Encounters: March of the Phantom Brigade

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Sure. Though you'll probably only get to level 3 or 4, since this is basically just a tutorial. Remember, only stuff from the listed books is allowed.
Still looking for my second feat, but I think everything else is right.

Name: Athin,
Alignment: Good
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Druid Sentinel
Deity: Avandra (Change, luck, trade, travel)

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 140 lbs

STR 11 (+0)
CON 18 (+4)
DEX 12 (+1)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 18 (+4)
CHA 8 (-1)

HP: 30 (30)
Fort: 16
Ref: 11
Will: 14
AC: 17

Initiative: +1

Bloodied: 15
Surges/Day: 11
Surge Value: 7

Race Features:
6 Squares
Low-light Vision
Group Diplomacy
Knack for Success

Languages: Common, Elven

Class Features:
Summer Druid
Acolyte of the Natural Cycle
Animal Companion
Primal Guardian
Combined attack
Healing word
At-will power
Daily power
Wilderness knack (Beast Empathy; Herb Lore)

Trained Skills:
Heal +9
Insight +5
Nature, +9
Perception +5

Feat: Staff Expertise

Dynamic Assault,
Combined Attack,
Vexing Overgrowth,
Healing Word,
Knack for Success

Quarterstaff/Staff Implement,
Hide Armor,
Adventurer's Kit,
Bottle of Wine,
45 gold

Animal Companion: (Bear, Raffolk)

STR: 20 (+5)
CON: 17 (+3)
DEX: 12 (+1)
INT: 2 (-4)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 6 (-2)

HP: 15
Fort: 15
Ref: 11
Will: 15

AC: 13

Initiative: +1


Of unknown parentage Athin was raised by a hermit who found him abandoned in the wilds. Given an elven name by his human adoptive parent he quickly learned the ways of survival and the art of the road. It was at 16 that he left his adoptive father to find his own path walking between civilization and nature always seeking balance between the two. This is reflected by his tenancy to resist the rule of others and the belief that every man creates his own luck. Traveling with traders who were usually more than happy to have an extra pair of eyes and a follower of Avandra with them or often alone he searches for adventure and perhaps clues as to his parentage.
I'm interested! reallyreally interested! :o but this is will take a while to understand @__@ sososo i will give it my best shottt :D
KK, Saki. Me and Vay are always happy to help if you get confused or lost or fed up with the books.

And, with Saki-chan, we're all full up for this season of Encounters. Once this season is over, I will be running another Season, so there is still hope! Plus, if you'd like to learn without necessarily playing an adventure, I'd be more than happy to go over things with you.
Name: Zol
Level: 1
Class: Wizard Mage
Race: Half-Elf
Size: Medium
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 152 lbs
Alignment: Unaligned, maybe good
Deity: Ioun

Ability Scores
STR: 8 (+0)
CON: 16 (+3)
DEX: 10 (+0)
INT: 18 (+4)
WIS: (+1)
CHA: 10 (+0)

Initiative: 0
Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven

HP: 26
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges Per Day: 9


AC: 14
Fortitude: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 13

Racial Features
Dual Heritage
Group Diplomacy
Knack for Success
+2 Wis +2 Con +2 Diplomacy +2 Insight

Sight: Low-light

Class Features
Mage's Spellbook
Nethermancy Apprentice

Arcana 9
History 9
Nature 6
Religion 9

Staff Expertise

At-Will: Magic Missile, Rotting Doom, Unraveling Dart

Encounter: Burning Hands, Twilight Falls

Daily: Ray of Fatigue, Sleep

Utility: Mage Hand (A) Prestidigitation (A) Knack for Success (E) Suggestion (E)

Adventurer's Kit
Cloth Armor
I got confused and fed up with the books xD but this is my best try! D: some of it is empty because I don't know what to put~ or i don't know which part to read and if i haven't read it already, means it's still ahead in the book?

Name: Hikari
Half Elf
110 lbs
Is this good or bad or neutral?
Can I pick any ?

Ability Scores (Mods) [Mod + Half Level]
10 (+0)
14 (+1)
16 (+2)
16 (+2)
8 (-1)
10 (+0)

30 feet?
Action Points:
Common, Draconic, Elven

{Depends on your Class and Constitution Score}
{Half HP rounded down}
Surge Value:
{Half Bloodied rounded down}
Surges Per Day:
{Depends on Class and Constitution Mod}

Resistances {Depends on feats, magic items, and class features. Most characters will not have any for several levels}

{10 + Half Level + Armor Bonus + Shield Bonus + Feat Bonus + Enhancement bonus from magic items + Best of DEX or INT if wearing Light Armor}
Fortitude: {10 + Half Level + Best of STR or CON + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s)}
Reflex: {10 + Half Level + Best of DEX or INT + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s) + Shield Bonus}
Will: {10 + Half Level + Best of WIS or CHA + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s)}

Racial Features

Class Features

Skills {Only list those in which you are trained, or receive a bonus to}






Yes. Sometime this week I'll start going over rules and such, then soon as we're done with that, gameplay will start. Remember, this RP is half instruction, half RP.
Okay. Just wanted to make sure before I gave up on it. haha
YES! The charge of the light march of the phantom brigade will happen!
Forgot about this with work and all.

Already started working on a character. Will finish it tommorrow-ish.
Ok, I think it'd be easiest if we first start with what you all want to know about. So, look through the rules and tell me one thing you'd like explained.
I think it is just the format of the books in my case. They don't seem to translate well to PDF, but that could just be me. If I really get into it I'd probably go get the books, but for now this is all I will bother with.

Incidentally is there an restriction on what in those books we can be? I was looking through it and I realized I keep coming back to Vampire as a class.
Uh...yeaaahhhh...In 4th Edition...Vampire is a class...But as far as restrictions go, if it's in those books, you can use it. Coincidentally, this means you can be a Vryloka Vampire (aka, a half-vampire vampire. Outside these books, there are Vampire Bloodline feats, so you can be a vampiric half-vampire vampire. DX )
Ok, now for a bit of learning:
There are 6 types of actions, divided into three groups:
Those you take during your turn
Those you take during someone else's turn
Those you can take any time

The actions you can take during your turn are Standard Action, Move Action, and Minor Action. You get one of each of these per turn, but can drop a higher for a lower (Standard->Move->Minor)
The actions you can take during someone else's turns are Opportunity Action and Immediate Action. You get one Opportunity Action per turn, and one Immediate Reaction per round (a single series of turns)
You can take a free action any number of times at any point, regardless of whose turn it is.

Any questions?
What kinds of things would be considered an action of each of the times? Like, are there differences in the what can be done in each action type?