For The Record



Original poster
For The Record

I am one of many shards
sparkling, split up and fractal
reflecting some inner core
This one, she's a writer: sitting
in her garret, her wonderful company
thousands of words. That one:
she sits by the water,
Thinks of dipping her toes in,
stares into the rippling grey-green.
Here, she lights up in the midst of company.
There, she quietly smiles, sits, and knits.
Once the shards were facets of a whole,
unbroken, happy girl-child.
The shattering devastated,
cracked into pieces.
The core, now, hidden by thick shards
Layers of protective façades.
Wrote this a couple of weeks ago for my grandmother. Sent it to her this weekend, so I guess it's okay to share.

Grandma Kate​

I played some cribbage today.
I played and thought of you.
You taking a quiet moment for your wordsearch
When I was young, and you taught me cribbage
When it leaked out of my brain, you taught me again
You were so hungry to play
Those games of wit and mind
Like how you always needed to see the sea lions
Off to Fisherman's Wharf we went
And, Grandma, even when you could barely walk
You beat us fair and square at crib
What manner of mind hit itself behind its
Concealing labels and slight body?
I played a game today, Grandma.
And I wished I'd known you better.

RIP ~ 20 October 2012
granted, it's been said before:

is a big, frustrating word
that means you're human