


Her breath was lodged in her throat.
There was no way to escape.
She tried to dissolve into the darkness,
Afraid even to blink
For fear the sound of it
Would alert him to her position.
His footsteps grew louder.
They were nearly deafening her and
So close now, she could smell him.
Her eyes closed as
Her lips whispered a silent prayer.
She felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.
He was right behind her.
Cold steel pressed to her throat.
A slight trickle of blood ran down her neck.
Tears slipped from her eyes and down her cheeks.
So much left undone...
Suddenly, the darkness was split
By a piercing light
Revealing another man
With weapon drawn.
The grasp on her tightened as
The blade dug deeper as
Fear and pain mingled together.
Then an explosion near her ear..
She sat bolt upright in her bed.
Covered in sweat, heart pounding, breath labored
But thankful....it was only a dream.
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