— fandom/original oriented interest check

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My name is Maverick and I'm just going to get right into things since I don't want to ramble on forever. I am looking for fandom roleplays primarily, but original roleplays can occasionally catch my interest. I'm not asking for you to audition to get my interested in original roleplays, but I am asking for you to be able to be forward enough to know what you want to roleplay and understand that I will not always been interested in everything that is thrown at me. I am looking for someone who has a proper grasp on the English language, but perfection is not a must as I understand that we, as humans, are prone to, well, fuck up to varying degrees. I am mostly looking for casual roleplays where I do not have to worry about posting too much or too often as I have a short attention span and I will not write more than 5+ paragraphs per post; I believe that post lengths can vary depending on how much a post needs, but I do have a minimum limit that I do not like to drop below and that is 5+ lines - not sentence, but lines.

I am generally an easy person to please, so I do not expect much from my partners, but I do expect them to be competent, to know what they are looking for, to know what I am looking for, and to understand that some people simply aren't compatible together when they roleplay; we can still be friends if you want, but if we aren't able to get through a roleplay without too much trouble, then I will ask that we not try it again unless we can settle on something we both like. Vice versa for being friends; if we can roleplay, but not get along out of character, so be it. However, I'd greatly appreciate it if I could get along with someone that I'm going to be roleplaying with.

Platonic roleplays are very welcome (and sometimes even preferred; I like roleplays where people can just be bros), but for romantic roleplays I will only do Male/Male; I can't do straight roleplays as I'm, well, not straight.

Lastly, as a general consensus, I will only allow myself 3 roleplays until I feel I am able to take on more. This may be updated later on. I currently have 0/3 roleplays going.

Bold is for something I really want to do.
Italics is something I want to do, but don't know much about.
Underline for stuff that could be canon/canon or canon/oc.

*Small note here: Though I am generally looking for oc/oc stuff, I also enjoy doing the other to listed above as well.
** is something I already have an idea for.

The Walking Dead** (Though my knowledge is strictly comics)
Supernatural (General/wiki knowledge)

Destiel, Michael/Lucifer
Teen Wolf
Sterek, Starrish

Devil May Cry (Reboot or original)
Dante/Nero, Dante/Vergil
Overwatch (Knowledge is wiki based, haven't played the game)
McHanzo, Reaper76, McGenji (is that the pairing name? who knows....)
Metal Gear (Wiki based, played Rising)
Fallout (3, New Vegas)

Blue Exorcist
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Preferably parts 2 & 3, reading parts 7 & 8)
Left is the character I'd like to play.
Right is the character I'd like you to play.

Monster Person (Dragon, Wendigo, etc)/Human**
Supernatural/Human** (Vice versa works, too)
Supernatural/Hunter** (Vice versa works)
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Hi! I'd either be interested in Unpopular x Popular, or maybe something with Lydia from Teen Wolf if you're interested.
Hi! I'd either be interested in Unpopular x Popular, or maybe something with Lydia from Teen Wolf if you're interested.
Lately I've actually been interested in the unpopular/popular idea, so I'd love to do something with that! Please send me a PM so we can discuss.
Hiya! I'm interested in trying a Pokemon role-play with you (since I've been craving it for a while) and probably Jojo if I can just get through Stardust by today.
Hiya! I'm interested in trying a Pokemon role-play with you (since I've been craving it for a while) and probably Jojo if I can just get through Stardust by today.
Hey! Cool, cool, either will work for me. Shoot me a PM so we can talk details!
Hi! If you're interested, I would like to do either Hunter x Hunter, Supernatural x Human, Supernatural x Supernatural or Monster Person x Human. I would prefer if this was an original plot but if not then something Supernatural or X-men like in nature please.
Hi! If you're interested, I would like to do either Hunter x Hunter, Supernatural x Human, Supernatural x Supernatural or Monster Person x Human. I would prefer if this was an original plot but if not then something Supernatural or X-men like in nature please.
Heya! I'd be fine with any of those, really! Original plots are okay as they're generally what I'm looking for when it comes to those ideas; please shoot me a PM so we can talk! Edit: Nevermind, noticed that you already did, haha.
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