The fate series gets new adaptions and side story series all the time though o_o Since it's based on a game there are different routs they can take thus there will probably be more anime of it in the future :p Since 2010 they have gotten at least 2 new series, specials, OVAs or movies per year. In 2012 there came out one TV-series and between 2013 and 2015 there came out two TV-series per year. There is even a movie coming up for the heaven's feel route. (Dunno if it will come this autumn or during 2016 though.) So while this season is finished, there is a super high chance that they will continue this series in the future with either a new route, a side story, or the history of some other people in the war. The heaven's feel route might get a movie now, but that does not discriminate it from getting a series in the future. Unlimited blade works also got a movie first, and look where it is now :9
My list
Japanese anime
Manga based series:
Natsume yuujinchou: 4 seasons is not enough D: Considering the last season came in 2012 there is a chance they won't do a season five, but considering they are still doing OVAs almost once a year, there is a chance they might still consider making a fifth season o_o (If not I do hope they at least do an OVA that's about Matoba's latest manga arc.)
Skip beat: There is soooo much new material from the manga that can be made into an anime, and they aren't using it Dx Make a second season! Animate Reino for God's sake!
07-ghost: Seriously? No second season? ... ]:<
Karneval: Preeetty coooooloooors :D And Nai! Give me more of that!
Kuroshitsuji: Can never get enough of it. :D (This is so popular so I'm fairly certain there will be a forth season sooner or later.... Make it sooner. Or at least give me another musical :9)
Ouran highschool host club: You would have thought with its popularity that it would get a second season o_o but noooo. Everyone needs to read the manga ]: What if I both want the anime and the manga to have completed stories??? D:
Sekaiichi hatsukoi: Yeah yeah, Junjou romantica is the most popular work of this mangaka, BUT SEKAIICHI HATSUKOI HAS THE BEST STORIES! It deserves a third season more than junjou ]: Junjou is just a rape story in disguise D: (Still love it though o_o GUILTY PLEASURE D:)
Shiki: A follow up story, a backstory story, a side story about some other place with vampires. Whatever. Just give me something.
Tokyo ghoul: Considering this one apparently has diverted completely from the manga, I can't even check what will happen there D: GIVE ME MAH SEASON 3! (at least there will be an OVA coming up soon o_o Though I'm not sure if it will be more of a backstory, side story, recap or continuation OVA... Hopefully a continuation.)
Vampire knight: Just finish it already. If you have made 2 seasons you can make one more to finish the story ]:
Non manga based series:
Hakushaku to yousei: I just wanna see more of this world and these characters. o_o
Brothers conflict: Guilty pleasures, everybody has a few, guilty pleasures, I want more of these hot dudes :D (Bonus points for anyone who can figure out which musical review I stole a song from xD)
Ghost hunt: Just make a second season with more ghost hunting o_o Pleeeaaase
Kino's journey: I NEED THIS AS MUCH AS A NEED NATSUME YUUJINCHOU! JUST GIVE IT TO ME! Isn't there a ton of novels for you to work with? T-T
Magic kaito 1412: I usually don't get so into these kinds of shows, but this one was really good. I want another season D: (Considering this one is so new, there is a possibility for a season 2 if it was popular enough)
No game no life: I love this show o_o I didn't even notice all the fanservice before people started pointing it out. That's how good it was. It made me completely blind to fanservice! Give me more of this!!!
Sci-fi harry: I want either a continuation or just a side story that has nothing to do with the main story but takes place in the same world with someone else who has powers.
Western cartoons:
A.T.O.M - Alpha teens on machines: Seriously, there are so many questions that hasn't been answered D: DUN CANCEL IT DAMN IT!
Live action series:
Torchwood: I really don't like how the show became towards the end, but if they could go back to their original format, I would want another season o_o Actually I would like it even if they continued as they did towards the end... I just want some more Jack... JAACK!!! COME BAACK! OR AT LEAST HAVE A CAMEO IN DOCTOR WHO!!!