Original poster
"They won't be laughing at me for much longer.. I'll show them. All of them."
Angsty grumbles bounced back from the leaves they were directed at, the woman crouching down close to the ground, crawling on her hands and knees along the dirt of nature. An odd scene to behold by any passerby, there was reason behind the current state of such a being. The people of Laissez did not believe in mythical creatures, and inhuman appearences. Save for less than a handful, which consisted of the rambling sidewalk lunatic and that one guy from ninth grade that ended up in a nearby asylum, there were not many believers. As a scientist who did believe, so much as to search the woodland floor for clues and possible evidence, these were not the greatest of odds on her side. Fellow coworkers simply snickered upon hearing her claims to knowing they are out there. Persistancy was something she did have going for her, staying headstrong throughout all the mocking, teasing, fighting and shutdowns she had to endure on a daily routine. Why give up so quickly? She knew it was what they wanted. She was not just about to hand her pride over in defeat any time soon. Maybe in a week or a month, but not at the very second.
As a little girl, Evelynn always had the strange feeling the human race was not alone. Immensely, she enjoyed playing out with dolls, pretending they were werewolves and ghouls, faeries and elves, using her imagination to it's highest limit. Of course, her mother found this quite adorable, and encouraged the child to continue on believing, being true to her dreams and aspirations. On the opposing side, her father disapproved greatly of this playing style. Quickly, he had left home, all out of being immature over the dislike of his child's ways. She had stayed with her mother as they moved to Laissez, before it became the intensely populated area it was in the current time. Once old enough, graduating from the local university with honors, Evelynn took to working at the research center for scientists such as herself, though ones who did not believe in such foolish topics. While working on what she was assigned, on the side she found herself sneaking around to collect any kind of data she could find. A strange looking hair in the forest, which honestly probably belonged to a German Shepherd, became a sign of other lifeforms out there. This was exciting enough to keep her going, motivated to never give up. Which, still doing so today, she clearly did not slump over and say 'I quit' at any passing chance.
"I know I'll find something.. I know it."
Whimpering softly to herself, as she was sure there was no one else around her to listen, Dr. Evelynn Marie Kleiner sat up on her knees, taking a moment to breathe. Clearing her throat softly, a dainty pale hand rose to grasp at her glasses, cleaning off the lenses with such care. It seemed the air was starting to fog over, as it did before dusk every time she just had to go outside. Why must she be so unlucky? Rolling cinnamon shaded eyes to the side, a huff of air appeared before her, cold enough to allow physical visibility. Giving a grunt as her right leg shifted, carefully raising herself up to a standing position, she was bent over slightly to dust off all that dirtied up her attire. Mumbling incoherently to herself, the researcher straightened up her spine. Staring out into the vast length ahead of her, leading deeper and deeper into the shadowy extended family of trees, a shudder just had to crawl along each muscle, the correct human response to this sight. With the final habit of smoothing back stray locks of the softest blue tint from her face, Evelynn decided she was due back home soon. Though, hanging on her stance for another moment or two, she had the feeling something was different about this attempt along with others. Maybe she was meant to be fortunate tonight...or not. However, she was one to be a more optimistic woman. Therefore, she would stand still, and listen to her surroundings, as the forest whistled along with the night air, the painted picture of many typical horror scenes.