Friend/Partner/Creator Wanted!

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'Ello there, kind warrior of words! I dare say, you look extraordinary today. Enough flattery though, we have points to get to! Whatever those points are, maybe a tack's tip... HGGGGGGNNNNFFFFFFFFF- I am currently looking for a partner. Not just a partner, but THE partner! Or, ya know, a casual friend.

What I really want is a person whom can help me craft marvelous world through the process of worldbuilding. Not only that, but I have nifty ideas to test out! Such as the Grim Reaper's change of heart, where he wishes to become an angel in the highest of divine cities, but his Dreadhearst origins restrict him from becoming such a thing. Will he be able to gain entry and gain wings and a halo, smiting things forty times his size with a broadsword or angelic scythe?

Don't know. But, that was just a display of idea! I have so many more. But really, I just want someone I can casually create hardcore worlds with. A good thing to note is I have good ability in creating a race. So, yeah, that's something. :3 I typically deal with the fantastical things, D&D or something like a mix of KOA:Reckoning and Dark Souls. Which are video games, if you don't know...

Sorry if I'm rambling on, though. It's like, a few minutes after twelve in the morning here. Anyways, 'ave a good day m8's, speak wit' ye in a lil'.

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You had me at the flattery and worldbuilding.
I must say, it's not often I see the words "casual" and "hardcore" in the same sentence~

Anyhow, I'm also a big fan of fantasy, though High Fantasy has always been my favorite. I'll admit that I haven't been in many one-on-one roleplays, but worldbuilding and race creation is right up my alley! And we get a casual new friend who likes building worlds, what's not to love? While I was never a big fan of Dark Souls, I have indeed played both Dark Souls and Kingdoms of Amalur. I am also running a D&D 5e campaign, so I feel like I may understand a smidgen of what you have in store for whoever answers your call.

And, hey, we both seem to have written this at our own respective midnights. How fun~
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I would be interested in doing this since I have experience with D&D and games like dark souls.
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Well, hello there! Friends are always a good thing to have, and it just so happens that I am also looking for a super amazing, long term, roleplay partner! But, I'd settle for a casual friend as well~

I would absolutely love to help you create a world and world build with you! Creating worlds, or simply immersing my characters in someone else's world is such a treat. I'd be more than willing to help you explore the idea you had with the Grim Reaper! I was actually trying to write a book last year, I didn't get very far, but I had a character that was the personification of Death (or simply the Grim Reaper) and he also had a change of heart. It wasn't the same plot or idea, but reading your idea got me excited!! I also love anything fantasy, so you got me hooked.
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