Fayas on the Search 2.0

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster

~About Me~

First, I must say I am happy to be back. Been a long hiatus from here, really from roleplaying in general but recently been back into it.


You lovely lads and lasses can call me Faya, I am from the Eastern Time Zone. An interesting Southern State to tell you the truth. Off and On I am. I work first shift[7am to4pm est], but I do try to reply at least once a day if not a few times a day.

If you don't hear from me in four days contact me. I do the same unless we talk about it in advance. I used to have a role-player we would reply twice a week because of her schedule, but we always ended up talking OOC so we both stayed interest in our roleplays.

If you need to end our role-play, so be it. Id be a little sad, but I get over it. Shit happens. Outside life is important.

Genders I play? Easily. Guys or Girls. I am fond of both genders and futa if you include that one, so whatever you want me to play I am down with it. There is a few plots I prefer one over the other, but that's about it. So yes, I play any sexuality, if you're craving a homosexual pairing or the simple heterosexual. Hell, if you wanna try a threesome in a roleplay or a foursome I am happy to add what needed for our plot. Do try and tell me so I am not assuming one or the other.. Also, I play different ethnicity so if you are personally craving one that not often use do let me know. Yes, I have from white and Asian to African American to many others.

Everyone is literate here easily, as people can read and write[for the most part] So I won't be classifying what I am in and what I prefer. I can tell you the length I do like and what I don't like so that will be a lot easier.

Length wise I'd prefer minimum of two/four paragraphs and at least five sentences a little more is always welcome. I am not a grammar nazi or spelling one, as I do have my own issues here and there.

Ill be roleplay over…
Pms, Thread and Email


marks by lists~
* how much one craving it
& has a plot for it
underlined means I want to play it


Single Parent x Single Parent
Teacher x Student (must have plot)
Doctor x Doctor
Doctor x Nurse
Doctor x Patient
Secret Agents
FBI x Psychic
Detective x Psychic***
Solider Wife x Civilian**
Solider x Wife Civilian**
Solider x Girlfriend/Boyfriend
Prince/ss x Prince/ss
Knight x Prince/ess
Reincarnated Goddess/Princess x Knight/Thief/Reincarnated Guardian or New One***&
Reincarnated Goddess/Princess x YC who knows who she is*****
King x Soon to Be Queen
King/Queen x Knight
King/Queen x Servant
King of Thieves x Knight
King of Thieves x Prince/ss**** &
[King of Thieves doesn't have to be a male]

Supernatural Creature x Human
Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature who thinks they are human
Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature (think demons and elves and fairys and ect)
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Elf x Human
Elf x Elf
Pulled Into Video Game
[think of .hack or sao]
Harry Potter
Harry x OC**** [wont lie harry gets a backbone when i play him]
Harry x Draco**
Harry x Hermione
Harry x Luna***
Luna x OC/Cannon****
Hermione x OC/Cannon
Tom Daughter/Sonx OC****
Mortal Instruments
Vampire Academy

Lost Girl
Nick x GRIMM
Nick x OC
Captain America x OC
Thor x OC
New King of the Cross Roads x Your Character
Warehouse 13***
Agent x Agent
Agent x Regent
New Agent x Regent &
Pokemon ***
Digimon ***
Korra/Avatar Last Air Bender
Avatar x Bender ***&
Avatar x Non-Bender ***
Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D***
Charmed Next Generation**

Anime/Asian Drama
Sword Art Online
Log Horizon
Kamigami no Asobi
Boys before Flowers
City Hunter
Blue Exorcist
K Project

Agents of Shield x Avengers ***
Harry Potter x Mortal Instruments ***
Harry Potter x Walking Dead ***
Harry Potter x Supernatural ****
Harry Potter x Grimm ****

I am open for others, just ask <3


lime green my character || yellow your character
bold is either characters
all plots can be moved to male x male, female x female, male x female, futa x male/female ect

A Dragon Hunt for It's Mate
[Medieval Fantasy or Modern Fantasy]
Dragon Shifter x YC/HUMAN
[m/f preg/normal preg but we can plot around it if not liked]
Dragons used to be known all around the world until they disappeared. Now thought of only as myths, stories only found in children books. They do still exist in an area known as the Bermuda Triangle, where their race is the only thing that there. Castles and homes built on an island not just anyone can see and the poor ships that caught in their magic usually taken down. Dragon King and Queen son finally of age to hunt for its mate, but one thing that isn't known they leave the island to find their mate. They can be as human as their original forms, to another creature of some kind. Yet, their children is always dragon dragon blood runs strong in the veins. So the Prince leaves the island and ventures onto the mainland and meets your character. A mark appears on the skin, showing they both are meant for each other. So either the character comes easily with the Prince, or the character is put to sleep.
{Plot still in the works ><}

A Letter from an Owl changes Lives
[Harry Potter ]***
[adult characters, pregnancy]
[really wanting to make MC a female witch and YC the male human]
They've known each other since MC was sixteen and YC was fifteen. Yet, MC has been keeping a secret for many years. Why? Because it was against a law to tell someone what you was unless they was married. They became friends because of YC older brother, they had meet when MC got lost traveling the muggle world and YC brother helped her back to their house for the night only to be helped back to where MC was supposed to be. From then on, they stayed all as friends until MC finally made a move when she was twenty-one telling the YC of twenty years old MC was in love with YC. It was that day on they started to date YC family loved her and took her in hearing her parents had died. Or so she told them. Four years later they are engaged to be married. A letter arrives one day while YC was home and it freaks YC out, a brown owl flying through their open window leaving a letter marked for MC. So YC reads it, freaked out and curious....Letter says MC father is dying and wishes to see MC one last time and meet the fiance who stole MC heart.
Will they stay together after YC finds out? Will there be other secrets coming out of the bag? Only time will tell, hopefully they can have a happily ever after.

What If
[Harry Potter]
MC/Harry Potter x YC/Cannon or Original
[Can be a mixture of Male and Female Harem or just one]
What if the first time going to Gringotts Harry had learned more about his family? A family that was sniffed out because of an old man holding onto power and a Dark Lord going all the wrong way in changing the world? Fast Forward to Sixth year and he takes up the position as Lord Potter-Black and the responsibilities that ends up being his now? Including a Marriage Contracts to dealing with the Dark Lord and the Wizengamot? Maybe even seeing what his true friends and what are his fakes.

A New Avatar
[The Last Air Bender / Legend of Korra ]
Avatar x Bender
The Avatar hasn't came back since Korra had left the world. NonBenders start wanting to wipe out benders, but they can't. They can control them in a way, stopping their bending by a collar. So of course the Benders fight back. This bender is the child of the Rebellion leader, going on their first mission they are ambushed by nonbenders with tools that almost captures them. THE PERSON steps in and takes their attention letting the other benders get away, after they are gone and the BENDER is almost captured AVATAR appears and SAVES the BENDER sending the nonbenders on their way after attacking them and running away with the bender. They return to the AVATAR village, mixed with benders and nonbenders alike. The Avatar doesn't know whats going on in the other part of the world. At least until now.
Will he come and fight? Will he be able to live up to his fathers name? Will they be able to put the powers in alignment before the world is destroyed?

To Save More Then One
[Gijinka x YC]**
Something dark has been happening, someone been kidnapping Gijinkas harming them and in the end killing them. It is MC that realizes things are going wrong and leaves another Gijinka in charge and goes hunting. If one saw a Gijinka most would think they are human unless they see their ears or tails, something that's always covered. Even then, some things it just a toy connected to their clothing or connected to their hair. It when they unleash their powers one can really see, or maybe how other pokemon naturally interact with them. So Team Darkness has been kidnapping Gijinka and experimenting on them, trying to figure out what gives them the power to change the way they can. YC being beaten badly by Team Darkness, two of your pokemon in danger of really dying when MC steps in. An explosion happens and knocks YC out and the other two runs away. When YC awakes your pokemon healed and MC sitting there cooking some lunch.
It is up to them to fight the Darkness. YC wants payback for harming his pokemon. MC wants to stop and save what Gijinka is left in their hands. It's only time before YC starts piecing things together.

A Soul Bond**
[Gijinka x YC ]
YC ends up saving and healing MC at a young age. It then when they bonded, neither of them aware of it at that time and he disappeared from YC life after one day. Of course, YC thought it was just an average pokemon and no one believed him about this pokemon. When MC got older, he realized what happened and wanted to go search for YC, but he could not. He is the leader, the King of the Gijinka Kingdom. A safe haven for all of the Gijinka and pokemon alike. Finally the bond calling for him, so he leaves his Kingdom and goes searching for YC again. They meet, but YC has no idea MC is a Gijinka or that pokemon he saved as a little kid. They end up traveling a bit together, until something happens causing the Gijinka to show his real forum. The same one that has the scar where the pokemon had been hurt when the boy had saved him.
Can they work it out and become one again? They soul bond leaves them weak and in pain if they are to far from each other at first. Will something else come up before they can fully connect

A Supernatural and Harry Potter Cross Over****

What if Harry Potter Mothers Family was part of the Men of Letters? Part of the Branch of The London Chapter House . Their death had been caused by Monsters, Monsters that Lily had not even been aware of before her death.
It was the death of Petunia that had Dudley calling Harry a few days after he turned Twenty-Seven finding an old box with weird symbols on it. Returning to the house he refused to, he dropped by picking it up.
Sam has been kidnapped and being taken to England. Because Harry following the clues in the book causes him to meet the woman who has Sam. She had known his Grandparents for a moment of time, they were together gathering information when they were killed.
Cass and Dean and Mary on the hunt for Sam.
Can Sam convince Harry that he is not the bad guy? Or will he be following Toni? What will happen if the old man finds out that he is a Wizard? One of Gods Children who was blessed with magic purer then the Witches that they normally death with?
Harry never married Ginny.

I want to play Harry for sure.

I can play also Castiel, Sam, Dean, OC [Crowley for a NPC]
[This plot is open using OCs or even bringing one or two people back from the dead, as I could play a Younger Bobby]

Now Open!!​