Falling Skies: 7th Mobile Armor Suit Team (IC)

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"Gerten! J! Hit them! Now dammit!" Sterling shouted over the comms, cursing as he fought to regain control of his MAS.

Jari, #99ccff
"Roger, targeting the MK III," Jari replied, bringing both the laser weapons and the plasma cannons of the Thunderbolt to bear on the damaged Coalition mobile armor suit he had rapidly chosen as is new foe. The pilot was good and with something as advanced as the MK III even with his shields down, the Coalition ace would be a major problem and one that had to be dealt with at any cost.

Firing all of his arm based weaponry at the Coalition MAS, Jari was assailed by the the nagging voice of his own MAS's artificial intelligence as his reactor approached critical temperature. The heavy lasers cut into the torso of the enemy suit, while one of the plasma bolts slammed into the shoulder of the enemy suit, the other was a near miss that caused the wily Coalition pilot to send his MAS shuddering to the side.

Deftly inputting a fresh set of commands to his AI, Jari disabled the last remaining temperature safeguards placed on the Thunderbolt. He didn't want the engine to shut down on him or reduce output at the wrong moment. He had raised the stakes of his gamble, but he had no choice, if the MK III made it past him, it was game over for the USS Lincoln. Pausing to require his target, Jari breathed slowly, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. He knew the pilot, he knew what the Coalition bastard would do, what he would have done, shoot back, you didn't charge without firing unless one had a death wish, you had to make the enemy break, you had to throw off his aim.

Staggering his fire, Jari opened up with the heavy lasers of the Thunderbolt, not trying for a hit, but merely forcing the MK III to avoid again. Maintaining the rapid fire of the lasers Jari watched the skillful maneuvering of the enemy MAS as it wove closer towards him. He would only have one shot and a brief one at that.

"Gotcha!" He finally roared to himself, finding his targeting piper right on target as the Coalition suit given little other choice, stabilized for a moment to return fire with it's own plasma based weapon. Ignoring the beams of superheated plasma that arced towards his own MAS, Jari fired both of his plasma cannons, bracing himself from the impact he knew would soon follow courtesy of the enemy ace.

The shields of the Thunderbolt crackled from the incoming fire and warning alarms blared but Jari had time to sigh with relief as his own two plasma bolts smashed into the center torso of the MK III, leaving a mass of melted and scorched metal where the cockpit and the pilot had once been.

Shields down to 25%.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Jari muttered as he shifted his focus towards the remaining enemy contacts, hoping that Gerten had managed to handle at least one of the other Coalition mobile armor suits. He didn't relish the thought of fighting without his shield online, not that there was much choice if it came to that.

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