Forsaken Heroes (Kaisaan & Catalyst)

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"No, we don't." was the simple, factual response and yet there was no fear in the tone of her voice, no nervousness. She felt none. Ember knew she had little to fear, knew she could have sat on the tallest scrap of metal on this highway and shot fireworks in the sky to attract a hundred morpher ships and it wouldn't have mattered. They wouldn't touch her. She'd not told anyone, had never breathed a word of it, but she'd TRIED to make them shoot her, to make them take notice, to make them chase or capture no avail. They passed over as if they couldn't even see her, held no interest in her and oftentimes, even in a group, they'd pass over when she knew they'd spotted them. Because she was there. It was unnerving, and she kept it to herself, having no desire to be seen with any more suspicion that she already was by the majority of the Division. If the others knew that she was 'immune' to the Etz'os....they'd burn her as a witch - well, not burn but they'd definitely put a bullet through her head and ask for forgiveness later if it turned out she wasn't a spy.

No, Ember kept wisely silent about that and many things the others did not know, things she took great pains to make sure they didn't know. That she could tame a Torsir and sense the Etz'os was strange enough for anyone to wrap their mind around in light of the threat they faced with their enemy. She would not ask them to try and extend their understanding further lest she find herself at the mercy of a scared mob.

Amber eyes reflected little of their thoughts, calm and questioning when they met the hypnotic gold ones of Tohq - and they really were mesmerizing. She wasn't sure why, but Nia knew without a shadow of a doubt that if allowed she would have gazed into them for hours with all the attentiveness of a cat watching light play upon a wall. They drew her and she feared to fall in, only allowing herself glances at a time to the male before looking away again.

"Just what did you have in mind?"

What kind of alien tricks did he have up his sleeve?

Peeking over the roof of the car she crouched behind, Ember raised a brow, glancing back to the brunette. "Whatever it is, I would recommend swiftness in applying." The ship was within feet of them now, perhaps sensing heat, maybe their technology giving them away, whatever the case, it had decided this section of highway was far more interesting than the direction it had been going and it would only be a matter of time before discovery was upon them.

Ember wasn't entirely sure the Etz'os would be able to resist the opportunity to capture a Tih'ahl - her presence be near him or not.
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Tohq smirked. So they could only go so far without having to hide from the scanners? Well, fortunately for the humans, the Tih'ahl were all but used to these periodic checkpoints, if you will, and had been advancing a device that would more or less shape their heat signals (the heat in their bodies, and the heat radiating off of them) into what the other part of the device was touching.

Tohq was sure Luthran was busy explaining away in a hushed voice, but why explain when you could just show?

Without another word, the brunette dug out three small metal orbs with a blue light in the center. It was safe to say that these lights were the source of power. The orbs were connected by an elastic rope, and it showed that they were magnetic as Tohq pressed one to the side of the rundown car he and Ember hid behind. Unknowing of her secret ability, he pressed the second orb into the palm of her hand, the last into his own, and then held her free hand with his own free hand. This last part wasn't exactly necessary, but it was a fact that it aided the effectiveness of the orbs, but only with a maximum of three people. It helped... solidify the shape they tried to take on. It was the best camouflage they had against the scanners.

As long as no Etz'os actually came down to the highway, all would be fine.

"Don't. Move." He looked Ember in the eye. He didn't believe she would move, but eye contact usually helped stillness in both parties. And it was in this time that he could truly see the uniqueness of the amber gleaming there. None of the others back at camp didn't have the eyes that she did. Was this just rare genetics, or something else?
The sudden contact of his hand against hers saw Ember almost trying to jerk back, tension radiating from her body and it was only Tohq's words that kept her from truly snatching her fingers from his own. She didn't like the contact, though, not without warning, not without explanation of reason and certainly not with someone she didn't know....but she held still, eerily so with his two words...and then her eyes met the gold ones that burned into her amber.

Had she not just cautioned herself against looking at them too long? Had she just not warned herself about falling into them? And here was fate, telling her she didn't have a choice, mocking her efforts with all the glee of a spoiled child so used to and determined to getting its own way. The world disappeared in that moment, everything fading away to nothing. The mission, her team, the ship approaching, it all fell as unimportant in the wake of the feeling that came over her now as her gaze refused to break with Tohq's.

She was falling into that gold, caressed by burning tongues of flame that made her own amber glow with light, and Nia knew she'd forgotten how to breathe, just as she knew it didn't matter. Galaxies flashed through her mind, worlds never seen, places never been, people never encountered and she knew it was not her own experience she saw....but his. It was a blur, hardly making sense to her, but she saw it....and then it was gone and there was nothing but gold, but the heat that blazed so strongly and Mesenia's entire body released the tension it held, relaxing entirely into the safety of the haven she'd found. Her mind latched on to it and in her left amber eye, within the black of the pupil itself, there developed a gold spot of color, of light, swirling like a sun.

A sound escaped Ember then, reflective of nothing less than trusting contentment; a purr.

It was a noise only broken by the sound of the Etz'os' ship gaining power before it took back off further into the sky. The small blast jerked the young woman from her state, creating a jolt within her body as her eyes snapped from Tohq's, breaking the connection and her hand jerked out of his own. She stepped back swiftly, turning away just as quickly as her breath came back to her in a desperate intake of air. Her hand rose then to the wetness upon her cheeks in bewilderment.

Tears. Why? Why did she cry? Why.....what the hell had that been!?

Swift hand scrubbed the dampness from skin and Nia took a long, steadying breath she did not feel, but refused to acknowledge as she made herself turn back to the alien. Questions could wait. They had a mission and she would focus on that. She could not help that she wouldn't meet his eyes, though, not directly. "Good trick. We should get moving, though."

Amber eyes risked the quickest of glances into gold before she turned away again....never knowing that within her left eye there still burned a bright, incriminating spot of gold.
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That had been a mistake on Tohq's part. He knew better than to touch someone without permission or even a warning, especially people who are a bit stand-offish, but there hadn't been a lot of time. There hadn't been any time, really. But as soon as he felt the tension in Ember's body. He would have to apologize later on. After all of this was finished.

Their eyes met. Tohq wasn't sure if he felt that same pull from Ember as she did from him, but the way she looked at him.. or rather, into his eyes, that was pulling in and of itself. He didn't know what she was seeing. He didn't know that she could see things she had never seen before. But before he could feel anything similar, see anything similar in her own brightening amber eyes, he saw that one was actually... glowing. Not her whole eye - just inside the pupil. Like a whole other sun inside.

The male brunette didn't believe that it there was actual light there. But it didn't go away, it didn't fade, it simply... stayed. Grew, even, if only a little. And then she was... purring. The only sound to break the heavy silence in the atmosphere. It was quiet, but Tohq heard it and it made him blink, and then smile slightly.

However, it didn't last for long. The Etz'os ship blasted off, satisfied with no obvious breach in their territory, and Ember pulled away immediately after the loud noise cracked the sky. Tohq clenched and unclenched his hands before slowly standing, looking at the woman who no longer faced him. He waited for her to regain some composure and for her to turn back around before he spoke again.

Actually, he didn't. He refrained from speaking at all. It didn't feel like Ember wanted to be given that certain kind of attention, so he didn't ask if she was okay. Instead, he simply followed in her footsteps and gave her some space. It was better to do that than risk making the situation worse and not being able to work together at all.
The silence lingered between them and Ember couldn't help but hope it meant he'd not felt anything, had not noticed what had happened - though, what HAD happened was as much a mystery to her as anyone else; it had never happened before - but she wasn't so foolish as to truly believe that was possible. Tohq was not one for words from what she'd seen. She'd barely heard more than two sentences from the male, all of them for practical reasons too, but even that could not hide the intelligence he carried with him like an aura. He wasn't stupid, nor was he blind, not with a gaze as sharp as his, taking in everything though she assumed most were not to know of that about the alien. Ember was not stupid, either

He knew something had happened, even if he didn't know what, but he remained silent. That was in choice, perhaps in respect of her - or uncertainty to how she'd react if the subject was brought up - and such was something that the woman could be grateful for. It put the male in a slightly better light in her eyes and with Nia that was hard to do.

Tohq did not speak, so neither did she as they kept along the highway until finally the forest came into view in the darkness of the fog. The trees were surprisingly still intact. Oh, some of the forest had burned, been blown up in the war and it wasn't nearly as big as it had been, nor filled with wildlife, but it was still a forest and in a world of devastation and crumbling metal, brick and glass, the nature was a welcome matter how warped it now was. It was clear that once under the cover of the trees, Ember felt more at home. She relaxed once more for the first time since what had happened with Tohq and such reprieve was only disturbed by the arrival of the others of the team - Nick, Nug and Luthran coming first. Thomas and Candice followed close behind and all remained silent even as they gathered, Nick taking charge as he had them move out through the trees. Somehow, as if the entire group had agreed upon it somehow, Ember found herself back with Tohq and Luthran as they all filed out through the forest. Between both of them, she glanced to either side and nearly rolled herself, resisting a sarcastic, suggestive comment and instead explaining in the barest whisper why it was no one had yet to speak.

"The dragons, Torsir, inhabit these trees. There are times we can slip through without attracting them, but only if we are very careful."


The reprimand came from Nick, his dark eyes glaring at the young woman and Nia's amber eyes went to slits in aggression right back, but she said nothing more, only continuing to move. The entire group halted, though, at the suddenly sound of skittering through the trees, the same kind of sounds Asirin's claws made when he climbed. It was no doubt a familiar sound to the two Tih'ahl as well.

They'd been seen.
Very small doubts in the back of his head had nagged - more like scolded - Tohq for not saying anything, mostly for not asking if Ember was alright. He could be cold, aloof, distant; he was very often reminded of these traits and while he mostly didn't care about criticism on himself and he accepted the way he was, he did try to work on his sensitivity at times. He could be cold, aloof, distant, yes. But he wasn't a complete jerk and he didn't want to (completely) have that impression on people.

However, even with those scolding doubts, it didn't seem like Ember got even more upset at the silence. She didn't give off any more threatening or angry vibes, so Tohq believed he was in the clear.

As the came to the forest, the Tih'ahl stared upwards as he followed the towering height of the trees. The forest was certainly desolate, more-so than the empty cities, but... there was an eery feeling to the thick fog that blanketed everything. There was no other living creature in sight, but it felt like there was something that loomed beyond.

The group gathered only to disperse once more, though this time they remained closer to one another. The first clue Tohq had about the place not being completely void of life, other than the feeling in his gut, was the fact that nobody was talking. Even Luthran had picked up on it, and it was often difficult for him to not greet his companions when meeting again.

Ember was the first to speak. She explained that the Torsir had actually inhabited the forest. Wonderful, was it not?

And that's where the fun began. An all two familiar sound resulted in the aliens' heads shooting up towards the trees, eyes narrowed and focused, watching. However, the orders were unclear, and since neither of the two were the leaders of the group... Luthran looked to Nick as Tohq kept watch, weapon ready.

"So... do we run, or do we fight?" asked Luthran. First instinct was to fight - it was always to fight, at least when it came to those little beasts. He then glanced to Ember. "I don't suppose your little Torsir friend could put in a good word for us?" he joked.
"They don't have a democracy, Luthran. They have a pack and Asirin is not an Alpha." Ember's reply was quick and snapped - and how she knew such information with surety was unknown - her attention not truly on the alien, but rather her surroundings. Her amber eyes had dilated severely and rapidly, and her body had taken up the position of a slight crouch, giving her the appearance of a trapped animal ready to flee or fight at the slightest provocation. It was the stress running through her that made her voice so harsh and brought the barest hint of a growl to flare in her chest when Nick spoke, clearly displeased by her speaking when he was the one in charge.

Ember, but for the growl to show she did hear the words, appeared to ignore the Hispanic completely, her eyes fixed on her surroundings as the sound of approaching Torsir got closer.

"Her pet can't help us. We'll run and if we're forced to fight, then we will engage." Combat was not their mission. Remaining covert was and Nick wouldn't risk being exposed before they could even get close to the Red Zone. He was already moving again, setting a fast, but cautious pace and Thomas looked up the trees again, worried, but followed. It was clear he was not happy with the choice, though. He'd seen Ember's creature move about enough times to know that all it would take was one well-aimed pounce for jaws to be clamping into the back of his neck. The thought wasn't appealing. It was clearly downright contradictory to her very nature to run for Ember it seemed as she struggled to move and it was only Thomas moving back and grabbing her arm, sending her into a brief stumble, that got her limbs to work. She kept looking around, however, sharp eyes never still and as a hissing screech was finally picked up within the trees, her pace sped up with the kickstart adrenaline burst of a pursued animal about to be trapped.

"Everyone stay together! If they catch you alone, you're dead -- Ember!"

The small woman had broken ranks already, running ahead, but there was little purpose to her mad dash except blind escape. She didn't see the golden blur that leaped from the trees, but she felt the jaws that clamped onto her shoulders, narrowly missing her neck even as the momentum of the Torsir sent her flying into the forest floor with a cry of pain. It didn't stay that way, turning swiftly to aggressive anger as her hands found the wings of the golden animal and viciously started to tear the membrane. The Torsir released her shoulder with a shriek of agony and Nia screamed back, tearing it from her back.

Chaos broke out then as at least two dozen Torsir emerged from the trees, most no bigger than Asirin, and the group was forced to engage.
Dark brows rose at the snap Luthran had received in response to an attempt at making the atmosphere a little lighter. He looked to Tohq and caught eyes with him, making a "whoa" face before quickly returning back to the danger at hand. Tohq simply gave a crooked smile and a small roll of warm golden eyes as he lifted his sword from its sheath. He could run and carry the weapon at the same time, since he very much doubted that they would be able to evade the Torsir no matter how fast or sly they ran. He needed his weapon ready.

It was a nest, and there was no going back once being found. Torsir were not known for being stupid creatures. If there hadn't been so many, of course, that was a different story. But both of the male outsiders were thankful that there was no older, larger Torsir. Now that.... that was a whole different fight.

A fight with a larger Torsir could be exciting, honestly. Except that they needed to stay out of the Etz'os radar and being chased by their devil spawns was not exactly the way to do so.

It happened quickly then, Ember being attacked by one in dandelion color. From behind it appeared that the damned beast had bitten down right onto her neck and suddenly Tohq felt a little enraged. It was probably just that his ally had gotten harmed, but there might have been an underlying feeling there - of what, no one could really say. It took little time after the creature had released itself from Ember's neck that Tohq sheathed his sword, took his bow and arrow, and shot the Torsir down for good.

And then, like a wildfire jumping the road, the brunette was at the woman's side in an instant. Just a couple of seconds surveying her found that her neck had been luckily spared, but her shoulder use was now probably quite limited. Seeing it as it was caused him to feel a bit of relief.

It wasn't for long though, as Tohq was forced to begin fighting the rest that had surrounded them. Luthran stayed between the two groups, as Nug had followed suit after Tohq. Luthran sort of acted as the balancing, protector line since he had much more experience than Nick and the rest of the humans. It was probably one of the smartest moves the humans could have made: bringing along a couple of Tih'ahl. However, they still had a long way to go...
Why she registered Tohq's presence so strongly, Ember could not say, but she did. In that moment between pain and fear, primal instinct awoke and everything was heightened in a way she'd not felt in a while....even as she couldn't clearly remember when the last time was, only knowing that it had happened. Sounds, movement, everything came into such sharp focus and despite the danger, amber eyes locked on the male beside her. Somehow his smell hit her first and Nia drew it in even as his warmth, an inner fire she could not give name to washed over her next. The urge to press into his side then and purr like a damn she-cat in heat was so swift, so sudden that it managed to snap her out of her trance and Nia flushed red.....even as her focus was gratefully drawn elsewhere.

Like to the battle raging around them.

All thoughts that had been with her before vanished as the pain in her shoulder registered again for a flickering moment before that too was shoved aside in favor of the situation at hand. That same instinct that had caused her such notice of Tohq now served a different purpose as she honed in on the Torsir seeking to take their lives. The first hissing creature that flung itself toward her was met with a snarl just as savage and a blade to the belly. It shrieked its dying agony as Nia ripped the knife from its body and flung the creature away, intent on the next threat.

She moved like an animal, with the same intensity and deadliness as the Torsir themselves, and even in the midst of fighting, it was noted. Thomas had never seen his friend like this. In fact, as he caught glimpses of her - crouched over another Torsir, baring her teeth at still more approaching ones - the man could readily admit that she didn't even look human and certainly not like the Ember he knew....or thought he'd known?

Such things could not be dwelled on now, though. That was made rather clear when he felt claws slash over his leg, forcing a string of curses from his lips even as he turned and shot the creature attempting to hobble him. The alien guns were working rather well, both effective, quick and silent, Thomas knew he'd get rather fond of them quickly.

He only wished they had less reason to use them right now.

The Torsir were thinning, but the damn creatures kept climbing the trees and disappearing from sight only to reappear moments later in another location entirely, making them near-impossible to hit. The group had formed a somewhat back-to-back circle to prevent attacks from behind, but even that was not fool-proof when their enemy could strike from above and many were already bleeding from claws and fangs finding flesh. Ember was still the worst-off, though Thomas had to wonder if she knew that. She didn't seem to, not when he glanced over to see her lithe form tangled with a green Torsir, one of the bigger ones, her hand keeping its razor teeth away from her throat while the other slit its stomach from hind legs to forefront.

It baffled his mind why she didn't use the gun holstered at her hip.
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While the Torsir knew underneath their seething rage that Tohq and Luthran were different than the others, for now they didn't target the two men. All they were right then were part of the enemy group, and nothing discriminated against enemies. Even so, Tohq was kept busy as were the rest of everybody. He only used his bow and arrow two more times after he had taken down the creature that attacked Ember's shoulder, and then he quickly switched to his sword.

Torsir of all colors attacked, but even so Tohq had to take a quick look around to see how the others were doing. They were slowly going in a close circle formation, which was fine but it did sort of give them a disadvantage. Still, it was better to know where everybody was rather than not knowing if one was out in the wilds somewhere on their own.

Looking back to his front, a quick dash appeared in the corner of his eye and he instantly raised his arm above his face just as one of the little beasts jumped to attack that big head. It bit down onto his forearm and with a growl, Tohq hit it on the head with the pommel of his sword, forcing it to let go and fall only to be struck with the actual blade.

"Keep it together, ladies and gentleman! We are almost through!" Luthran's voice cut above all the metal clangs and cries and growls as they continued to fight. The two aliens were intent on staying in the area until all Torsir were dead and they could safely continue on their mission. Only if they were ordered to flee would their intent change.
Luthran's words seemed to encourage, to boost those tiring and with some renewed vigor they fought anew until finally the Torsir seemed to realize their prey was not going to fall, their numbers thinning and their wounds stinging. With much hissing and screeching, they finally retreated, running back into the forest, into the trees, a few falling to shots from the group to drive them along faster. The seven were left in relative quiet then, dead bodies of the Torsir around them....well, all but one. The red streak that headed straight for Ember was not met with a blade like the others had been, but calm by the woman.

It was only Nick raising his gun to the creature that elicited response.

The dagger in her hand left it not a second later and the Hispanic gave a explosive curse as the blade nicked his neck, leaving a streak of blood in its wake before it embedded itself into the tree behind him with a solid thunk. A soft, but somehow chill-worthy growl left Nia's throat even as Asirin twined his tail around her neck and perched himself on her uninjured shoulder, a hiss leaving his mouth. Nick gave another curse, but lowered the gun, glaring murder at the woman who only watched him silently, the feralness in her amber eyes disconcerting.


Thomas said her name almost cautiously and his voice made her look over...and then blink...and blink again before recognition seemed to ignite and just as quickly as it had come, the animalism that had taken over faded and she took a breath and then appeared to register the pain that was radiating from her neck, down her shoulder and into her back and arm. The blood soaking her registered and for a moment a look of panic overtook her features before it was firmly pushed away, stuffed down into the depth of her mind, but not acted upon now. No, now she looked at the others around her and grimaced, moving toward Thomas first and glancing down at his leg. "Is is bad?" Her voice was rough, raspy, but understandable and the male shook his head, watching her carefully, but not flinching away from her nearness.

Ember didn't appear to want to acknowledge the tenseness in the group, instead moving her gaze to Candice and Nug and then to Luthran and Tohq. "Is anyone seriously injured?"

She behaved for all the world like the leader of their group without giving it thought and Nick, a hand to his neck where her dagger had cut him, narrowed his eyes, looking around as well. "No one but you. That shoulder needs tended." There was no true care in his voice, the fact that he'd rather let her bleed out apparent, but decency dictated he not allow such a thing and Ember gave the man a smirk. "Gee, thanks, Nick. I hadn't realized. Sorry to inconvenience you."

Well, there went her attempt to be respectful. Oh well.
(( Sorry for slowness ;_; my brain died for a little while. ))

Gradually the numbers of Torsir dwindled. It became clear to them that nobody would back down, not even if they were injured as badly as Ember, who still gave one-hundred percent effort if not more. If she used her shoulder less, she just used another part of her body more, and used that and adrenaline to her advantage.

Once the dragons were gone, even the newest additions to the group were still on guard as the red, almost familiar Torsir sneaked through and headed for Ember. Luthran and Tohq had been ready to strike if needed, weapons ready but not raised, and that was probably fortunate for them considering how Nick was greeted with a blade. Immediately the aliens relaxed, even if they had shared a look about how funny it was that Asirin now joined the party.

Weapons put away, the two alien males looked around to make sure that every one of their kills was actually dead, not just bleeding out and suffering or waiting for their chance to give one last strike. Once it appeared they were more or less safe, they turned their attention back to the group and shook their heads. Neither were injured enough to have significance. Scratches and mild bite marks, sure, but that was at the most and Tih'ahl hardly recognized those as injuries anyways.

"I can tend to it," volunteered Luthran who raised his hand. He looked to Nick out of respect that he was, in fact, the actual "leader" of the group, and then to Ember to see if he had her consent as well. And maybe he didn't, but it would be a b***h to do it herself. In the meantime, Nug picked at a gash on his knuckle, hardly seeming to mind the pain as he tried to stop the bleeding. Candice was watching Ember and Nick with a hand on her hip, and Tohq was wondering what the deal between them was. It could be as simple as personality clash, but it seemed a little deeper than that.
(( Eh, mine too. LOL ))

Luthran's offer was met with a slight wave of the hand by Nick as he truly didn't care who tended to Ember - or if she got help at all - and the woman herself gave a shrug that turned into a hiss behind her teeth and a grimace across her face, amber eyes flaring with pain before she seemed to regain control of herself. And then control of the Torsir upon her shoulders as the red creature gave a warning hiss to the approaching Tih'ahl. Nia did nothing more than reach up and flick the red muzzle with a mouth full of teeth with her fingers. "Calm yourself, Asirin."

The Torsir growled, giving a snap at her face that came mere centimeters from connecting, but Ember didn't so much as blink, giving the softest snarl back to the display. It seemed almost to be a common display between the two and in the end Asirin backed down, slithering himself from her shoulders and down her body before scurrying up a nearby tree where his glowing eyes watched closely the proceedings below. Ember didn't pay greet heed to the disgruntled creature, focusing on Luthran once more. She calmly took the gun strap from her body and set the weapon down before lifting her shirt and slipping it off over her head. A tank-top resided beneath and she pushed the sleeve of it and her bra down her arm to give the alien better access to the injury that had once more started to bleed profusely at all the movement. It was a nasty sight, the teeth of the Torsir having sunk deep before being ripped away, tearing the skin around the punctures badly.

The woman grit her teeth against the fire traveling down her arm and back and up her neck, and she attempted not to sway, the bloodloss making her dizzy now that the adrenaline was wearing off. The pain was a distraction she could not afford, but it was relentless nonetheless and Thomas saw the telltale signs before anyone else, rushing forward even as the woman's legs buckled. He helped Luthran catch her and lower her down to the ground despite Ember's protests.

"I'm fine. Just treat it and we'll move out again. I'm fine."

The blond snorted, looking over his blood-covered friend - though, most of the blood wasn't hers. "You're hardly that. Stubborn, a royal pain in the ass, a daredevil, perhaps even successful in all your crazy schemes, but fine is not on that list."

Amber eyes glared halfheartedly at the male even as she let Luthran start working on her shoulder. "Oh, go jump of a bridge."

"I would, but they all seem to be rubble now." was the cheeky reply and Nia rolled her eyes before giving another hiss at the agony that streaked through her arm, tingling down to her fingers. She could not see the injury between her shoulder and neck, but she wasn't a fool. It was bad, at risk of infection and it would hinder her ability to fight. If she'd not been so stupid, rushing out like that.... But the past couldn't be undone. The future, however...

"You can't take me." Her amber eyes looked up and for some reason she could not understand - then again, she hadn't understood anything when it came to him - her gaze found Tohq's. "I will slow you down. It's my own fault, I know that, but it doesn't change facts."

"You're not leaving." It was Nick who spoke, his expression hard and Thomas looked uncertain. "Nick, she's right. She-"

"Is not leaving." was the hard retort, the Hispanic's voice icy. "She was foolish enough to break rank and she's paid the price for it, but that doesn't make her any less useful."

Thomas's face went from hesitant to thunderous in an instant and he stood swiftly. "She's not some weapon to be used at a whim!" he spat and Nick didn't respond, only seeming to anger the blond further and it was Ember's hand curling around Thomas' pant-leg that stilled the male and she spoke softly to her friend. "Let it go, 'Mas. It's fine. Just..see to Nug and Candice." She only released him when she sensed him take a breath, a subtle nod letting her know he heard her and when he moved to the other two human members of the team, Nia looked to Nick, expression nearly blank. "I'll stay, if that is your command."

The Hispanic didn't answer the woman directly, looking instead to Luthran. "Make sure she doesn't bleed out. We move out in ten."
Luthran stopped in his tracks as the little beast hissed at him, threatening and warning. He wasn't about to push any boundaries, especially since he wouldn't want to end up killing the bloody Torsir on accident. Fortunately, however, Ember was quick to scold him, and it was with amusement Luthran watched before closing the space between him and the woman. Since Asirin had so nicely decided to flee to a nearby tree, it would be easier to be in Ember's presence without worry of getting snapped at.

He barely got a glimpse of the wound, though, before her body couldn't handle the pain nor the blood loss any longer. Thomas and the more friendly Tih'ahl caught her before she could totally collapse, and then gently eased her to the ground. As she and her mate teased each other, Luthran was able to assess the wound, being careful with any pressure he applied because it wasn't just a puncture wound; it was also deep cuts that ran further up her shoulder. In his coat, he pulled out a cloth, similar to a handkerchief but larger, and looked to the female. "This will hurt," he warned quietly to her, before pressing the cloth to her shoulder in order to try and fight the bleeding.

Tohq, in the meantime, had gotten just close enough to the three to get a better look at Ember's wound, wanting to assess the damage for himself. His gaze soon found hers again and even as she spoke, golden orbs didn't leave her amber.

Until, that is, Nick began with the "foolish" comment, and Tohq looked to him instead. To a certain degree, the Tih'ahl understood where he was coming from, but to be that upfront? To seem to not even care about the fate of his team? No. That was something that ticked Tohq. Although he wanted to voice something, he didn't for the sake of the group, since Thomas was already getting riled up. And for the sake of the mission, everybody just needed to take a breather. There was no reason for more tension.

Luthran looked to Nick and gave a nod before looking to Tohq who was squatting in front of Ember. "Here," he said as his arm went to his waist and grabbed at a bottle. It came back around and after being unscrewed, he gave it to the woman. "It's water. Drink it."
The pain flared with each press of Luthran's fingers as he attempted to stop the free-flow of blood and for a moment it was all Ember could focus on, her vision going white with the sensation of fire crawling along her body. Her mind struggled for purchase, for anything to focus on as she felt herself starting to fall. The destination was unknown, what she would land on a mystery, but she knew one thing keenly; she didn't want to find out. She scrambled, feeling her vision going dark until a voice broke the shadows.

Nia's eyes snapped to the gold that somehow she knew would be there and in her own amber, the gold spot in one eye seemed to glow as if in answer to a call received. There was an intensity to the connection of their gazes that the woman felt keenly...even if she didn't understand it and the urge to voice something, a sound or a word, had nearly overcome her until Tohq spoke again himself, breaking the spell.

Amber eyes blinked, momentarily confused as she forced herself to stop looking at the male and instead at what he was offering. Water, he'd said. Drink. Ember looked up once more even as she reached forward and took the bottle from his hold. A shaky hand raised it up and she took the drink directed before slowly handing it back, hissing softly at Luthran started to finish, wrapping her shoulder with what was available. Thomas was looking over the job the alien did closely and he appeared satisfied with it as he nodded to Luthran before looking down to Ember herself and placing a hand on her uninjured shoulder. "Can you stand?" What he wanted to say was that she didn't have to come, that no one could make her, but he knew the woman had already - stubbornly - made up her mind when Nick had all but challenged her to obey.

Pride would be the death of them both.

"Mhm." was Nia's reply as she accepted his hand and did indeed stand. She swayed for a moment, but kept her balance. It was only when she took a step that it became apparent her body was not quite in agreement with her mind as her legs nearly buckled again. Thomas appeared murderous in that moment as he glanced to Nick, but the blond said nothing, only wrapping Ember's arm around his shoulder even as she rolled her eyes. "Well, so much for dignity."

"Shut up, brat."

It gave statement to just how much pain she actually felt that Ember did go quiet, for more focused on standing and walking, even with help. Looking to the others, though, her eyes were resolute and she lifted a brow. "Well? Are we going or not?" Asirin, suddenly at her feet, gave a brief hiss as if in agreement.....though, the creature's eyes stayed pinned on Tohq and Luthran, sensing their familiarity, but not necessarily in a good way. It was Nia's presence that kept him tolerant.
She was almost gone. Almost gone, and then her eyes found his again and he felt something strange flow through his body. Like an inner wind, gentle but demanding. Demanding that he stay with her - and the stars above only knew why. Maybe to answer the rest of his questions about her? Like that glow in her eye... it wasn't just a sparkle or a gleam, but a literal glow. And it didn't seem that she knew about it because Tohq had a feeling that she would be more careful about showing it.

After Ember gave the water back, Tohq tucked it back in its loop and stood. Luthran was finishing up with her and that meant that they were about to most likely leave.

The mission would be at a slower progress now since Ember couldn't exactly walk on her own. Unless she recovered quickly, that was just the simple truth. Both aliens looked to Nick and then back to the group. Tohq gravitated towards Ember as he looked to Thomas and then to the girl. "If you'd rather rest, it might be easier for me to carry you for a short while," he offered. Luthran's expression took one to surprise but he knew that Tohq was - at least - mostly thinking of the group's well being. He wouldn't have offered such a thing if it wasn't necessary.
The offer made both Ember and Thomas still at the same moment, one set of eyes moving to the alien in question and the other glancing to Ember herself. The amber set were instantly both wary - like a wild creature being offered food from the hand for the first time - and yet faintly trusting, too, almost longing in a way. The blue eyes fixed on the woman were questioning and cautious, Thomas understanding better than even his friend might suspect that she didn't get close to strangers, that she seemed to have an aversion to anything new....even as it drew her. Perhaps that was why it seemed to make her nervous - she couldn't help herself, couldn't stop the drive, the curiosity that came over her. As he watched Ember, though, that didn't seem to be what was influencing her thoughts this time and to say Thomas was rather surprised when she slowly nodded in acceptance would be an understatement.

The woman slowly removed herself from the blond's helping hold and though she swayed, she stayed upright. A step and then another brought her closer to Tohq and Asirin's warning hiss was ignored as he darted away from her moving feet, clearly displeased. Amber eyes didn't stray from gold, though and once more Ember felt the threat of falling overcome her. She almost didn't want to stop it this time, to simply let herself get caught up in his gaze, in the fire and power that lurked within those golden pools of light. They were warm and though they sparked and shimmered with sharp edges and reflective walls, she knew to dive in would not be to cut herself into a thousand pieces, but to find peace, safety.

To know that in one sense and yet to feel completely out of sorts about it in another was nerve-wracking. She wanted to fall....but feared the loss of control.

Still, that fact didn't stop the woman from moving forward, from feeling almost compelled to and she tried to reason it out in her own head. She'd lost too much blood. She could barely walk. She was only going to grow weaker, a bigger liability, slowing everyone down, but she couldn't leave either. This was the best solution and Tohq wouldn't have offered if he couldn't do it, right? It was nothing more than common sense and good strategy, tactical that he offer to carry her. Nothing more.

So why was her heart pounding so hard against her chest and why couldn't she look away from his eyes?

At the thought she forced herself to break the connection and cleared her throat just subtly to make sure her voice didn't break when she spoke. "Thank you." She didn't feel anything else was needed between them and when the alien helped hoist her onto this back, she said not a word....but her teeth did grit as she unconsciously moved her shoulder to wrap her arms around his neck and shoulders. Thomas, watching her closely, moved a step forward, a worried expression crossing his face.

"Stop. She'll only strain the wound doing that."

Ember gave a small hiss as she slid from Tohq's back and cradled her elbow just slightly to relieve the pressure on her shoulder. A frustrated sound escaped her mouth. "Well, so much for that idea." She smiled wryly. "It would appear I'm walking." So saying, she took a step and then another, getting to about three before her vision swam, spots floating through her vision as vertigo hit with a vengeance, making her sway dangerously.
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The silence in the group was only more evidence towards the cautiousness and distrust everybody, not just Ember, had towards the strangers who were allegedly only here to help them. It was understandable and Tohq was patient as his offer hung in the air. He wasn't about to drop it, especially since he saw that the woman hadn't just outright rejected it. He wasn't sure what the rest of the group was doing, whether they were watching the interaction or not, because his eyes were looking between Thomas and Ember. There was a trust there, true concern, and as Ember nodded her head in acceptance, Tohq caught the way Thomas' expression took one to surprise.

But soon his eyes found Ember's and he shifted his weight into a steadier position as she approached him. It honestly hardly took any time for her to close the gap between them, but with the way their eyes were connected, it felt like a long time. There was something there that he couldn't explain, couldn't put a name to. He didn't know anything more than Ember did.

As she rounded his back, he lowered himself to the ground so that she would be able to climb more easily onto him. As she thanked him, he gave her a firm nod in response.

He was ready to stand with her, but Thomas intervened. Apparently, he saw something that Tohq couldn't hear, and that was pain. He clicked his tongue, and once Ember was off of him, he stood up and turned to the side to see her.

He picked her up in his arms before her legs could even think about buckling. He expected some sort of instinct of fighting him from her, but even if she did hit or kick or tense, he continued to hold her bridal-style. "It appears you are most certainly not walking," he half teased, looking down at her before turning towards the others. Before she could even fight it vocally, he began walking. "Let's go." They had already lost enough time.
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Tohq's actions were not expected and Ember did tense, going stiff within the male's arms and her breathing stilling almost completely, eyes going wide and dilated as fear quickly started to crash over her thoughts....and then it was gone, swept away with his voice and the woman blinked, caught completely off-guard as his eyes met hers briefly. The fear melted away and Ember found she could breathe, that her body was releasing its tension, giving her over to trembling instead in the aftermath of the shock that had swept her system. She prayed Tohq would only think it was pain that made her react in such a way. If Ember had been asked....she wouldn't have been able to truly answer as to why she'd been so scared in that moment. Surrounded by people she knew and with Luthran just having bandaged her up and Tohq having given her water, offered to carry her....hell, even the strange way she'd been acting around him all should have made what he did okay somehow - irritating, maybe, but not scary.

And yet it had been terror that swept over her so brutally.

Ember couldn't explain it and didn't want to. No, right now she wanted to try and NOT focus on how incredibly warm the body against her was or how freaking good it smelled. Unfortunately, the more she tried to think about something else, the more her nose and body and mind rebelled, bringing her right around to those same topics. Finally, after about fifteen minutes of silent struggling, the woman gave up and unconsciously released the last of the tension in her body, stilling the trembling completely as she instinctively turned her head just slightly into Tohq's chest and slowly inhaled.

Spice and wood smoke.

The slightest flicker of a smile danced across her lips as Ember closed her eyes without thinking about it and the arm she'd put around the back of Tohq's neck when he'd picked her up - reflexively - tightened just slightly, her fingers instinctively curling loosely into the hair at the nape of his neck. A sigh escaped Ember then, soft and barely noticeable......but the sound that followed it certainly was.

She was purring again, softly, but still there and the small vibrations in her chest surely felt by the one who carried her. Ember had yet to open her eyes and looking over, Thomas blinked before a grin spread across his face and he chuckled just a bit under his breath. She was sleeping - or well on her way. Well he'd be damned!

When Tohq had picked Ember up, the blond had braced himself for a fit and spitting words, but they'd not come. In fact, eerie silence had fallen and Thomas had been watching the two subtly, but carefully ever since because simple acceptance was NOT the way Ember operated. Not at all. This...he'd never seen anything like this from his friend. It made Thomas want to keep a closer eye on the alien who carried her. He appeared not to be the only one with such sentiments as Asirin was staying well within striking distance of the Tih'ahl - behind his ankles, on the next tree near the male's shoulder, in a branch overhead. The Torsir never let Ember out of his sight.
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As he expected, Ember's body tensed. A little surprisingly, though, she hadn't fought and Tohq was thus enabled to carry her easily enough. He looked down to her again, wanting to make sure she was okay, before continuing to look at the path in front of him. Nug and Candy were conversing in front of him with Nick leading, and though their words were hushed, he had a feeling that they talked about how easily he got Ember in his hold. Thomas stayed near by and Luthran stayed in the back, staying quiet since they were on the move again.

The trembling he felt after the stiffness washed away was concerning. Whether it was pain, fear, or just her body's way of reacting to finally getting rest, Tohq took another look at the woman he held. He still wanted to ask about her name, but he figured, once more, that it wasn't quite the right time and he could ask her later.

The trembling continued. Just as the alien was about to ask, however, it stopped and he felt relieved. Also curious, but not curious enough to look down until he felt her soft grip on his hair. He saw then that her eyes were closed and that her lips held a hint of a smile. And then she was purring again, that same noise from earlier on the abandoned freeway.

It was this sight that had Tohq believing there was something precious about Ember. He held no attachment to her, not anything except curiosity, at least for now, but there was something undeniably precious. Some would say that it was just the scene of her like this that was precious, not necessarily her. But the golden-eyed male had a gut feeling that it was her.

These thoughts and/or feelings couldn't be noted in Tohq, however. His expression didn't give away any hints to what he was thinking as he looked away from the woman and back to the path before he tripped over something. Even if a small urge to smile hit him, he didn't. It was just who he was, especially on missions.
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