Fandomstuck: Fandom Square (An RP about personified fandoms)

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a ghost
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So, what is Fandomstuck?

Fandomstuck is about the personification of different fandoms. Any TV show, book, movie, video game, etc with a noteworthy following has a fandom entity that represents it. These Fandom characters look something like this or this, as they embody their fans as well as the general spirit of the show/game/whatever in question.

Traditionally, Fandomstuck follows a Homestuck-based plot or setup (hence the title), but since I want this RP to be friendly to non-Homestuck fans as well, you don't need to worry about the "stuck" bit. This RP will have a somewhat more original setup that doesn't center itself around any particular series.

Therefore, all fandoms are welcome!

This is a sandbox-esque RP where all the Fandoms, while they can enter the "real world" whenever they please, spend most of their time together in a pocket dimension called the Fandomverse, in a city called Fandom Square, where they all live together and get into all sorts of shenanigans based on their various series. We already have Fandom characters from various TV shows, anime, video games, and music -- but as you could be really any fandom there are still plenty left to choose from.

Interested? Check out the OOC here!
RP still open with the max number of characters increased to 3 per person, for those who may be interested.
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