Final Fantasy~ Levion's Wings

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While everyone else charged forward to attack the beast, Rolic stayed back and took in the information of what was going on. He could do that with everyone else distracting its attention from him. There were certain parts that held his attention, but none directly affected him like Vex's demonstration about just how sharp the blade was.

That made up his mind rather damn quickly about just what the fate of the knife in his hand would be. He didn't have long to do it so he got right to it.


It took all of ten seconds for him draw his sword and gather the magics, not just of one type but of two, into the blades. It was an eternity in combat and he had to release the magics soon or Vex would end up as a nice large abstract painting on the floor canvas.

And so, with the crappy knife in his hand posessing a red hot blade and sparking the air around it and his own tried and tested (and never found wanting) blade having a sort of vortex of light airy green and pale pale yellow swirling around it, he unleashed the plan that was in his mind. The crappy knife had to go, thrown by his slightly fatigued body at the beast, knowing that it wouldn't reach without help. Fortunately, that he posessed and then some.

He grabbed his blade with both hands and made the powerful slashing movement from his right hip to above his left sholder, unleashing the wind magic that he had placed into his blade, creating a powerful shear of wind that caught the blade that was overloading with fire magic and sped it quickly, very quickly, to the beast's flank. The blade went clean in and the shear of wind threw the beast off it's feet and back a few meters, though it didn't seem to be badly harmed and it was back on it's feet within moments.

Then, the blade inside the beast exploded, sending pieces of heated metal deeper into it. It roared loudly then, a furiously loud sound full of rage and pain before its attention was soundly focused on Rolic. Then it charged.

"Oh crap nuggets."

Rolic is in Danger!
She peered around the corner, then froze. She watches as a knife sliced through the air and into the beast, propelled by a wind attack. It exploded inside the beast, making it roar in anger and most likely pain. She watched as it turned its attention to the red figure the had seen at the knife sellers table. It charged.

"Shish kabob..." She glanced to the well. "Taking chances!"


She stepped out and, again, willed the water to rise from the well. This time, it took the form of dragon. She made the water dragon flap its wings and rise from the ground a few feet, the fly over to the beast. To slow. "Aww, kabob!" The water dragon changed it's form back into the snake. She drew water from the plants around her and sent it to the snake as it slithered right under the Gryeth. The snake slithers past, coming to a halt a couple meters from the red figure.

The beast neared, faster then she wanted, but Skye would have to do her best. About 12 feet from the Gryeth, the snake struck, hitting the beast right between its eyes. She willed the snake to wrap around the beasts head. The Gryeth bit at the snake, but it did nothing. The snake forced itself into the Gryeths mouth and nose, blocking off its air. The beast thrashed about, it's roar drowned out by the water. Finally, the beast collapsed to the ground, trying to remove the writhing form suffocating it.

Exhausted by using and keeping the water snakes form, Skye fell to her knees. She let go of her grip on the water, and watched as it fell to the floor. The Gryeth took a shuddering, choked breathe, heaving up water. Though it was still alive, it made no move to get it.
Having removed himself from the debris he'd been nestled into, Kestal, fanned the dust from his eyes, and stumbled back into the square. The Gryeth was in even rougher shape now as it had been assaulted by two more people, and it laid on the ground heaving up water. Must have been a hell of a move, though he hadn't seen it on account of being face first in granite, and glass.

~Battle Ensues~

Gritting his teeth, Kestal took a deep breath, and sprinted towards the monster as it laid gagging on the ground. His lungs ached, and burned from the injuries he'd sustained, but now he was pissed. This thing had roughed him up somethin' fierce. Grabbing a piece of the bench from the rubble as he ran, Kestal gripped it firmly, and then swung it against the ground. The force of the blow sent a shockwave through the ground towards the monster, and shot it up into the air a few feet. Turning on his heel, Kestal stabbed the bar through the creatures stomach as it fell back to the ground, and grabbed the remainders of it's horns in his hands.

Water sputtered in his face, and on his clothes, as the creature gasped for air, and fought against the searing pain from the impalement it was suffering, but alas it was too weak. Slowly a small tear began to form along the Gryeth's forehead, blood trickling from it. The creature then managed to lean enough of it's weight to knock Kestal onto his back, pinning him with it's weight, however his arms still pulled against it's horns, the tear ground larger, and larger until...


The creatures entire head was torn in two, spraying gore out into the air, and along the surface of the street below... as well as all over Kestal, who exhaled in exhaustion laced with pain, as the creature's massive weight pressed heavily against his body.

~Kestal Victory~
The last gargles from the Gryeth had passed when its head was finally severed in two. Riname didn't look away from the gore, but instead, at the two who had defeated the magnificent beast. One was the girl whom she had seem fall earlier during the fight along with the drunken man who had inserted himself. A burning feeling filled her choice due to the panting she was doing. Casting the water had made her weak, but at least it had stopped the beast from roaring again. The boy with the knife had felt the effects of the Gryeth's roar and if anyone else had suffered the same fate, they would all be dead.

The towns people were finally starting to show their faces, escaping from behind their cowered posts when the Gryeths body slowly disappeared in a sparkling rainbow aura. A shout went up and, suddenly, Riname and the others were shoved in the middle of a mass circle of cheering towns folk! Riname held tight to her beret while being pushed next to Sorris and the boy with the two swords. The people of Elne cheered, applauding those that helped in the battle of the Gryeth. For a brief moment, she let her eyes wander over the jeering faces around her and the others. Now this is the Elne I know...

Riname let her eyes wander to the group she was enforced with and saw something that caught her eye. Around the neck of the blond haired boy was a single white feather. She blinked twice as the feather glowed once then returned to normal. Looking up to her staff, her feather did the same thing. Her heart beat fast against her chest when she looked over to the boy in red to see the same feather atop his hat. With her mouth gaping open, she turned to fully face Sorris and whisper her discovery, when the tattoo on his right arm the shape of a feather. Riname did her best to remain standing upright. If it weren't for the big man who defeated the Gryeth next to her, she surely would've fallen. Her dark blue eyes traveled up to man. Something about this man seemed familiar. However, Riname shook it off and cleared her throat, gathering the attention of the people around her once the towns people began to disperse.

"Thank you all so much for helping Elne. My name is Riname Mihan. Maybe you all can help me figure out why a Gryeth was in Town Square?"she said polietly, taking a gulp to relax the dryness in her mouth. She would come to the feathers soon. For now, she wanted to meet these gifted people.
Skye forced herself to remain upright as she was pushed into the center of a crowd. The feeling of being in a tight space made her even weaker in the knees, if that were possible. As soon as the crowd thinned out, she slowly sat down and took a deep shuddering breath. The mage spoke then.
"Thank you all so much for helping Elne. My name is Riname Mihan. Maybe you all can help me figure out why a Gryeth was in Town Square?"
Skye glanced up, then lowered her gaze to the floor. Despite her exhaustion, a weed poking out of the ground curled into itself, twisting and tying itself into the image of a dream catcher. She smiled at the small weed. "I'm Skye Black, nice to meet you." She rose up from the ground, keeping her gaze on the dream catcher shaped weed. She dusted off her knees and looked at the others. "I must say, we make the strangest of groups." She paused. "Well, second strangest." She shrugged, looking unsure of why she spoke the words. "Uhh... I dont exist."​ She let her hair fall in front of her face, blocking everyone's view. I should really stop talking when I'm tired.
When the beast finally fell and dissapeared, he dispersed his blades, then turned away from the others. He looked ahead of him to see that the people had come back and surrounded them, pushing the strangely dressed girl and the boy with a feather shaped tatoo, closer to him. He smiled lightly as the people celebrated the defeat of whatever they were fighting.

Although, he wasn't a resident like the others, he felt like one of them. He looked back at the girl he jumped in to help out one final time, then made his way through the crowd. He weaved through people and walked away opposite of the others. As he walked , a strange feather manifested before him, in the air, then floated gently downwards


He raised his hand slowly and the feather fell into his palm, glowing. He blinked twice and quietly admired the feather, while the others continued to celebrate.
Laying there, Kestal's eyes grew heavy, and he felt himself weakening still until the creature's massive form vanished in a rainbow. Then there were people everywhere. He found himself lifted to his feet, hands darting into his to shake it... the people apparently oblivious to his injury as the hand bones were now plainly through the skin. He had words forming in his head, but the exhaustion he felt simply drained him of the ability to speak. He'd been lucky with that fight. Years ago, he knew he would have won that fight easily... but now? The past years had taken it's toll on him in while he was in prison.

"Wow, Kestal! I didn't think you had it in you!" Domino piped as he stuck his head out of Kestal's pocket, and looked around with wide eyes. The fairy had never scene so many people gathered around before, though he'd traveled in many cities alongside his larger companion.

"F*ck off..." Kestal more or less said in an exhale of exhaustion. "Why can't I ever just find peace and quiet."

"Well you were the one who charged into that figh-"

Pushing the fariy's head into his pocket with a thumb, Kestal simply grunted in annoyance, and turned to look at all the people around him... and the group of kids that were present as well. They were something else alright. He'd never seen so many gifted individuals all in one place... and not as young as they were.

"Thank you all so much for helping Elne. My name is Riname Mihan. Maybe you all can help me figure out why a Gryeth was in Town Square?"

"Yeah... beats me." Was all he answered. He didn't want to be here anymore. The sharp pain traveling his arm reminded him of his injury, and so he placed his busted hand in his other, and closed his eyes. A soft white swirling wind rose up around him as he activated his Chakra. As the wind circled his body, it slowly moved to his hand, where the bone receded, and the skin pulled itself over the open wounds healing them.
Vex coughed once very loudly before looking to the people that had saved his ass. The Gryeth's roar had shot down most of the defense he posses and even more so. His bones still clattered against one another but thankfully the thing was dead. And what a death it was. A school girl saved his further suffering by knocking the thing in the jaw and the man with the marvelous hands did the rest. Being so up close and personal with the thing, a rain of blood and other bodily fluids rain down on Vex's blonde hair and he scowled in disgust. A large cheer rang up in the crowd of people who were now scattering out of their hiding places.

The Gryeth resumed to dispersing into a whirl of rainbow aura, signifying its defeat. The blood on the ground and on Vexro and the man who had stopped them also wiped away clean the same way. Vex's shoulder was patted by a commoner man who said something he couldn't understand due to the large amount of people with him. He scanned over the others who were bunched in a circle and smirked. Damn, we make one hell of a team.

"Thank you all so much for helping Elne. My name is Riname Mihan. Maybe you all can help me figure out why a Gryeth was in T own Square?" Vexro looked towards the voice to see the student girl. She was the one who cast the water magic. It was unlike for such a small girl to possess such power in her...and that's when Vexro noted the feather on her staff. He looked down to his and compared the similarities; they were exactly the same. Another girl piped up to answer this Riname's question. She was known by Skye and she simply stated that they were strange and she did not exist.

"Strange as you may be, we all do exist and I'm glad for it. That Gryeth woulda made sure we didn't. Name's Vexro by the way. Vexro Mase, or just Vex. Glad to meet you all. Actually, really glad to meet you all. I woulda been toast if it hadn't been for you all. Oh and you too Rolic."he added nodding over to his friend. The man who had took the beast out was standing over to himself, healing his hands. Vex hadn't notice the wounds until they were nearly gone. He didn't seem like he knew anything about the Gryeth's appearance.

"Ahh I wish I could help, but I'm with that guy."he replied, pointing to the swordsman who was walking away. "Damn, I'd leave too if I just saw a Gryeth crawl up from beneath the ground in the middle of a..." He let his sentence trail off when he did a double take to the boy walking away. Out of the sky, out of no where, a white feather, just like the one he and the others shared, drifted down to him. Interesting.
It was over, the Gryeth was dead and everyone else started to recover. Sorris stood his knee trying to slow down his heart beat from the fight. In his torso he could feel short shocks of pain, while his wrist had no sign of pain at all. The same arm he used Falcon's Wrath with. Looking out the corner of his eye at his arm, he toppled to the floor, but his sight never left his arm.

In the distance he could hear the Gryeth disappearing into the air in a glowing aura, as well as Riname greeting everyone else, so casual. from what he could hear, one guy was trying to ditch the others, another was blank, while another was standing there goaking at his feather. For the moment, it was all understandable. The blank minds, so trying to ditch, and all else. A Gryeth just showed up out of nowhere and now feathers are shining more than fireworks, so what were we suppose to believe? This didn't really seem normal.

It was about five minutes since he'd toppled over and conversation began, right about now he'd expect someone to notice. But laying on the hentle green grass was soothing. Soft breezes of gentle beach winds, silent squaks of gulls in the air. It was a beautiful tranquility of a finished battle, like a soothing mealody made by the heavens. He didn't say or do anything to let himself be noticed, he just layed there and enjoyed the peace of the moment. And if he was to pass out, so be it. Sorris soothed a gentle sigh before he closed his eyes and absorbed the moment.
It was more than she could have possibly imagined! All of the people had the feathers of Levion of which she spent so much time researching on. Dubero ransacked her countless of times to mull over the history of the Goddess of Hima. Splitting headaches would immediately ensue when knowledge swam forth, but Riname's memory was very unique. She could recall most of the theories, writings, and prophecies about the upcoming state of Hima. The feathers were definitely an important piece of that puzzle. Riname gulped and cleared her throat.

"I see, so no one knows why the Gryeth appeared. That's okay, we can always find out later. Besides, I believe that maybe it appeared before us for a reason." After saying so, Riname locked eyes with every single one of them, and pointed at the feathers they had.

"We all have feathers of Levion. Have you not heard the story?"she asked. Her question rang still into the air, awaiting an response.
Right after Riname had asked the question, as if in response, a loud cry of dismay came from where the Gryeth body finished turning into rainbows. The one making the sound of dismay was the red clad sword mage, Rolic. He was watching the final rainbows from the Gryeth, the group to his back, though his body language announced his displeasure.

He turned around and started to walk to Vex. "Vex, the body's gone. There goes the money..." He seemed really off put, and slightly tired, no doubt having placed a lot of magic into the two attacks, both of which were rather powerful. He looked at the group, for a moment before looking away. It just so happened that his eyes found Sorris. The man in question was laying down and not moving and so it made the tired mage's reaction rather clear. "Oh, there's a dead guy in the grass if anyone wants to check."
"Ah dammit. I got all hurt for nothing?" Vex countered, rubbing his right shoulder. He felt no pain of the Gryeth's attack but he just needed to show some body gesture that he was tired. That beast took a lot out of him. He was glad that Rolic brought him out of the trance he was in when he saw the feather float down to the strange boy who walked away. Yes, it was just like his. And Rolic's. And Riname's. And that dead kid on the ground. Woah, dead kid.

"Hey, dude, you alright?" Vex bent down and heard his knees crack. Damn, I'm getting old and I'm only 19. Lovely. Vex saw a heave of the white haired dude's chest so that meant he was alive. At least for now. He took a real beating with that Gryeth, running out there like a mad man. The move was cool though. What was it, a falcon? Vex shrugged and stood back up looking at the crowed again. From Skye, the strong man, the stranger, Rolic, and Riname. Holy shit! He had forgotten about her question! Vex scracthed the back of his head.

"My bad. Long day. Yeah, I have one, but I don't know anything about a Levion or anything. I just know this thing saved my ass a lot so I'm keepin' it."he said.