Firefox for android/Textbox

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The Dark Queen
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Hi. I'm using Firefox for android but when I try to post anything, I don't get the text editor. I can't make anything bold, italic, nothing. It's just a blank box to write in. Is there something I'm supposed to click on? Is this a firefox for android issue? Help!
It's possible you might have the rich text editor for mobile turned off. Check to see if the box isn't checked under preferences. If the rich text editor in general isn't showing up, a possible reason it won't show up is because the rich text editor isn't optimized for mobile. I'll leave it at that for now and hope a staff member gets to this in order to develop a more concise answer to troubleshooting your problem.
The rich text editor is checked. I even unchecked it and rechecked it. Nothing.
Are you referring to the mobile rich text editor or the regular one? There are two boxes in the preferences area that refer you to the rich text editor. On another thing, has this happened to you before? That might be important to know so @Diana can identify whether or not it's a possible bug or just the fact that you're phone may not be compatible with the rich text editor.
Just a regular editor. It's just an empty box but only on firefox. Everything looks just fine on the chrome browser. It's just firefox. I don't have problems otherwise. Never have
This happens to me as well.
Make sure the mobile rich text editor box isn't unchecked. There'll be a button in preferences that says "Use rich text editor with mobile" which may a possible troublehooter if you have it unchecked.
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