Freedom of speech?

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The First Amendment is likely the most hidden behind segment of the American constitution, court cases deal with issues involving the exact, minute detail to wording encompassed in the amendment, as well as daily interpretation for situations that were not present at the writing of the document.

In the last week alone, I've heard of two controversial examples of high-powered court cases where the main citation is the first amendment. The first, a case of a book (and possibly other works by the author) being removed from sale by Amazon (which was, in conclusion, won by the people protesting this book). The second, a case of two girls refusing to remove what is, by their lawyers, deemed "admittedly irreverent", bracelets that nevertheless support a good cause, in their school

So, what is too much? What do you think the First Amendment should draw the line at protecting? What are your opinions of these cases?
I don't think there is a line and what you say is up to personal responsibility, something you see less and less of these days. So yes, say what you want, but keep it reasonable. As for the bracelets.... We never had this problem, uniforms and all. If you did you could pick it up at the principal's office after school. It wasn't as big an issue as non-uniformed countries seem to make it out to be since the focus of school was studying instead of showing off you new shirt. Leveled the playing field and less bullying and teasing based on what you wear.

Fundamentally I believe in free speech and that people should be allowed to say what they want so long as its not too petty.
I swear the shit people do with the document I am sworn to support and defend
In case number one, amazon is partly to blame for supplying the material, but what about the genius who wrote it? does this guy really think that freedom of speech is an excuse for him to write that? Friends of mine have died so he can pull this crap?

In contrast, perhaps the wristband was in bad taste given that it was in a middle school environment, but to ban a Breast Cancer awareness wristband because it was deemed "Inappropreate?" and right before they held their Cancer awareness event? Both sides should have just stopped to think a moment before they acted, would have saved a lot of stress on both sides.
Free Speech sucks. Thank God we've stamped it out on Iwaku.
I believe in FLEXIBILITY OF SPEECH not Freedom of Speech! >:D

Far too many people hear "Freedom of Speech" and use it as an excuse to be rude, abusive, aggressive, inappropriate and offensive. The purpose behind that law wasn't so people could say ANYthing they want to without repercussions. It was so people could share their opinions about important issues and the government without fear of being persecuted for it.

That doesn't mean people can stomp around saying any darn thing they please and acting like an asshole. >>; We have manners, etiquette, laws, etc, for good reason.

In that first case with the book, I'm on the fence about it. Cause I can see where it COULD be an satirical representation of pedophilia for the purpose of teaching. >< At the same time it's creepy... If I was the publisher, I prolly wouldn't have printed the book unless there was a warning or notice that it wasn't a -real- guide... >>;

And obviously "I <3 Boobies" isn't appropriate for a SCHOOL environment even if the message is good. The girls could have found a better way to share their message and shared their boobie bracelets for a less 'professional' place. School/Work aren't the right sort of places for that. .__.;
I believe in FLEXIBILITY OF SPEECH not Freedom of Speech! >:D
And obviously "I <3 Boobies" isn't appropriate for a SCHOOL environment even if the message is good. The girls could have found a better way to share their message and shared their boobie bracelets for a less 'professional' place. School/Work aren't the right sort of places for that. .__.;

I agree with this, honestly... I'm part of the movement called the "Feel Your Boobies" foundation; I even have a giant sticker I'm trying to find a place for. Yet, I don't wear the accessories around in places they're uncalled for. It does not make you look cool. xD

On days where it is called for though--like if it's Breast Cancer Awareness month--I'm cool with it. I know people are already 'aware' of it, but does it hurt to SHOW your support? It's a serious disease that still needs a cure or at least more solutions. I was always glad to give that extra dollar back when I'd go to Safeway for lunch or something with I lived in Oly. (They gave you a candy bar for EACH dollar, too. 8D)

This reminds me of Day of Silence. It's a day in April where people go silent in respect to the youth that have died because they were homosexual, bisexual or trans. While this is understandable, students shouldn't quiet themselves at school or at work... That could ruin your grades are make you lose your job. It's sad that your expression in a belief will do that to you, but that's just how it is. ;_;

Wearing the wrist bands to represent your movement against war or to protect the Earth? Of course, wear those proudly... There are consistent problems involving war and pollution. And those wrist bands don't shout out something vulgar.

All in all, I see the line should be drawn when it comes to people and their professional environments, unless the staff of these places are willing to support it... I doubt they wanna take your speech away, they just want to keep looking good! (Unless you have poor job conditions. At that point, have a freaking riot and express yourself as much as you'd like until your needs are met!) We live in a world where we're guided under a command system, we have to obey if we want our education or our paycheck. Yes, it's ridiculous, but life. People don't stay true to what the amendments say anyway, so we gotta be careful. The most abused is The Right to Bear Arms, but that's a different topic. ;D
I agree with Diana. It doesn't have to be one extreme or another, just use common sense.
This reminds me of Day of Silence. It's a day in April where people go silent in respect to the youth that have died because they were homosexual, bisexual or trans. While this is understandable, students shouldn't quiet themselves at school or at work... That could ruin your grades are make you lose your job. It's sad that your expression in a belief will do that to you, but that's just how it is. ;_;

I love participating that day and in my city it's actually a really huge movement, we have a breaking the silence rally at the capitol just after school lets out so kids who go to work don't feel like they're breaking their oath of silence for the day. And my school is very understanding and won't hinder people participating and most of us just had mini-whiteboards that we'd write on to answer questions throughout the day.

As far as freedom of speech, I agree with Diana, etiquette and rules take a good place in society, and people that use "freedom of speech" just to be asshats are stupid D:<
I just wish people had some common sense, which is alas uncommon. by that I mean that people should stay aware of what the public reaction to what they have to say is and strive to balance the importance of what they want to say is to the public with how outrageous it will be.

in regards to the bracelets I think the school had no right to out right ban them and doing so on a day in which wearing such things is encouraged by the community was stupid. like wise it is my OP that the girls had every right to challenge the schools call on the bracelets buy should of found a way that didn't involve refusing to take them off.
bottom line, if you try to hide behind the all inclusive shield of free speech make sure that your actions are more than common stupidity.