Favorite Creepypasta


Kelsi Kitsune

Original poster
Iwaku, I want you to post your most favorite CreepyPastas. Pictures are welcome. If you have a link to the original, be sure to post it. My favorite has to be Annie96 Is Typing... Don't have a link to the original, but I do have this:


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Hypno's Lullaby, or there's one where a pokemon gets jealous and attaches parts of the trainer's other pokemon to itself, if anyone remembers the title.
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Pokemon Lost Silver was the first Creepypasta I ever read and it remains as my favorite.
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Yeah, that was a good read. Thanks!

It reminded me of another story, that I could have sworn was a Russian military experiment, but I haven't been able to find it again. Basically, these scientists want to see if it is possible to achieve a higher state of consciousness by shutting oneself off from external stimuli. So, they take a man, and rip out his eyes and tongue, they deafen him and then break every bone in his body or something along those lines (I read it years ago, before the Creepy Pasta Wiki was even a thing). They pump him full of drugs to keep him awake, and he just screams in agony (or as much as a man with no tongue can scream) for days on end in response. Eventually, he falls silent. It ends with him "waking" from this coma-like state after days, and telling the researcher that he has spoken to God, and when they ask what God had to say, the man answers. "He has forsaken us."

I'm well aware that my little summary has crapped all over this story and made it sound bloody awful, but it was incredibly well-written and detailed, and very chilling. Does anyone else here know what I'm on about?