Enter the Digital World. Digimon Digital Monsters

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A warrior straight out of legend.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, romance, furry, scifi, modern, medieval,
Hello Everyone!

So to make this a quick post I was just sitting around a few days ago going through some old things. Mostly nostalgia kind of stuff. Remembering child hood. And I came across some of my old Digimon Digital Monsters stuff and almost immediately got teary eyed. So I immediately sat down and watched the old Digimon Movie and dear god I was a wreck haha. Like seriously I was hit with so much nostalgia and child hood memories I couldn't help nearly breaking into tears. Since then I've just had so many great memories of childhood and Digimon coming to my mind that I just can't stop thinking about it and well...I thought why not see if anyone else felt the same way?

So I decided to come here and thought I'd put some feelers out and see if anyone did feel the same way! That being said I want to put together a potential group rp of Digimon Digital monsters! Now I know that over the years there have been a LOT of different ideas when it came to Digimon. There was the original with Tai and the other digidestined, then there was the following season with David. Then there was Digimon Frontier and..yeah just so many different ideas of how the digital world could work. So that being said at the moment I haven't decided what concept I would use for the rp in regards to how everyone's connection to the Digital world would work. I'm mostly just here putting my feelers out to get an idea and see how many people if any would be interested in some kind of group rp involving Digimon!

Depending on how many people are interested in this I think it would effect what season of Digimon I pulled inspiration from and how characters would work and such but at the moment if your interested just leave a comment and let me know :) if I feel that there is a good number of people that would want to get involved in this I'll start putting together some ideas on how we could do this. I'm also always open to ideas that could help me make things better and would even be open minded to working with someone to put this together :)

Hope to hear from all you Digidestined soon! And remember! Digimon are the Champions!
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I wanted to say that I would love to do this rp.
I loved the digimon anime so much as well and think an rp of it would be so fun.
So yeah I'm mega interested.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Andy
Glad to hear you are :) your definitely the first to get back to me but I'm definitely glad to hear you are :)
definitely interested! i'm a lil rusty on the show..just I'm planning on rewatching it w/ Dinosaur King.
  • Love
Reactions: Andy
Glad to have you on board as well! Dinosaur king was another great show!
I have been active in keeping up with it over the years and i found the ability for a human to become a digimon really cool idea
  • Thank You
Reactions: Andy
So we've got a few people interested (4 including myself) which is a good start but I would like to at least see five of us before I start putting things together or trying to. At least with five we could do a concept close to Digimon Frontier where our characters would become the Digimon. There's always the chance that more will want to get involved and we could go to a different season where some people could play as the Digimon partners but that's something to figure out later.

Point I'm trying to get to is if anyone has a friend that they think may be interested please hit them up :) point them this way. Sooner we get more numbers the sooner we can start.
Digimon is a rare thing to see nowadays, I suppose I could give this a shot. I mostly fell off after Data Squad, but Frontier is one of my favorites so I wouldn't mind heading in that direction since that seems to be the main season of discussion so far. That being said even if that changes it's not a deal-breaker whatsoever!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Andy
Well with Raddum now joining us that gives us five to at least do one based off of Frontier. So we've got enough that I can start putting some stuff together to figure things out! So everyone sit tight and hopefully in the next few days I'll have an OC/Sign up thread made for us :)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Raddum
Hello, I'd like to throw my hat in the ring here as well. I'm a relatively new person when it comes to Digimon, because I only started getting into it with Cyber Sleuth and Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory, but I've really loved everything I've seen out of Digimon so far and would be really interested in joining in.