Encounters: March of the Phantom Brigade

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Ok, first off, this is a 4th Edition adventure intended for BEGINNERS ONLY. This means anyone who is unfamiliar with the 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons system and would like to learn. However, note that it also only supports 4-6 players, so to deal with this, anyone who wants in will need to post up a character sheet. I will then decide (based on the character sheets) which players will be able to play. Now, do to the notoriety with which players drop out of these games on Iwaku, if someone drops, so long as you have a character posted in the OOC, you will have a chance to join in. Just like IRL DnD Encounters.

Ok, now for more explanations. Being an Encounters Adventure means that, contrary to regular DnD, and most RPs in general, there will be very little actual RPing. This adventure will consist of about 13 encounters (IRL each session was an encounter). More info and rules-stuffs will come later.

You character will start at level 1. The books allowed are Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, and Heroes of Shadow. They are available for download here: http://space-kitten.org/iwaku/group.php?discussionid=213&pp=20&page=2&do=discuss
Scroll down a bit. They're near the bottom.

Follow the rules for character creation detailed in Heroes of the Fallen Lands and/or Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have. You can ask me here in the thread, in the CBox when I'm around, or you can send me a PM. I'm also willing to aid you in building a character (though I will not build one for you, nor will I point out the best way to make a powerful character. Making crappy characters once in a while is all part of the learning experience)

Players so far:
Moonlit Blade
And that's everyone. Unless one of them drops.

Below is an example of a character sheet (minus backstory and other fluffy stuff). Feel free to use this as an outline, but do not simply copy this character for your own (Wouldn't be nearly as much fun as making your own).

Name: Chronos
Fighter Slayer
190 lbs

Ability Scores (Mods) [Mod + Half Level]
10 (+0)
14 (+2)
21 (+5)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)
12 (+1)

7 {Dex + Half Level}
6 {Determined by race, and any armor penalty}
Action Points:
1 {This will change during encounters depending on whether or not you use it}
Common, Draconic {Determined by Race}

47 {Depends on your Class and Constitution Score}
23 {Half HP rounded down}
Surge Value:
11 {Half Bloodied rounded down}
Surges Per Day:
11 {Depends on Class and Constitution Mod}

Resistances {Depends on feats, magic items, and class features. Most characters will not have any for several levels}
5 Fire
5 Necrotic
5 Cold

21 {10 + Half Level + Armor Bonus + Shield Bonus + Feat Bonus + Enhancement bonus from magic items + Best of DEX or INT if wearing Light Armor}
Fortitude: 18 {10 + Half Level + Best of STR or CON + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s)}
Reflex: 19 {10 + Half Level + Best of DEX or INT + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s) + Shield Bonus}
Will: 16 {10 + Half Level + Best of WIS or CHA + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s)}

Racial Features
Extra Skill Training
Extra Feat
+2 to one Ability score {I chose DEX}
Human Defense Bonus
Heroic Effort Utility Power
Sight: Normal

Class Features
Heroic Slayer
Weapon Talent
Fighter Stances
Power Strike
Improved Power Strike

Skills {Only list those in which you are trained, or receive a bonus to}

Endurance: 7 {CON + Training + Half Level - Armor Penalty}
Heal: 6 {WIS + Training + Half Level}
Intimidate: 7 {CHA + Training + Half Level}
Streetwise: 7 {CHA + Training + Half Level}

Heavy Armor Agility
Plate Armor Proficiency
Melee Training: Dexterity
Frozen Soul


Power Attack


Heroic Effort (Encounter)
Unfettered Fury (At-Will)
Berserker's Charge (At-Will)
Single Out (Encounter)

+1 Black Iron Plate Armor
+1 Vicious Greataxe
+1 Amulet of Protection (Neck)
Adventurer's Kit

This is a character I ran in the previous Season of DnD Encounters, albeit with a few tweaks. This is why he is a higher level, has magic items, energy resistances, and more feats.
When Trained in a skill, you get a +5 bonus to that skill. Which skills are available for training, and how many you are trained in depends on your class.
Whenever the sheet calls for an ability, like STR or CON, it is referring to the Ability Mod, unless otherwise stated.
The things in red are the template for the character sheet. Also, feel free to put your sheet in spoiler tags to save on space, if you wish.
If you have any questions about powers, feel free to ask me or Vay. We are both on at night in the CBox, and can both be reached via PM. Or feel free to post your question right here in the OOC. After all, being new, if you're asking the question, odds are several others are wondering the same thing.

Also, once we get our players, we will hold a discussion or two in which we will go over the basics of gameplay, with a focus on combat (this being Encounters and all). How these discussions are held will be addressed at a later point in time (ie, once we have 4 people).
While I do have a bit of experience in 4e dnd, I still have a bit of learning to do. In short: I want to join this rp so I can be a bit more prepaired for my own DnD game that I am starting up with my group.

Also, I have a starter kit for the peeps who want to play DnD. It includes the rule book, the character builder (and the updater program for it) as well as a nifty thing called maptools. If you wanted to play live with others.

Character Builder is also easy to use. VERY GOOD FOR NEWBIES!
Awesome. THough remember, being Encounters, only materials from the books listed above are allowed.
No. This is because of the way they Essentials builds are balanced for DnD Encounters. The builds from the PHBs would be overpowered for DnD Encounters. However, most of the material concerning gameplay is covered in Heroes of the Fallen Lands/Forgotten Kingdoms books. Also, remember that this is meant as a Beginners game, and that the classes in the Essentials books are streamlined for those new to making DnD characters. If you're looking for more of a challenge with more character options, though, I will be running a lvl 1-30 campaign with sign-ups starting sometime after this game starts.
Alright. I'll just make both then. Along with my sunday game... hmmm.
Already made a scout but I might make a blackguard. Only essentals 1 and 2 and heroes of the shadow right?

And Blackguard made.
Correct. Don't forget to post up the character you wish to use, including backstory.
Alain, level 1
Half-Elf, Blackguard (Vice)
Half elf Power Selection: Knack for Sucess
Group Diplomacy
Dual Heritage


Class features: Dark Menace, Spirt of Vice

Str 18, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

Str 18, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14.

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 11 Will: 13
HP: 28 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7

Athletics +9, Intimidate +7, Religion +5, Arcana +5

Acrobatics, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering, Endurance +1, Heal, History, Insight +2, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Streetwise +2, Thievery

Level 1: Holy Symbol Expertise

Vengeance Strike
Dominator's Strike
Dread Smite (Encounter)
Shroud of Shadow (Encounter)
Knack for Sucess (Encounter)

Adventurer's Kit, Greatsword, Scale Armor, Holy Symbol

Background: Alan is not the most shineing example of fairness and mercy. In fact, he is the an antithesis to it. Alan doesn't talk about his past, though it is clear by his words and his actions that he believes that people as a whole should be forced under the rule of one absolute in order to keep them in line. As of right now though, he keeps that under wraps. Perhaps soon it would come out.
Ok, a few things, Raiu. Essentials Half-Elves don't get the Dilettante ability. Also, don't forget to note down which Vice you chose, as well as your other class features, such as Dark Menace and your corresponding Spirit of Vice. Also make note of your various Racial Features, such as speed, vision type, languages, and any other features belonging to your race.

Anyone else who makes a character, pay attention to this. Saves space when I don't have to repost something.
When you right your backstory, since we're still working on getting people in, just do a basic on. Standard DnD setting, aka Nentir Vale.
I'm reading the books right now. But I shall join!

Warlock Hexblade
320 lbs

Ability Scores (Mods) [Mod + Half Level]
10 (+0)
20 (+5)
8 (-1)
11 (+0)
10 (+0)
16 (+3)

-1 {Dex + Half Level}
6 {Determined by race, and any armor penalty}
Action Points:
1 {This will change during encounters depending on whether or not you use it}
Common, Draconic {Determined by Race}

32 {Depends on your Class and Constitution Score}
16 {Half HP rounded down}
Surge Value:
8 (+5) {Half Bloodied rounded down}
Surges Per Day:
11 {Depends on Class and Constitution Mod}


16 {10 + Half Level + Armor Bonus + Shield Bonus + Feat Bonus + Enhancement bonus from magic items + Best of DEX or INT if wearing Light Armor}
Fortitude: 16 {10 + Half Level + Best of STR or CON + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s)}
Reflex: 10 {10 + Half Level + Best of DEX or INT + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s) + Shield Bonus}
Will: 14 {10 + Half Level + Best of WIS or CHA + Class Bonus, if any + Feat Bonus(s) + Enhancement Bonus(s)}

Racial Features
Skill Bonus- (+2 History, +2 Intimidate)
Dragonborn Fury (When bloodied, +1 racial bonus to attack rolls)
Draconic Heritage (Healing surge=1/4 max HP+Con mod)

Dragon Breath (Lightning damage, Con chosen)

Class Features
Infernal Pact Reward:
You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of your warlock and warlock paragon path attack powers. The bonus equals your Constitution modifier. The bonus increases to 2 + your Constitution modifier at 5th level, 4 + your Constitution modifier at 15th level, and 6 + your Constitution modifier at 25th level. At 9th level, you also gain this bonus to the damage rolls of the creature you summon with summon warlock's ally.
Infernal Pact Boon: Soul Feast
Infernal Pact Weapon:
Blade of Annihilation

Skills {Only list those in which you are trained, or receive a bonus to}

Arcana (+5)
Insight (+5)
Intimidate (+7)
History (+7)

Heavy Blade Expertise

Eldritch Bolt
Soul Eater


Blazing Doom of the Void
Dragon Breath (Lightning)

Hellfire Blast


Soul Feast

Chainmail Armor
Adventurer's Kit
Climber's Kit
Torches (x10)

Appearance: Eyes are a deep gold. Covered in scarlet scales.
Personality: Kerash is highly honorable. If he ever fights against an opponent one on one, he will never slay them if they are disarmed. When with allies, he will never leave one for dead, instead fighting on to keep a wounded friend from harm.
Background: Having been raised in a small community of Dragonborn, he was raised as a warrior, yet, through training, many of his kind saw his potential as a Warlock. As such, he was raised to fight as a Warlock, specifically, a Hexblade. Once he came of age, he left his village and went on to prove himself as an honorable warrior. His goal, however, is to gain true strength and wealth, to rebuild one of his people's ancient city.
Ok, Moony, a few things. One, you forgot to put down your class. I know you put it in your background, but it should still be on your stat sheet. Also, I'd suggest re-reading the fluff about warlocks and hexblades. You don't need to include your "Starting Ability Scores", just the final ones. Also, you forgot your bloodied value (this can be quite important), and I'd switch the location of Surges and Surge Value (but that's just me, since that's how they're arranged on the sheet). Don't worry about including your untrained skills. If it's not one, then it's the other, and everyone has all skills one way or another. Also, don't forget the skill bonuses you get from your race.

There's a few other things, but I think what I'll do is make a character sheet for reference. Not only will it hopefully help explain a few things, but it will also provide a template for character sheets.
Fixed it up a bit (hopefully). Added the Bloodied Value and my class (don't know HOW I forgot to put that). Also added the Ability modifier as parenthesis, and my speed value.
Consider this an official declaration of interest. I'll look into this a little deeper soon.
Name: Marah
Level: 1
Class: Fighter Slayer
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Alignment: Unaligned
Deity: Kord

Ability Scores (Mods) [Mod + Half Level]
STR: 18 (+3)
CON: 11 (+0)
DEX: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 14 (+2)

Initiative: 14
Speed: 6
Action Points: 1
Languages: Common, Orc

HP: 26
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges Per Day: 9+11

AC: 15
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 11

Racial Features
+2 Ability Score (Strength)
Heroic Effort +4 to att/saving throw when miss
Bonus feat
Bonus Skill
+1 Fortitude, Reflex, Will

Class Features
Heroic Slayer
Weapon Talent
Fighter Stances
Duelist's Assault +4 melee
Berserker's Charge +2 speed charging, +2 power att when charging
Power Strike

Endurance: 4
Athletics: 8
Heal: 5
Streetwise: 7

Heavy Armor Agility
Aggressive Advantage

Scale Armor
Great Axe
Adventurer's Kit

Marah grew up in a village of fighter's. She watched as many of the men and women would leave at various times of the year, and would return with gifts and money for the village so that they could trade and buy to survive. She saw the power that the fighter's had and began training at a young age to become as skilled as the others in her village. She wanted that same power, to protect those around her and to gain monetary supplements by protecting others.

If there is anything wrong please let me know. I got annoyed by the books after a while.
Ok, a few things. First, your initiative and surges per day use the Mod, not the score. Sorry if I confused you with my template. Also, with Hide armor, you'd still be Speed 6, and your AC would be 15 (Light armor lets you add the best of your Int or Dex). Also, your Fortitude should be 16. The math on that is 10 base, plus 0 for half level, plus 3 for STR mod, plus 1 from race, plus 2 from class. And reflex would be 15. " " plus 2 from DEX mod or INT mod, plus 1 from race, plus 2 from your feat.

Now, in order to help you, I have a few questions for you.

Why did you put the 14 in INT?
Why two short swords?
Why Lightning Reflexes?
Why Hide Armor?

I'm not saying these are bad choices, they just struck me as odd and/or interesting.
Think these over, go back through the book if you want. I'll discuss these with you the next time I see you in the CBox.
Interested. Had a few games of 4th ED but nothing besides that, no full campaigns or anything like that. I think we got up to level 3 before we stopped because the DM quit. Plenty of 3.5 under my belt though.

So the question is do I qualify for being able to join?