Escape of the Elements

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Eden eyed the man carefully as she removed her weapons and sat them on her horse's saddle. The man obviously wasn't from around here; if he were, he would use a different form of vernacular with a different accent. When she was satisfied with his answer, Eden untied the man and offered him a canteen of water and a small chunk of bread. She didn't have many rations, especially now that she was sharing with this odd man.

"You should rest. I'll be right back," she said as she left and scouted the area around them.

Eden couldn't hear or see any signs of human life. The only signs were a few mile markers on a dirt road. Beyond that, there was a slow river four feet deep. It would be useful for hunting and bathing if Eden decided to stay for an extended period of time. When she was done scouting, she returned to where she left her horse and the man.

"I am Eden, the King's Guillotine. I've left the King's service, so I will not be taking you into the prison. In all honesty, I want nothing to do with that kingdom. You may leave when you deem it proper."

Grave sat back on his heels once more, eying the man who was trying to escape.
The piece of sweet bread in his hand lifted slowly as he first licked at the jam, then took the small piece into his mouth.
Chewing slowly his eyes assessed the now-slightly floating captive.
Once the food was swallowed he stood carefully, leaving the food atop a small handkerchief on the floor.

"Master proffers you not harmed..."
His words were clipped and straight to the point, almost as if he'd rehearsed them countless times before.
Well, that was basically because he had.
Grave had been the right hand man and guard of the king's most valuable things for the majority of his life.
He didn't understand how to show any emotions nor what a joke even was.

"I believe I have not been given the orders to allow your leaving, so..."
Lifting his right hand slowly you could feel the air around them getting more and more dense.
Where the others' ability was to reverse the effects of gravity, Grave's was to condense and amplify it.
Suddenly the floating man was slammed to the ground, a plume of dust and dirt whisping up towards the light where the man would never be allowed to go.
Cold eyes followed the movement that occurred and were now staring down at the broken chains.
Without a second thought Grave knelt and retrieved two non-broken chains that he'd recently fastened to the wall.
The chains that had broken were rather old and he'd suspected they were to break soon.

Grasping the man's right wrist he quickly got to work on fixing the bondage.
"Please refrain from trying to escape. It shall only cause you distress."
<div style="float:right; margin-left:5pt;"><img src="" style="height:375px;width:254px;" /></div>Once he was on his arse, "Beauty" froze. The othey young man's eyes were trained on him and there was an almost curious expression on his face. It didn't really register with "Beauty" who for an instant just saw the Master, smiling cruelly and taunting him. His mouth was moving wordlessly in protests he could not enunciate. His mind was reeling from the hallucinations in the forest and he couldn't quite recognize the other boy in the clearing for what he actually was.

This was it. He was going to get taken back. The Master would punish him. Maybe he would never leave his room again. Maybe the Master would have someone use him as a toy every moment of every day. Maybe the King would do that. Maybe he would be flogged and whipped and punished severely and then used afterwards. Maybe the Master would drag him all the way to the King's palace on his knees. These thoughts fired in rapid succession in "Beauty's" mind and with each passing one, his eyes grew wider and wider in fear.

He sat there, eyes glazed over, not realizing that the other boy had sat down in front of him already. "I'm going back there... I don't want to... But I am... What was I thinking, running away? Did I really think I could escape, that I could be free?" thought "Beauty." His shoulders slumped and he drew his knees to his chest, wrapped his arms around them, buried his face in the furrow between them and started rocking back and forth slightly, mumbling harsh words to himself.

He kept waiting for what seemed to be an eternity, but the whiplash, the beating, the iron grip to drag him back did not come, much to his surprise. It was at that moment that it dawned on him that he wasn't being captured. That he had just been walking through a forest of trees. Granted, he had done more stumbling than walking. The tranquility of the small clearing was beginning to settle on "Beauty."

He wasn't quite ready to look at the other man yet, but he savored the sounds of the forest. He could hear the pleasant chirping and trilling of the birds, the serene rustle of the leaves in the wind, the crackle of leaves under scampering critters and the soft gurgle of the stream that was running through the middle of the clearing. As he accepted the reality that he was now free and he wasn't being captured yet, calm spread through his body, the thundering of his heartbeat dying down in his ears as it was drowned out by the ambient music of the woods.

Steeling himself, he looked up. He was surprised by how close the other young man was and ended up scrambling backwards, a strangled yell rising up through his throat. His heart began to start pounding in his ears again but whatever fear he had was voided once he realized that the other boy was sitting in pretty much the same manner that he was a few moments ago. He also had this 'content' look on his face, but, it was quite detached. It was, to say the least, a certainly curious sight and while still maintaining a cautious distance, "Beauty" examined it.

He had thought he was slight of build before, but apparently, this young man happened to be a little smaller than even him. The man seemed to be dressed in somewhat fine clothes, certainly much better compared to the tunic that had now been ripped in numerous places that he wore. Disturbingly, the young man wore some sort of contraption fashioned to his head. How it managed to not weigh his head backwards, "Beauty" could not tell.

What struck him the most were the boy's green eyes. They were brilliant and deep. There was something about them that he couldn't quite put a finger on. Either way, "Beauty" thought that they were certainly the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

He contemplated moving closer to the boy to examine the headgear, but whenever he even thought about being near the other, it stabbed fear through his heart. He couldn't help but wonder if this other boy would just use him like the Master. He was dreadfully curious about the boy though and while his stomach was doing somersaults, he choked out, in a ragged, breathy voice that reminded him he was parched "W-who are you?"
"Nice to meet you Eden." He resopned to her introduction and breathed a sigh of relief when she said she wasn't taking him to a prison. "Yeah, prison sucks. At least im not being treated as some experiment by some madman." He chuckles as he took a bite of the bread that she gave him. "Name's Allen." He introduced himself. It was nice,not being tied up. At the very least, she wasn't going to offer him to some slave trader. Among other things, he shifted the bread into his other hand.

He concentrated on that hand for some reason. Only to see a small arc of electricity breeze by in his hand. "Phew" Allen used that same hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead. He was afraid that he overused his powers while running away. It was probally because of the bread he was eating. In fact, he continued to eat until the bread was gone and took a sip of water from the canteen. He was careful not to irrate that wound on his side so much.
"Distress?!" Luce shouted for the first time in years, it felt odd in his throat. It hurt but if there was a time for shouting it was now. Especially with this... this golem! Luce found himself slammed back into the dirt, the taste of it fresh on newly bruised lips. He tried to breath in the cloud of dirt that had risen and choked, coughing hard.

He convulsed a little, his long back hair whipping violently around him. Luce had to escape. If he didn't he might as well be dead. He'd try again, he'd fight this man if he had to to do it. Though Luce was honestly very surprised that the man seemed to have a power. "I'm leaving. Damn your orders and damn you." He muttered, focusing his energy around the new chains.

"I will be free..." Luce was talking more to himself than to the other man by now. "I will never touch the ground unless I wish it. I will sleep in a bed. And I will be a free man!" He screamed, his voice breaking with it as he was so unused to speaking. A hard jerk had the new chain broken and Luce was floating again.

Another chain snapped and then another. Soon enough Luce was floating a few inches about the ground, his wrists and legs still shackled to the chains but the chains dangled freely, hooked to nothing at all. He righted himself, feeling his head spin. He hadn't been upright in a while and it was always hard.

The entire show had taken just a few quick seconds and Luce flew. [/DASH]
Joseph woke with a start and looked around. Light didn't pass through him anymore; he appeared to be solid as ever. Remembering that he'd run away, he stood quickly, looking around for any signs of life. A small furry rabbit had been startled and ran away, and a few birds chirped in the trees around him, but no other movements to show anything. Relaxing slightly, he was confused to see the sun in a different part of the sky, hidden by the trees, though a few speckles of light drifted down from the gaps in the leaves. Satisfied with even this much light, he continued walking South along the river, following the pull he felt in his gut.

He had to admit to himself that even though the other slaves had ignored him, they were still there. Now, he was completely alone. "At least you're here," he told the sun as a small ray shone on his face, making his eyes look more like muddy water than dark chocolate as they appeared to be in the shadows.

He froze as he heard a growl, and looked to the sound. A wolf had his teeth bared at him. Fear coursing through the young man's veins, he didn't move; his feet seemed frozen to the ground. To his limited knowledge, he assumed this animal was related to the anthro slaves back in the bakery. "I-I'm sorry," he whimpered to the canine. "P-Please don't take me back," he begged, backing up a step. The wolf matched him step for step until the boy fell back into the river on his rear. Now out of the wolf's territory and away from his pups, the wolf snorted. His fangs were no longer bared, but he kept still, watching over the former slave.

Slowly, Joseph stood and walked through the water, following the current as it flowed South. The wolf watched to make sure he wouldn't come back, and howled to the rest of his pack. The eerie sound gave Joseph the goosebumps as he kept walking, not having the courage to step back onto the shore just yet. He would wait until he was well out of the wolf's view before he even dared.
Grave did not react to the others' outburst like anyone else might have.
Instead he just watched calmly and quietly as the man spoke to himself out loud.
The braking of chains he noticed as well, just as quickly as they had happened but it took gravity longer to call upon his power then this man, his, or at least it would seem that way.
As the freed captive started to fly Grave followed, jumping abruptly and kicking along the well-walls to match the others' accent speed.

In a blur he had the man's ankle in his iron grasp but he could not use him powers on anything that concerned himself.
So, while he was holding the levitating man he could not force him back down to earth.
If he let go he surely could but they were already getting rather high up and that would most likely be fatal for him.
"Cease and desist! You shall not get far before you are tracked down, your escape attempt is futile!"

Grave had to shout because the wind far above land was much stronger, nearly making his words mute though they were surely screamed.
Glancing down he flinched, his other arm reaching up quickly to snatch the man's ankle in a death-grip.
Now probably wasn't the time to discover you're terrified of heights...
Too bad for Grave he just learned!

"Down!! Go down!!!!!"
<img src="" align="left" height="162" width="114" />There was still pain when Zephyr awoke, but it wasn't nearly as bad as he'd thought it had been when he'd lost consciousness. There was another feeling, the absence of air that he hadn't felt since the guards had originally learned of how to push his power until he'd become completely drained. Slowly, the memories of what had happened eased back into his immediate memory and he pushed himself into a sitting position with a gasp, eyes wide open.

Trees. So he was still outside. His eyes looked around; no guards, but there was a woman sitting next to him. He found that he could not pull his eyes away, so shocked was he to see someone next to him.

And then he seemed to catch himself and tried to push to his feet only to feel pain in his shoulder when he put pressure on it. Hissing at the pain, he stayed seated and merely pushed away a little. Hazarding a quick glance, he saw that he was bandaged. Did the woman do this?

"Who are you?" he asked as he looked back at her, trying to sound harsh. If she was going to take him back, he would fight her no matter how pretty she was! He was sure there's be a reward for him, since he'd managed to kill his master and get away. Someone would find the bodies soon and be on the lookout for him.

God, what has he done?

Gulping down any guilt over that, he tried once more to focus on the woman. If she healed him, he owed her somehow. Not that he'd hesitate to get away if she was still going to try to take him back, but... Getting a better look, he doubted that would be the case.

Softer, he added, "And what are you doing way out here?"
What a pitiful sound, Resonance thought as his gaze remained firmly attached regardless of how the other boy dramatically put distance between them. He was, in that instant, not unlike a portrait with eyes that always seemed to follow a person where ever he or she might go. He supposed this was unsettling for the boy opposite of him, who seemed to be more timid than a gentle doe grazing in a field, but he just couldn't set aside his selfishness; he rather liked staring at that face.

Attractive. It was definitely attractive to Resonance, though not in any kind of sexual sense. Yes, he would admit that the boy had pleasant physical features that were inarguably easy on the eyes. But what was so attractive was his expression. No, not the fear. Behind the fear was a tenderness that Resonance had only ever witnessed when he would remember a reoccurring woman from his dreams. He could see that very same gentle heart in this stranger's gaze, buried under a mountain of uncertainty.

Resonance's own gaze changed considerably the longer thought after thought raced through his mind. What had just seconds ago been drowzy content was now liveliness and total awareness. And yet, his thoughts coupled with the jumble of sounds from both forest and timid doe made it difficult to cling to just one kind of sound.

He was growing annoyed.

Lips pursing, brow furrowing, Resonance struggled to grasp onto one single sound, to pluck the appropriate one from the odds and ends bin so that he could remain docile but not immobile or unintelligent. The fight with himself made his chest rise and fall quickly as far too many emotions pushed their way into his mind one right after the other. Lips parted, bottom one trembling with every intake of fresh air. He was a volcano building pressure, ready to erupt and burn everything within reach.

And then finally his mind's hand wrapped fingers around a sound. It wasn't a perfect sound, because Resonance still felt a tinge of discomfort from hearing it, but the raw base of it drew him back to a tranquil place.

A voice. The boy's voice, actually. He wasn't quite sure why this voice could be so soothing, so revitalizing, when all of the voices that had come before it had only ever triggered rage. Maybe it was just like that gaze? Was the boy's voice imbued with the same tenderness as his eyes? A mystery, one Resonance was sure to ponder at a later time. For now, he accepted his regained peaceful state of mind, turning his attention instead to the question the voice had asked.

Who am I? That was a good question, one that Resonance had no real decent answers to. An escaped slave? A pawn of the king? A boy with no past? All of those answers would have tossed him deep into a dark pit of depression if he hadn't still been clinging to that voice.

So what could he say? Licking his lips, the blonde boy said, "Resonance," though it came out as more of a mumble than anything else. "Please... Take this off," he added after a short pause, hands once again lifting to the headpiece, fingernails scraping against metal. He'd never been able to find a clasp or a release button but maybe it only took a set of eyes outside of the machine to get the job done.
With a silent sigh, Eden sat up against a tree and examined her dagger. It was in need of a good polish, and the ruby in the handle needed to be replaced by a professional. Eden rubbed the blade with her fingers and carefully slit open her thumb. She stared at the blood for awhile before letting it drip onto the grass below. The sight of fresh, living blood oozing from a living wound both calmed and soothed Eden. She cut the wound a little deeper and squeezed the wound gently.
Allen decided to look up at the sky for some time. With a small smile, he closed the canteen. At this time, he was woundering what that Eden lady was doing. As he turned his head, he - wait what? Did she just cut herself? With an raised eyebrow, he shook his head and looked away. To each their own right? 'Yeah, Seriously.' -Oh hey, haven't heard from you for a while.- 'Yeah, sorry. I was just sleeping. ' -You asshole.- He ignored the mental responce and turned to Eden.

"Not even gonna question why you did that. But on another note: Thanks for treating that wound I had. Anyone else would probally leave me for dead, or take me to prison. But enough of that, your gonna fix your finger now?"He said that last part in a semi-joking manner.
Domascus had been wandering through a thick forest for quite some time now. He swore after a while that he was going in circles and began to wonder if leaving like he did was a good idea or not.
He knew it would be bad for him to be lost in the middle of nowhere for long and was extremely frustrated.
He was tired and hungry and aching from walking and his annoyance at that was really starting to show. His teeth were bared like a beast's and his fists were clenched tight.
He growled as he walked, looking about frantically for somewhere somewhat sheltered he could rest for a while.

He came across a huge tree that had been downed most likely due to the weather and quickly decided on it to be his resting place.
He huddled up underneath it and let out a sigh, trying to relieve himself of any pent up anger at himself for having left in the first place.
At least where he'd been there was food.
he looked down at the ground and groaned, so tired he was on the verge of drifting off to sleep.
Luce loved the feel of the air around him, under him, lifting him. Up and Up and Up! He was floating, he was flying. It was like his mind was as free as his body. He was utterly weightless, less than a drift of down. At least until the man grabbed him. At first Luce tried to shake him off like the dirt that covered his own body. "I'm sorry but I just don't care anymore!" Another shake and another. He couldn't break free though and just went higher.

"I guess I'm kidnapping you for now. I'm really sorry about that... but I'd rather be dead than be chained." He smiled down at him gently as they floated through the air. "Be careful. I don't want you to fall, I don't want your blood on my hands, even if you are a bad person." Luce breathed in the fresh air and felt the sunshine warm his face. It was the most beautiful moment of his life. Even with his 'parasite'.

"You could be free too, you know. Think about it, you could be free. Have you own life, your own love... Not be chained or forced to do anything against your will by the blood thirsty king..." Luce sighed. It was grand but like all things, it had to come to an end. Luce floated towards the ground. He was thirsty and rather tired all of a sudden. [/DASH]
Grave was having trouble keeping a grip but at least the guy wasn't trying to shake him off anymore.
He had to grab his ankle with both hands to keep form slipping to his death.
The young man wasn't sure how the other thought being so high up was a great thing but Gravity was definitely wanting to go back down to earth and NEVER leave again.

Raising a brow as he was called 'bad' the young man looked up, eyes showing confusion.
"I am not a bad person. I do as told and I do it well. I am not controlled by the king because he forces me, I was given to him and have learned my place."

The next thing the man said was even more confusing.
Why would he want another home? He had no love and knew not of the word.
"I have a home at the kingdom and I know not what this 'love' is."

As they finally descended Gravity silently thanked the gods as his feet pressed against solid ground once more.
With a sigh of relief he stretched his legs and looked at the person he was now holding around the wrist.
"You shall be coming back now."
Turning he yanked the other man though his sense of direction was horrid and they were actually heading away from the castle...
Luce might have been exhausted but he wasn't about to let his jailer drag him around just anywhere. "No." He muttered sleepily, his eyelids were heavy though and he dug in his heels to be harder to move. "Not going back to the pit and you are too a bad person, you work for a wicked evil man who hurts people and hurting innocent people is bad."

The young man had never used so much of his gift at once and flopped backwards. "I'm tired now..." Luce managed to mutter as he hit the grass. At least it was grass and not dirt. "I'd rather die than be locked up again... Not going back. Tired..." He mumbled and stretched out in the sun warmed grass. Just to be able to sleep on his back was such a luxury! It didn't take more than a moment after Luce uttered his last word of 'tired' for the man to fall asleep, his face was peaceful and his breathing deep and even.

Luce dreamed of a better world.[/DASH]
There was slight annoyance in Grave's features as the other started to struggle against him.
His powers would be useless unless the other tried to fly. He didn't want to slam the man into the ground, that would accomplish nothing but injuring one of his king's prized possessions.
He was currently unaware that the others had also escaped but if he saw them he'd try to retrieve those as well.
"I do not understand why this is such a luxury. There is nothing out he--..."
Did he just...

Grunting out a frustrated sigh Grave dropped to the ground next to the other man, sitting Indian style as he unwrapped the sash around his waist and promptly tied it his wrist first, then around the sleeping mans.
It was a knot with added gravity to the ties making it nearly impossible to undo within minutes.
Basically, if the guy tried to get it off his wrist, even using his powers, it would take a bit of effort and get Grave's attention.
With that done the slightly shorter guy curled up in the grass, feeling rather uncomfortable compared to his captive.
Gravity had never slept outside his post near the well or on rare occasions in the castle.
It was always against a stone wall, never on a bed or in the grass.

So, needless to say he didn't sleep well at all and would be awake when the other was, eyes rimmed red from lack of sleep.
As Coye slept, time had passed. She reached the stream late in the evening and the moment she nodded off, the beautiful orchestra of color returned to her dreams. So long, had her dreams been silent, dull; the fire of inspiration burned inside her chest once again, so of course she slept a bit longer than she had expected. Her fingers playfully twitched along with the music in her head; lips curled into a tiny smile as she slowly gained her voice back.

Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars…

It was enough to cause Ether to come wandering, interrupting its meal of the tall grass on the other side of the stream. Bits of grass clung to her silky hair as she stirred slightly; poking at her with his nose, the horse was reminded of how he was owed a carrot for his efforts. Coye had fallen asleep before she could even give it to him. Her singing even drew the attention of nearby wildlife, raising the urgency of his nudges to wake the girl. One more nudge with a little bite and she was startled awake; wiping the drool and bits of greenery from her cheek. Hair frazzled, she grumbled and hissed softly before jumping up.

THAT'S when it all hit her. She escaped; the concert she had been practicing and waiting for worked out. The plan worked, she was free.

Wincing, she groggily looked up at the canopy of trees above her and couldn't help but let out a surprised laugh of victory. "We are free. C'mon, now I require a meal." Standing, she was almost knocked over by Ether in demand of carrots. "After you, of course!" Searching her robes for a carrot, she stuffed a few of them into its mouth and the two walked side-by-side; riding all night had put a real hurt on her rear end. In the distance she could feel people talking and judging by the tones, it was not hostile; still, she wandered nonchalantly, picking the grass from her hair, fixing it and even adjusting the chalkboard around her neck.

Coye did not know how people were, not outside the castle- so she would still have to hide her ability. Her eyes explained the torment she had been through, but she hid it well behind a smile and a facade. It was alright, once she got far away from the new people up ahead, she would not have to hide. Heart pounding with excitement and fear, she steeled herself for a moment and moved on; now far away enough for two awkward strangers to see her shambling down the beaten path.
<div style="float:right; margin-left:5pt;"><img src="" style="height:375px;width:254px;" /></div>The other boy's unwavering gaze was enough to put "Beauty" on edge. He didn't mind though, the very curious expression that the other boy wore made him feel quite warm. It made him quite uneasy too and he couldn't stop what could only be described as a whole drove of butterflies in his stomach from fluttering about. He continued to rock back and forth, whimpering inaudibly every time something startled him, even after he had forced the words out of his parched throat.

His heartbeat had started to slow down, thanks in part to the tranquility of the forest. However, the other boy seemed to have had a hand in calming him down too. He rather liked staring at the other boy's eyes and he thought he could get lost in them forever. His face was pleasant to look at too and "Beauty" could feel the heat rushing to his face from those thoughts. His pale complexion did little to hide the blood that was welling underneath his cheeks too.

A small smile tugged at the corners of "Beauty's" lips, the first one in quite a long while. It was bittersweet, still marred with uncertainty and tainted with memories of a past better forgotten, but it was a start. He continued just gazing at the other boy who still hadn't responded to his question. He saw a different expression fall upon the other boy's face and it made his smile falter. Had he said something wrong? Had he angered the other somehow?

It sent him back into that dark world that was his past and he had to struggle to remain in the present, holding on desperately to the serenity of the clearing. One instant he was in the woods with the beautiful, albeit strange boy in front of him. The next, he was back in the estate, on his pitiful bed with the Master's fingers raking over his prone body.


"Beauty" snapped back to reality in that instant. The other boy's voice was barely audible, but it rang clear for "Beauty." For a moment, only that word hung crystal clear in the air between them, the gurgle of the stream, the crackle and rustle of leaves and the noise of critters fading into a muted buzz in the background. "Beauty" thought it was a wonderful name, but at the same time, bitter bile rose in his throat. Even this stranger had something he could only wish he did.

"Beauty" thought of responding, but the words died in his throat. Thankfully, the boy spoke again. "Please... Take this off." Resonance's hands drifted up to the strange thing he was wearing and "Beauty" winced when he heard the sound of fingernails scraping against metal.

"I-I'll try..." he managed to choke out. Cautiously he got up and slowly approached the other boy, feeling the blood rush to his face again with every step. Once he stood behind Resonance, he gingerly placed his hands against the cool metal and tried feeling around for a way to remove it. He tried tugging gently, but that got him nowhere quickly. The two of them were simply there, one sitting, one behind him trying to remove the strange piece of headgear. It was definitely an interesting sight.

"Beauty" soon got absorbed with the task at hand, trying to find a strap or a lock or even a mechanism to disengage the object, but he was having no luck. "Uhm..." said "Beauty," pausing for a moment. He knew it was only right to tell the other boy his name after Resonance had told him his, but he didn't quite know what to say.

After some pondering and fidgeting, he whispered "T-they call me 'Beauty.'" The awkward silence stretched on for a few moments before "Beauty" returned to tinkering with the headgear. He was far too absorbed in doing so that he failed to notice the woman that was slowly coming along towards them. He was beginning to enjoy the proximity with Resonance and working with the headgear distracted him from thinking about life at the Estate.
The grass was much softer than the dirt that Luce had lain in for so many many years. The texture was nice as well. It was wonderfully calming and as he slept he felt buoyant and light, his dreams full of his days from childhood and all the things he loved which included laying in the sun warmed grass in the afternoons.

So it was with a light and easy heart that the man woke up with a stretch and a yawn and found himself tied to his jailer. Or former jailer. He wasn't sure since he was still stuck with the man. Another yawn burst from his lips as he brushed his long black hair back away from his face and let himself fall against the grass again, landing with a soft thud and a gentle laugh. He hummed softly. It had been too long since he'd been allowed to be happy and he was indeed happy.

"You should just let me go." He grinned unrepentantly over at the man. "Free me or hell, you can come with me. I'm going to go home." He stretched his hand out at the sky. "I'm going home..."[/DASH]
Grave snapped out of his tired daze as the other sat up abruptly.
The levity man looked well rested in comparison to the other but not much could be done about that right now.
He found no comfort in the pointy grass and annoying sounds given off by their new environment, the boy had grown up in the castle and as such usually only heard people and the occasional song bird.
Here it was like he was surrounded by things that were screaming for his attention...definitely not a favorable place to be in his mind.

Standing up slowly Gravity gave a small tug to the binding, willing the other to stand.
"Home is indeed the location of which we shall be heading.
The castle guards will be waiting and I would proffer the punishment deserved not be held in suspense.
He knew they were both to be punished, his possibly more severe but deserving.
"I made a mistake in judgement and I shall be reprimanded for such, along with you for causing such a trieste."

Turning Gravity surveyed the area, not too sure on his bearings hard could it be?
Well, after a few minutes his brow was furrowed with irritation as he turned to the other man.
"Which way is the castle? My sense of direction is faulting."