Enter The Coven

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The basement of the Harris mansion was dim and dingy this night. The only illumination was a handful of candles surrounding a large magical circle, intricately designed and strategically dotted with various plant oils. As Hazel passed out wine glasses to her new recruits, she took the opportunity to make a little speech.

"The bond we shall share will not be written on paper, or flesh, or even our bones, but on our very souls. Not even death shall break it.

Tonight, you shall wed yourselves to a dark power. Once we are joined, you shall lay with no others, save those who have also bathed in sin. We shall be brothers, sisters, husbands, wives- a family bound in shadows and darkness."

With that, she knelt to the center of the circle and whispered, "Nagariel, infernal one, come forth. I welcome you into my midst and my soul."

A thick black smoke erupted from the circle, coalescing into a serpentine shape with red eyes. "I see you have found your coven, Hazel. Very well, let us observe the ancient rites."

With that, Hazel reached into her pocket and pulled out a silver-edged knife. She slashed Nagariel a single time, and the black smoke poured from the wound into the wine glasses the new recruits held before transmuting into a gooey liquid. Oddly, the demon didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest. "Come, children. Step into the circle and sip of my blood, and let our covenant be formed."

Hazel smiled with unabashed glee. The ritual had gone according to plan so far, and Nagariel even seemed to be more polite than usual.
Jack was pretty scared but also intrigued.She didn't know she had powers untill recently when she almost burned her wooden desk just by touching it.She never believed in the paranormal.Witchcraft,demons,bloodbonds if you had told her a few days ago that she would even consider being a part of those things she would call you crazy but there she was taking part in whatever ritual this is standing in front of whatever creature that was and not screaming.

With all the courage she could master sshe stepped foward and took a sip of the strange liquid.She felt the liquid going down her neck and spread all over her entire being it was strange,she felt her body heating up and a tingle in her fingers,she felt her fear slowly subsiding and she took a breath.
Upon watching the demon get summoned from smoke, Azerael knew what he was seeing was real. This demon, Nagarial, was something that he had seen several times. Another member had stepped forward and drank, so he felt that it was only natural that he follow up himself.

Stepping forward, Azerael took the glass into his hands. "This, I had hoped it would be you. Coolest mofo I've seen." He drank and focused, he could feel it doing something to him, but he didn't know what.
It took Nikita awhile to fully trust Hazel. She was intrigued with the fact that there were other witches nearby and her age, but she was also wary. Her grandmother had always warned her that young magic wielders tended to get carried away pretty easily and that they could be abrupt and unpredictable. There had been many a time when Nikita had suggested doing something turbulent and had been blocked and reprimanded by her grandmother who discouraged such poor planning. And that was the reason why in the end, Nikita had chosen to follow Hazel and join her coven. That was the reason why she was in this basement now, gazing at a demon and swirling it's inky black blood in her glass. Her grandmother may have been correct about young witches being hasty, but that's what Nikita was. She was young, impulsive and this was her life. Not her grandmothers. She had no intention of joining a coven full of witches older than her who would belittle and boss her around constantly. Being in Hazel's coven was more ideal and--She wasn't the most novice witch present, so that was a big plus.

Stepping into the circle, Nikita bowed her head at the demon then tipped her head back to down the blood in one gulp. Oddly enough the blood didn't taste so bad, and she kind of wished she had savored it like a wine connoisseur. Oh well.

As the liquid coursed through her lungs and coated her insides, Nikita felt a warmth grow in her belly and she closed her eyes and breathed deeply through her nose. Her finger tips tingled and she nearly dropped the glass.

This. This feeling.

She felt like she could call a tornado to take out the town.

She felt frighteningly powerful.
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She watched with excited eyes as one by one her classmates stepped forward to drink from the chalice. Should she go next? Fear bubbled with excitement in the pit of her belly. It rolled up her spine much like the swirling darkness that poured silently from the demon. It was almost too much to be true. This was the stuff of fairy tales; Hollywood. Things she'd see on the silver screen but no, not tonight. Tonight it was before her very eyes and within her Gaia felt; conflicted.

There was a tremble in the air when Hazel had summoned the demon. A palpable shift in her reality and she could only assume those around her felt the same way. Like their entire world had dramatically shifted. Gaia had come there almost expecting just a simple ritual. For them exchange words maybe even a little blood but not this. No. Hazel was for real. This was real .

She watched as another girl took a sip and stepped back. Curiosity was starting to take its hold on her. It was do or die time as she made her way towards the cup.

A nervous smile pulled at the corners of her lips as she took the object into her own hands. 'No going back.' her mind warned but Gaia didn't want to go back. She wanted adventure. She wanted her life to be like the plays she often helped create. All the books she's read. All the lives lived out in fantasy lands etched inside pages. It was time for her to create her own story.

With that final thread of resolve Gaia quickly tipped the cup to her lips and drank down the liquid from inside. It was- odd. She had expected a metallic taste that often came with blood but instead for her it was mild. It held a musty scent and reminded her of the dampened earth after a rainstorm. Then it hit her; like a itch after a bugs bite. She felt heat lace through her veins. It spiked through her body like a tiny storm of bullets leaving bursts of electricity searing beneath her skin.

Absent-mindedly she handed the glass back. Her mind now fixated on the bizarre traces of power that pulsed through her. Somewhere in the back of her mind a voice whispered; 'What have you done?"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Earlier that Day;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]With his ear to the phone, he was waiting for someone to pick up. He was sitting on the curb, inside the neighborhood, but outside of his home. He couldn't deal with her ravings right now. It was a lot to take by himself sometimes. Though he didn't always have to do it all alone. He just figured sometimes it was his burden to carry, but this time was different. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He had a thing to do. At the Harris estate today. He expected halfheartedly Hazel to just start passing out weed and PCP, and when they were high on drugs she'd pass it off as them being witches, ooooo. Except that wasn't entirely fair considering the serious weirdness that surrounded him his whole life. Except that he didn't like the idea that was he buying into this bullshit either.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It could be like one of those placebo effects. You know, crazy mom believes and you only start believing it too because it's been your whole life. Kind of like how religion started. Pretty sure that wasn't normal either, but you get a bunch of people to believe in that bullshit and you got yourself a community of lunatics.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Finally he heard someone answer.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Scott?" his aunt Rosie asked on the other line.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"No, I stole his phone and decided to call his aunt," he replied sardonically. All though he could hear her seriously huff on the other line.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"What's going on sweetheart?" Rosie asked.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He didn't like when she called him sweetheart. Made him sound weaker than what he was. Also gave the kids more fuel to make fun of him and laugh at him. If they couldn't get him because of his birthmark, they certainly find something else to do so. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Can you watch Mom?" Scott asked.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Lilith, why? Is everything okay?" Rosie asked.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yeah, I am just going somewhere tonight," Scott responded.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Like a party?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Kind of like a party,"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"How many kids will be there?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"A few freaks, we're not popular, or at least I don't think the others are," Scott told her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Will there be drugs?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Of course there were going to be drugs. No one was sensibly believing there witches and warlocks unless they were taking some strong dipped acid. Like acid laced in cocaine and washed down with LSD. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"No," Scott responded.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"How long do you think you'll be out?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott shrugged, but he knew she couldn't see him shrug.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I don't know a couple hours," Scott told her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can, give me fifteen minutes, you home?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I mean yeah, Tony just left, but I don't want to go in there. She's actually asleep and I am afraid if I wake her up it's cause I stepped on a land mine or something,"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Rosie chuckled. He didn't find it too funny. They said their "see you soons" and he just waited at the curb. Tony was his cousin, he was Rosie's son. But Tony was in college and dealt with his mom when he was at school, then Tony went to his night classes. Guess social isolation and introverted tendencies suited the whole of the family.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It didn't take long for Rosie's beat up, emerald, sedan to make it up over the hill. And park just shy of where he was sitting. Rosie and his mom looked awfully alike, except they weren't twins. Rosie just happened to look like what his mom would look like if his mom was healthy.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A lot of wavy, curly, red hair, coiled together, bouncing right above her shoulders and the back of it cascading into spirals to her tailbone. If her hair was straightened out her hair could be past her ass by now. She dressed like an old woman though. A velvet cardigan, with a pair of tan pants and some ugs to be hip and cool like the kids.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Bright red lipstick and these out of date pearl earrings, with a pearl necklace. Was she taking care of his mom, or gotten ready for a night out on the town, Scott wondered.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Hey Rosie," Scott greeted her with a lazy wave.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You did do your homework?" Rosie asked closing the car door with a snap.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"It is me we're talking about," Scott reminded her and Rosie nodded.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Good, I just have to make sure you're taking care of yourself,"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Why do you think I am going to this thing?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I'm proud of you, I am tired of seeing you sit in your room with no friend, not doing anything with your social life,"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Well social lives were underrated. Kids didn't talk about interesting things and he didn't have anything in common with them. While they groaned about their parents because they didn't let them have that flat screen TV they wanted to. He was groaning that his mom had a hard time remembering things, her dementia was off the charts, or that he legit had to take care of her. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And those kids would just raise a brow at him, scoff, and behave like he was the freak. He was complaining because he had to take care of a parent. And these kids parents took care of themselves and their kids. Giving them whatever entitled whim they wanted.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I am going to head out," Scott told Rosie, "Thank you for doing this, I know it's not the-"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But Rosie put her hand up and snapped her fingers, which interrupted his speech.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Any time Scott, I want you to have a life outside of this," Rosie told him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yeah thanks," Scott said looking away because he was legitimately embarrassed. He always felt like he should be the one left to carry her as his burden, but he knew he had a family out there willing to take the weight off of his shoulders. Still Scott said nothing and just nodded his head again and began walking.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He'd take the bus and from there, more walking to the fancy estate. Scott groaned at the arguably long journey ahead of it.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Tonight - Current[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Well the drugs hadn't yet been passed around yet. Instead Hazel gave him ultimate creep vibes. She scared him a bit. She use to be this mousy girl, who use to get the shit beaten into her twenty-four seven. Unlike him, who learned how to cope with it and deal with it in his own way. He thought she had cracked. Went from just a simple freak, to creepy freak.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He wanted to ask things about her parents. Or wanted to ask things about, how could she believe in all of this? She thought she was like that Ariana Grande [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Dangerous Woman"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], but he couldn't get the song from Green Day out of his mind [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Basket Case"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. He thought she needed to see an asylum. Yet, he didn't say anything because something was off and he didn't like that.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Didn't like feeling like one false step and he could be dead. That was an unusual feeling to him. Right now this was starting to either look like a kool aid party or people invited to the Mason's house. When Hazel began her dark, and eerie speech. He tried to hold back in laughter.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She was taking herself way too seriously right now. Everyone else looked at her starry eyed, excited. Like a one year old very first Halloween. Or the very first Christmas. And Scott had one eyebrow raised with a look that said[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] "yall are crazy"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There was skepticism on his face. And even when the demon appeared. "Demon" appeared he was looking around like he couldn't believe. These other just drank the blood, there was hunger and power in their eyes and he was trying to not crack up like this was some horrible fucking prank.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It had to be a fucking prak. They were getting punk'd. How could anyone just blindly go into this horseshit? Looking so eager too. Scott hesitated because he was the next one up. And he admittedly raised his hand in the air.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I'm sorry, what the fuck is this?" Scott asked he kind of laughed, "This is a fucking joke, right? Everyone's just so eager to drink the blood of some fucking "demon". Don't even ask a single question."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott stared at Hazel.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You're going to have to convince me to do this, and not some ominous, vague, creepy speech is going to convince me. What makes you all so sure this is real? Or are all of you in on a joke? You can't just suddenly think, oh there's a demon and I believe. Like seriously. Haunted houses have better special effects."[/BCOLOR]
"Oh, Scott. I've been in your shoes. An outcast, utterly alone. And then, one night I found power." Hazel leaned ever so slightly on that last word. But she could tell he needed some convincing. Conjuring was out of the question, with all the room being taken up by the circle to summon Nagariel. Aha!

With such a large area underground, Hazel had needed a dehumidifier to keep the place dry, and it appeared that the full light was on. Hazel only needed to concentrate a little bit, and the water shot out of the tank like a rocket, swirling in a ring above their heads. The young witch condensed it into a ball about the size of a basketball, levitating it lightly on Scott's hair so he could feel it before letting it splash on the ground at the coven's feet.

Nagariel chuckled at Hazel's display of magic. "Now do you believe, mortal? Or do your horizons still need broadening?"
[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott gave hazel a skeptical look, this chick was crazy. And not like his mother crazy. He could have walked out right now. Like he wanted to say, "nice special effects, so you got this placed rigged with cheap tricks." But Scott knew why he came here.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He was fighting himself. Wanting to tell Hazel to fuck off. Wanting to tell her demon puppet that he had a nice voice actor. But Scott knew why he came. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mom has always showed him circles like this. Always in her drawings. Mom's always showed him her books of spells. Mom's always showed him how to write a circle, with all the things Hazel had placed around the circle.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But there was a rational side fighting himself. Knowing all of this was fucking bullshit. There were no such things as witches and warlocks. Then there was a side of him curious to know the real answer. Yet, none of this was all at all convincing for him to believe if it were real or not.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And if he joined this coven, would there be a way out of it later in his life? He didn't see him at forty still chipping at a coven with some old high school buddies. People think he'd gone senile. People think he'd gotten kicked in the head. Could he live by his own volition when the time came?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott hesitated with himself. Wrangling between disbelief, getting up, walking out of the basement right now. Calling Hazel a psycho freak bitch. And between getting the answer he wanted. Scott wanted to yank at his hair right now. His own frustration bubbling up.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He wanted to yell. Fight. Like he always did. It was the defining feature of his life. Temperamental storm, hidden behind the layer of high school zen.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But he didn't want Hazel to know any of this either. He didn't want her to see his frustration. He didn't want her to know that he thought she was complete and total dog shite. He didn't want her to know he was about two seconds in knuckle to her face. Sounds wrong when he puts it that way. He bit his knuckle before shrugging.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Nice special effects, what did you do put a mechanism in there," he pointed to the tank, he shrugged, "Whatever I'll humor you. I'll take the bait. Doesn't mean I still don't think is a bunch of bullshit. Good work on the puppet too."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He entered the circle. Took the cup and put it to his lips. It didn't taste nearly as foul as he thought it was going to, but he frowned at it. Definitely spiked with some kind of drug because it punched him in the face with an instant fucking high. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott shrugged it off though.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"PCP or Bath salts?" Scott asked putting the cup back and leaving the circle.[/BCOLOR]
Jack felt as if she was burning ,at this point she could believe what Scott said about drugs.It made sense that the whole thing could be a prank and she was drugged.She looked at the thick black that was supposed to be a demon,it was like she could she through the smoke.She could clearly see the owner of the blood red,glowing eyes.

She was expecting to see a ghastly creature with horns and everything but that wasn't the case.She remembered what one of her favourite writers Neil Gaiman had said"devils and angels have the same wings" "but the devil wings are better groomed"she whispered the second part without realising it.Nagariel didn't have any wings but looking at him she knew why they say"all demons used to be angels".

Perhaps she was seeing things because she was high and she never had a boyfriend being the freak she was and due to her never having used drugs the effects were more intense.

Something next to her or around her was glowing pretty brightly and the room suddenly wasn`t as dark as before.It was like someone turned on a lamp without her realising it.She looked down and both of her hands were on fire.She let out a shocked gasp and she dropped the empty,metal goblet she was holding on her right hand which now could cause serious burns to anyone who would touch it.

She brought her burning hands in front of her and looked at them.Why wasn`t she burning?Was what she was seeing real or was she that high?
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Rather than fear or awe, or even excitement, Thaïs found herself watching the ritual with mere curiosity, she had used her own magic, weak as it may have been, many times before, and so the demon appearing seemed almost normal.
Of course she still found herself the last to step forward and taste the blood, after it seemed not to gave a negative effect on any of the others that went before her.
She barely noticed a change, if there was one, other than a faint chill, and stepped back to hide in a corner, as she often did when around other people.
"Thank you, all of you. My new family." Hazel turned to Nagariel. "You may go now, my friend. If we ever have need, we'll call." The demon simply vanished, without any flashy effects.

Hazel raised an eyebrow at Scott's continued skepticism. Seriously? I just took the laws of reality and beat them into obedience! What do I have to do to convince this guy?! "Neither, actually."

"Our business for tonight is concluded, though you may stay if you wish. My door is always open to you. Remember, we have a club meeting after school tomorrow in room 143. I hope to see you all there." With that, Hazel started up the stairs.
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Scott annoyed Nikita. Not because he was skeptical, it would be odd if he wasn't, with him being a novice. But his lack of tact around a demon pissed her off. Nagariel wasn't the first demon that Nikita had seen but it was the first that she had been less than a foot away from. Her grandmother had always told her to be painstakingly respectful but perpetually on guard around demons, which she thought she had succeeded in doing. However she couldn't speak for everyone else in the room. Witchcraft was fantastical and this whole set up seemed bizarre, she got that. But what she didn't understand was Scott's denial in the face of concrete proof! Hazel had levitated water above his head for God's sake and he still thought everyone in the room was tripping balls and Ashton Kutcher was gonna pop out any moment!

Shaking her head, Nikita watched the others in the room to see how they chose to end the day but when Hazel began to depart, Nikita trailed after the girl. She did say that they could stay if they wanted to, which Nikita planned on doing, at least for a few hours. When she had talked to her parents that morning about 'going to a small get together' they had grilled her on who she would be hanging out with. Lying was easiest when you didn't stray far from the truth, so she told them that she was going to be hanging out with Hazel and some other people. Her parents had immediately cooed over their child for being so kind to the girl who had lost everything. Nikita had forced herself to be solemn and agreeing so that she wouldn't burst into peals of laughter. The girl who had lost everything? More like the girl who had everything. Nikita held no doubt in her mind that Hazel's sudden change and the tragedy that struck her parents were related. But she didn't really care about that. She didn't know what went on behind closed doors, for all she knew Hazel's parents could have been planning to sacrifice her for a demon and Hazel turned the tables.

Speaking of family..."Hey, Hazel! Slow down, I want to talk to you!" She called and fell into step with the other witch. When they exited the basement, Nikita began to breach her topic. Honestly, she as a tad nervous now that they were alone, but she hadn't stayed downstairs because she didn't want anyone knowing her business. Sure they were 'family' but they weren't that close yet.

"Hazel, I'd like you to swear to me that my family will never be involved in what we do here. In any way whatsoever. I can't speak for your parents because I don't know what really happened. But my parents are good people, who don't no about my powers and I'd like it to stay that way. But I'd also like to make sure they won't appear on stone slabs ready for sacrifice anytime soon, you feel?" There was no easy way to discuss this and since Hazel was the one with the demon contract, Nikita wanted to stay humble and polite, but she also wanted to be firm.


The skepticism of the others baffled Azerael, as he didn't see how they could think there wasn't something magical happening. He couldn't help but mutter to himself when they thought it was drugs. 'It ain't drugs, I should know what drugs can show ya.' he thought pitifully. As Hazel and another person walked out the door, both of which he felt would be the most sane to talk with, he walked with them and waited for an opportunity to ask his question. Upon hearing the other's question, he felt a little concern in return. "That is a good question. Our families won't be involved, will they?"
Before you can have anything, you have to be prepared to lose everything. It was an old quote Hazel liked, though she couldn't quite remember who had said it. Still, she could understand their trepidation. The rumors about what happened to her family did need to be addressed, and it wasn't easy to break the bonds of blood.

"I swear to you, upon the bonds we share. Your parents shall not be sacrifices, and as long as you keep your secrets, we won't work any magic upon them. If they do learn of the coven, though, there will be no other option but to excise the knowledge from their minds, but even then, we will try to be gentle." It was the best offer she could make, and she hoped it would be enough.
Thaïs hadn't even thought about what might happen to her parents if she got involved with this cult... Though she was pleased to hear that they would be left alone, she was willing to go behind their back or even leave them, but hurting her own blood would be too much.

She did briefly consider staying in the mansion for a little longer, but figured it was about time she went home, and with a small wave to the other people still present, she left the room, heading towards the front door of the mansion.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott took a second. The drugs were kicking in as one of the girl's hands started to catch on fire. Knew it, LSD. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Hazel, I'd like you to swear to me that my family will never be involved in what we do here. In any way whatsoever. I can't speak for your parents because I don't know what really happened. But my parents are good people, who don't no about my powers and I'd like it to stay that way. But I'd also like to make sure they won't appear on stone slabs ready for sacrifice anytime soon, you feel?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott turned to the conversation on hand. There were so many rumors surrounding Hazel's parents. And at this point, perhaps, he wouldn't be surprised if Hazel had killed them out. Hazel gave off so many off vibes it wasn't even funny. Why had he even gone through this?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Why was here? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]You wanted answers remember Scott. This is bullshit you already know the answers Scott. Shut up Scott, stop contradicting yourself. I am not contradicting myself. What was this argument about? Whether or not he could believe this horsehsit. You know the answer Scott. No I don't. Don't be a fucking idiot. Fuck![/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]What did he expect to get out of this besides an answer? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]I don't know. Oh great so we just waltz into the lair of the creepy chick from school on a whim. Shut up, I am not good at thinking these things through because of you. Fuck you, don't insult me. I am insulting myself right now.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I swear to you, upon the bonds we share. Your parents shall not be sacrifices, and as long as you keep your secrets, we won't work any magic upon them. If they do learn of the coven, though, there will be no other option but to excise the knowledge from their minds, but even then, we will try to be gentle." Hazel responded to the question.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Because yeah that was comforting. That answer wasn't ominous, vague, and made Hazel look like a total and complete fucking freak. He wouldn't be surprised at this point if she was admitting to killing her own parents. Maybe that was what she was admitting to. That she did. If all of this turned out to be bogus, maybe he could turn Hazel into the police.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It get rid of one problem. Scott shuffled for a second. At first he was going to say nothing. He was going to say "goodbye and thanks for the drugs. It was cool, I guess." But instead he wrung his fingers together. Roping one index over the other and letting it slide down the knuckle.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Not saying I believe any of this," Scott added before continuing, "What happens if like, supposedly one of our parents was part of another coven?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Scott gave a lazy look Hazel's way, but he didn't like staring at her. She was not attractive. Not to him. She was too terrifying to be hot. And there was a way to pull of dominatrix and scary. Hazel was a nerd, glasses, but he saw the rage boiled down in her eyes. And he knew she was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]If he wanted answers he could have chosen a safer option. Like talk to his mom's supposedly old coven friends. But no. No he went through with this.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He prayed to whatever he could pray to, that Hazel would not in the end of this kill him.[/BCOLOR]
He wouldn't be asking this on a whim. Probably why he started coming in the first place. The poor guy's got such a bad case of cognitive dissonance, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Honestly, Scott? If they were, I'd greatly appreciate it if you gave me some contact information. I haven't been able to find any other covens yet. That's why I decided to start my own. Would be nice if I could get in touch with some other witches, though. Sharing knowledge is always useful." Especially when your own knowledge couldn't fill a thimble.

Hazel smiled at the boy. He was cute, if annoyingly skeptical. She just had to hope he'd come around sooner or later. Preferably sooner.
Jack tried to calm down by taking a few deep breaths and thinking about ice cream,ice,water,snow anything that could help her control the flames.Her hands went back to normal and she started leaving with the others when Nikita and Scott started asking about their parents.

She started thinking about them.She wasn't as worried about them being involved in whatever it is she got into as she was worried about hurting them herself.The reason she joined was because she almost burned her desk.It still has a black spot where her hand was touching it.What if she loses control and burns her house with her parents and little brother in it

"Speaking about parents"Jack said approaching Scott and Hazel"I don't think is a good idea to..... continue....living with them .My house....is pretty..... flamable and you said your door is always open plus you are like a human fire extinguisher"she said to Hazel.
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"Not a problem at all, Jack. If you need to talk to them, tell them that you're going, that's fine. If not, that's okay, too. In any case, bedrooms are on the second floor. Any one but first on the left, that's mine. I'll see if I have some clothes for you." Hazel gave the other girl a friendly arm on the shoulder. "It'll be a pleasure having you here, Jack. I'm sure of that."

Well, I've landed my first catch. Let's see if I can't get a few more, really start to build something here. This could be a powerful coven, if I play my cards right. Of course, that could well lead to its own problems, especially if what Scott told me is true- but they're problems I'd be glad to have right now.
Jack called her parents to inform them she is going to sleep at a friend's house,she took the clothes Hazel gave her and found a room closer to the stairs where she didn't have to walk through the dark corridors to get to it.

It is a bit ironic for the girl who was the first to walk into the circle drink demon blood in a dark magic ritual that she was scared of walking or even standing in dark rooms cause it made her feel vulnerable but she was ok with sleeping being under the covers made her feel safe.

She turned on the lights and then turned on the lamp next to her bed so the room won't be pitch dark when she would turn off the lights to lie on the bed.

The room was pretty luxurious and the bed was super soft she could definitely see her self living here.Soon she fell asleep.
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