Feral Hearts Yaoi



Original poster

We are pleased to inform you that your application for enrollment has been reviewed, Mr.----, and you have been accepted into the academy/college. For your benefit we have included a print out of the school grounds to assist you with finding your dormitory building, if needed. Upon the map we have marked where you will need to be visiting upon arrival to our grounds. On the next page you will find services that we provide to all enrolled students and faculty. The following pages are filled with the information you requested upon contacting our school when your application was sent in, we hope it is satisfactory.

The Dean/Headmaster

Feral Hearts- Those whose hearts cannot be tamed.

The game- It is simple friend, your imagination is your limit, simply have fun.

This is a Yaoi site! All levels of role players are most welcome.

NO waiting for your character to be accepted

Active Staff need Active Members

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