipment: Mobile testing kit (Includes vials, syringe for gathering samples, testing strips, a mini microscope and carrying case that rolls up and closes with velcro straps), Portable medical kit (Includes bandages both regular and gauze, regular pain killers, disinfectant, syringe, scalpel, needle and gut for stitching wounds, and antibiotics what can be injected), small flare gun and five flares(one is in the gun four are in a small box), large box of matches containing 200 that she keeps in a ziploc bag for moisture resistance, LED flashlight with two sets of replacement batteries, a tablet and laptop with a solar powered charging port, solar charger, dehydrated food (carries five packs usually but has fifty in her stowed gear), compass, bedroll and small tent.

Personality: Analytical, logical, but at times indecisive, and can be funny though she tends to be serious minded.
Likes: Winter, hot cocoa, honesty, and dogs
Dislikes: Hot weather, spiders, alcohol, and lying
Strengths: Determination, optimism, resourcefulness, is fairly strong and quick
Weaknesses: Fear of making errors or incorrect conclusions, follower
Phobias, Ailments, Etc.: Has a heart murmur but it does not affect her as a rule, terror of spiders, had knee replacement after a skiing accident that sometimes bothers her if the weather changes quickly.

History: Prefer to play this out as we go if that is ok. Can provide if not.

Occupation: Employed the government for this mission. She is a medical doctor but specializes in research and development of cures and vaccines. She can perform surgery, but has not done so since her internship and residency days.

Name: Elizabeth Conners
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Blood Type: A

Height: 5'9
Weight: 146
Gear: Army Backpack, Hunting Knife, Rations
Long Range Radio, (Experimental Radio?), Intena, Small arm with a small bag full of ammunitions.
Equipment: Survival Kit including a Water filter; Rope; Lighter; Flint and Steel; Blanket.

Personality: Elizabeth is has a serious demeanor as she tries her best to follow protocol. She finds her job to be very important and can have that take priority over the team. She takes pride in what she does and tries her best to enforce her standards onto the group. She is caring though and will help with whatever will complete the mission within the scope of there authority.
Likes: Rainstorms, Spinning at sunset on a beach in Greece, Curling up and snuggling in bed with her husband, chocolate
Dislikes: The cold, missing a plane, people who don't take responsibility for what they do.
Strengths: Knows how to work a radio and is more skilled in technology than others.
Weaknesses: Isn't physically strong
Phobias, Ailments, Etc.: Acrophobia

History: --
Occupation: Communications Officer

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Name: Lucifer Nigma
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Blood Type: AB+

Height: 6'3'
Weight: 89 Kg
Gear: Chest Rig (Holding basic rations, Water, ammunition, Sidearm (Glock 9mm), Handheld radio, combat knife (KA-BAR)), Dog Tags, matches, Anti-Flash sunglasses, Compass, Watch (Analog).

Equipment: Kevlar Combat Helmet (Night Vision and Thermal Optics Inbuilt), AR-15 Rifle (With foregrip, Adjustable scope (2x-4x) and hair trigger), Mossberg 500 Tactical Pump Shotgun,Extra set of Thermal Clothing, 1 man collapsable tent, Flare Gun (With various coloured flares, 50ft rope, Lighter, Water Purification Tablets, Trauma Medical Kit, C2 plastic explosives, C4 Plastic Explosives, Self heating thermal packs.

Personality: Always watchful for anything hostile, even going into paranoia at times, often useing Gallows humour when under stress. He is mindful of any tactical advantage, generally processing combat information quickly and making correct decisions. He puts his work first, often closing his emotion off from any task at hand others may find morally wrong, making him seem cold and heartless to others.

Likes: Hunting, His family, Working, Exercising, Quiet.

Dislikes: People who are condescending, trouble makers, threats to his friends and family, problems that involve little action to solve.

  • Physically and Mentally strong and durable.
  • Able to analyse situations quickly and plan accordingly.
  • Can compartmentalise emotion and focus on task at hand with little to no conscience or morality about his work.


  • Impatient.
  • Prefers to shoot first ask questions later.
  • Hates have his decisions questioned by anyone, including his superiors if they are civilian rather than military.
Phobias, Ailments, Etc.: Oneirophobia (Has nightmares)

Occupation: Soldier / Tracker
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Name: Micheal Josiah Evans
Age: 24
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Blood Type: A-

Height: 5 foot 11 inches
Weight: 163 pounds
Gear: Heavy Winter Parka, Ski mask, Sun Reflective Googles, Compact Thermal Finger gloves, Compact heavy duty winter pants, Thermal Kevlar lined boots, Detachable ice traction spikes (to be applied to boots), Lighter, Large Military Grade Backpack, Dog Tags, Level 2 Pistol Holster.
(What is on you at all times, from the clothes on your back to what is in your pockets.
Equipment: White Flares, Hard Case full of matches, Reusable Thermal Packets, Animal Repellant.
Field Ready First Aid Kit Large Set, Field Surgical Set
Beretta M9A1 Semi Auto Pistol- No attachments
Colt M4A1- Iron Sights, Stick Foregrip, Red Laser/Tac-Light combo side mount
KA-BAR Combat Knife
60 9x19mm rounds (3 full reloads, one magazine already in)
120 5.56x45mm rounds (3 reloads one magazine already in)

He's a joker who doesn't take things too seriously. Whenever someone calls him an 'Asshole', he reacts by smiling and saying "I know." He likes to brag about how the ladies love him, but he's really shy around girls. He tends to curse a lot and use vulgar sign language. He can be a jerk at times, but at heart, he's a really nice guy. He is honest and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind. He's always willing to help others and won't let anyone die. He hates ungrateful people and he appreciates what he has
Coffee, Italian Cusine, Firm Pillows, and watching old war movies
Cold tea, Germanic food, people who press their P's and S's
- Extensive medical knowledge, quick evaluation skills, Keeps calm easily in stressful situations
- Not very charismatic, Can get into fights easily with people who don't know him well,
Phobias, Ailments, Etc.:
The only true phobia he has is Taphophobia or being buried alive. Otherwise nothing wrong with his body.

History: Optional
Occupation: Team: Doctor
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Sergeant First Class Reid


full name: Archibald Nicholas Reid
nickname(s): Archie, Nicky, Nicholas, Sarge
age: Feb. 29th (Pisces) and thirty-two
gender: Male
sexuality: Heterosexual
ethnicity: American
blood type: O neg.

eye color: Hazel
hair: Fiery red, kept short and usually pushed back out of his face.
height: 6'0" (183cm)
weight: 180lbs. (81kg)
birthplace: Van Nuys, California
faceclaim: KJ Apa

gear: Thermal underwear, black ski pants, wool socks, tactical combat boots, an improved outer tactical vest (IOTV) on the outside of his fuzzy hoodie which is beneath a large camouflage winter coat, and a black ski mask with matching gloves that still allow mobility and the use of weapons. He has a pair of extra underwear, extra gloves, one pair of winter boots, long-sleeve shirts, a SWISS Army Knife (features nail-file, scissors, and blade) in his cargo pocket, his dog-tags beneath his shirt, an M9 strapped to his right hip, and his M21 sniper rifle slung over his back.

  • Radio communications kit – Includes 1 handheld radio, 1 extra antennae, 1 4pack of batteries, 1 portable transceiver, and 1 carrying case.
  • Personal IFAK kit strapped to his IOTV – Includes 1 CAT tourniquet, 1 emergency trauma dressing, 1 roll of gauze, 1 combat gauze pack, 2 nasopharyngeal tubes, 2 petroleum gauze packs, 1 occlusive dressing, 2 pairs of nitrile gloves, 1 polycarbonate eye shield, 1 2in. roll of tape.
  • 3 clips (1 already inserted) of M21 ammo and 2 clips (1 already inserted) of M9 ammo strapped to his IOTV.
  • Survival kit – Includes 1 100pack of water-proof matches, 1 flint and steel set, 1 compass with watch set, 1 thermal blanket, 1 roll of wire, 1 25pack of chlorine water purification tablets, 1 large sterile bag with zipper seal, 1 lithium-power white flashlight, 1 pad of paper with pencil.
Everything is secured in a medium sized Army-issued black assault pack.

personality: Lawful Good, "The Crusader"
A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished.

Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

Lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.

Protagonist - ENFJ
Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community. Protagonists are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk, and nothing makes them happier than leading the charge, uniting and motivating their team with infectious enthusiasm.

Archibald radiates authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when he feels something needs to be said. He finds it natural and easy to communicate with others, especially in person, and his intuition helps him reach every mind, be it through facts and logic or raw emotion. He can easily see people's motivations and seemingly disconnected events, and is able to bring these ideas together and communicate them as a common goal with an eloquence that is nothing short of mesmerizing.

The interest Archibald has in others is genuine, almost to a fault – when he believes in someone, he can become too involved in the other person's problems, place too much trust in them. Luckily, this trust tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Archibald's altruism and authenticity inspire those he cares about to become better themselves. But if he isn't careful, he can overextend his optimism, sometimes pushing others further than they're ready or willing to go.

Archibald is vulnerable to another snare as well: he has a tremendous capacity for reflecting on and analyzing his own feelings, but if he gets too caught up in another person's plight, he can develop a sort of emotional hypochondria, seeing other people's problems in himself, trying to fix something in himself that isn't wrong. If he gets to a point where he is held back by limitations someone else is experiencing, it can hinder Archie's ability to see past the dilemma and be of any help at all. When this happens, it's important for Archie to pull back and use that self-reflection to distinguish between what he really feels, and what is a separate issue that needs to be looked at from another perspective.

He is a passionate altruist, sometimes even to a fault, and he is unlikely to be afraid to take the slings and arrows while standing up for the people and ideas he believes in. Archibald wants to lead the way to a brighter future, whether it's by leading a nation to prosperity, or leading his unit to a hard-fought victory.

likes: Working-out, hiking, swimming, cardio, hand-to-hand combat, being a leader, being looked up to, his job, the Army.
dislikes: His enemies, dark chocolate, destroying friendships, letting down his unit, letting down himself.


  • Tolerant – Archibald is a true team player, and he recognizes that that means listening to other peoples' opinions, even when they contradict his own. He admits that he doesn't have all the answers, and is often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive.
  • Reliable – The one thing that galls Archibald the most is the idea of letting down a person or cause he believes in. If it's possible, he can always be counted on to see it through.
  • Charismatic – Charm and popularity are qualities Archibald has in spades. He instinctively knows how to capture an audience, and pick up on mood and motivation in ways that allows him to communicate with reason, emotion, passion, restraint – whatever the situation calls for. A talented imitator, Archie is able to shift his tone and manner to reflect the needs of the audience, while still maintaining his own voice.
  • Altruistic – Uniting these qualities is Archie's unyielding desire to do good in and for his comunity, be it in his own home or the battlefield. Warm and selfless, Archibald genuinely believes that if he can just bring people together, he can do a world of good.
  • Natural Leaders – More than seeking authority themselves, Archie often ends up in leadership roles at the request of others, cheered on by the many admirers of his strong personality and positive vision.
  • Overly Idealistic – Archie can be caught off guard as he finds that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against him and defy the principles he's adopted, however well-intentioned they may be. He is more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and has earned a reputation of naïveté.
  • Too Selfless – Archie buries himself in his hopeful promises, feeling others' problems as his own and striving hard to meet their word. If he isn't careful, he can spread himself too thin, and be left unable to help anyone.
  • Too Sensitive – While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it's easy for Archibald to take it a little too much to heart. His sensitivity to others means that he sometimes feel problems that aren't his own and try to fix things he can't fix, worrying if he is doing enough.
  • Fluctuating Self-Esteem – Archibald defines his self-esteem by whether he is able to live up to his ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what he could do better. If he fails to meet a goal or to help someone he said he'd help, his self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.
  • Struggle to Make Tough Decisions – If caught between a rock and a hard place, Archie can be stricken with paralysis, imagining all the consequences of his actions, especially if those consequences are humanitarian. When it comes to taking lives however, Archibald seems to dissociate from himself when it comes to making that decision in order to quickly get the job done.
phobias, ailments, etc.: PTSD in the form of brief flashbacks associated with certain smells and noises. Mostly under-control since he hasn't been on a battlefield in four years.
history: TBA.

occupation(s): Soldier
Army - Infantry (11B)
The infantry is the main land combat force and backbone of the Army. They are responsible for defending our country against any threat by land, as well as capturing, destroying and repelling enemy ground forces.

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