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For Diamonds

Farah had turned to ask just what Maggs was talking about when Ambrose took his mask off and she found herself blinking, speechless as her eyes trailed over his features....and the glowing skin. Mmm...dark hair, blue eyes, facial hair, handsome.....and glowing skin. Glowing skin. Well, that explained the suit! Farah forced herself to finally look away, finding that she felt better for having seen his face, glowing and all. Actually, it was the damn mask that she found unnerving. The glow was odd, but at least she could look at him as being human.

The brunette brought her attention to the matter at hand, a bad thing if the cursing was anything to go by and Farah crouched with the two siblings, her sharp eyes looking around for danger but not really understanding what she was looking for.

Her hazel eyes met Ambrose's blue ones after glancing at Maggs, ignoring entirely his green, glowing skin as if it didn't even exist in her mind. "Crawlers? What are Crawlers?" she whispered, knowing she risked looking very naive for asking, but...she was and she'd rather be prepared than surprised.
Ambrose glanced at her. "...You don't get out much, do you? Crawlers. They're mutants. Kinda...well...picture humans and rats and roaches all smushed into one...horrible, feral things that would rather bite your face off than walk past." He whispered, looking around. "Do you actually know how to use that bow?"

Maggs turned to them, looking at them with wide eyes. "They know we're here..."
Farah stared at him for a moment, trying to process that tidbit of information. Mutants. Yeah, she'd heard about that on her way over to this side of the country. She hadn't been aware of what they really were, though, or their local names and now she found herself giving a shudder of disgust at the description of them, looking away from the male and out at the store, her voice a mutter under her breath, dripping with sarcasm. "Is ANYTHING around here friendly..."

The brunette cast a sharp glance at Maggs when the red-head spoke and Farah's fingers tightened on the string of her bow, drawing back slightly. She looked at Ambrose then, quirking a brow, a smirk on her lips as she shrugged. The nonchalant attitude was more a defensive mechanism than anything, but it worked for Farah and it didn't hinder anyone else so she didn't particularly care about what someone might think of her attitude.

"Well, if I don't, I guess I am going to be finding out how to really quickly, aren't I?" she whispered back and the smirk grew a little as her hazel eyes grew hard, preparing for a fight. "Do you know how to use those guns?" she shot back and then looked away, not really waiting for a response as she looked around the store again, waiting for something that sounded like it came out of a horror book.
Ambrose let out a soft laugh and shook his head. He opened his mouth to respond but he was interrupted by the most bone chilling, blood curdling, horrible screeching. He smirked, his heart beating faster which only made him glow a bit brighter. He stood up, bringing both pistols forward and pulling the triggers. A whirring came from both of them and a bright glow. The whirring became higher and higher pitched as they seemed to charge up. Something moved in the shadows, something with too many knees and elbows. It jumped out and Ambrose let loose, two blasts of what could really only be described as plasma shot out of the guns, blowing him back a step. The Crawler was blasted back halfway across the store only to explode into bright, glowing ashes.

Maggs screamed and shut her eyes, clamping her hands back over her ears as if it would stop the voices in her head, the cry of pain, the sound of a creature dying....
Farah looked out into the dimness of the store with wide eyes as the screeching started and she felt her heart spike up into her throat before courage kicked in. She stood when Ambrose did, pulling her bow back to full draw. She watched, patient, as the male blasted something that moved in the shadows, something truly out of a nightmare - not even the aliens had been as frightening looking at that thing - and didn't acknowledge Maggs' screaming. It wasn't helpful right now and her focus was on not dying if at all possible.

Seemed to be somewhat of a challenge in these parts, apparently.

Farah's quick hazel eyes spotted another Crawler as it sprang out from an aisle and she shot without hesitation. The arrow pierced the creature's heart straight and true and she had knocked and drawn another arrow before it even dropped to the floor.

"How many would you estimate there are?!"
"In a place this big? Maybe ten. But it's hard to tell." He said, pulling back the triggers again. He blasted away another one. "But they might run. They aren't too predictable." He said, starting to move further into the store. He kept his eyes pealed for them, or some sort of power source. Electricity was touch and go though, but without the diamond mines taking up all the power, chances were good the lights would turn on if someone could find the switch. It wasn't like they were kept right by the front door. "Find the office. They hate light."
Farah stayed with Ambrose as he started to move, instinct alone telling her that there was safety in numbers and despite herself, she found herself looking out for Maggs, too. When the woman would freeze, the brunette would nudge the red-head and on occasion, when she could risk it, she'd pull at the other woman to get her moving again. She didn't know what was going on with Maggs, but Farah couldn't in good conscious leave her behind. Not that she thought Ambrose would, but still...

She fired off rapid shots whenever she knew without a doubt she could hit something and Farah never missed. She had learned long ago that she couldn't afford to screw up when it came to defending herself. All the while, she kept her eyes peeled for an office, reading the signs above their heads, remembering that offices were usually around Customer Service. Finding that particular sign, Farah jerked her head at the glowing male, indicating the place she was thinking of, almost glad for his luminescent skin. It made seeing so much easier...and yet also made them targets for the Crawlers. A double-edge sword, but oh well.

"Try there."
Maggie...Maggie was not doing well. She was managing to keep her screams down but often tried to just sit down and cry. Her brother tried hard to keep her going with them, and found it a HUGE help to have someone else who was mentally sane around to help push his sister along.

He looked over towards the sign Farah pointed out to him and nodded. He put one of his guns away and grabbed his sister. He popped her up and onto his shoulder, making a break for the door. He kicked it open and put Maggs down again. He found a row of lightswitches and started throwing all of them up. The lights came on throughout the building and he grinned. There was more shrieking and skittering, but it didn't seem like Crawlers liked the light.

Maggs curled up in the corner of the office and rubbed her ears, rocking back and forth. "Damn it...."

"You're fine, Maggs." He smiled and walked over, crouching in front of her. "Come on...you hungry? I think there are still groceries around here..."
Well. THAT had been a bucket load of fun.

Farah breathed out a sigh of relief that had her bangs flying up and then setting all awry around her face, not that she cared. The brunette slung her bow back around her shoulders, trusting that Ambrose's relaxed manner meant they were safe for now. Funny how she'd just...started to take the guy's word for it. Odd. She needed to stop doing that. Scowling to herself, Farah took a few steps away from the siblings and back out into the store and her hazel eyes looked around warily, but it seems the Crawlers really wouldn't risk coming out as long as the lights were on. Made Farah nervous about whether the lights would flicker off at some point.

Best to get what they needed and get out. But first... "I'm gonna get my arrows." she tossed over her shoulder before simply leaving the Customer Service area and going back the way they'd come. She didn't often get to retriever arrows. She wouldn't waste this opportunity now, but as Farah approached one of the...the things she'd shot at, she couldn't help but slow down, studying the creature.

Ambrose's description wasn't far off but it didn't nearly do the mutant justice either and Farah crouched without anymore fear beside the dead thing. It appeared...to have once been human, maybe and the brunette found herself wondering at it.

How did you end up like this?