INTEREST CHECK Egg Hatching Anyone?

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Quick question: Is this gonna happen? Or has the idea died already?
No, this hasn't died! I really want this to actually happen too.
I've just been a little busy with classes today and yesterday, so sorry I haven't replied until just now.

But I do like that idea; about the creatures growing with their 'masters' or what ever we're going to call the characters.
Maybe this weekend I'll have the thread up, if I don't have much to do. But if not this weekend, then next Wednesday since I'll be on fall break after that.

During that time I'll definitely be thinking of a few more things though, and if you all have any suggestions please tell them! (:
I didn't read all of the rest of the thread, but I'm definitely interested! Egg hatchings are one of my faves, and I've been meaning to starting one / holding a chat RP for one or something like that. I won't be free this weekend, but definitely ping me when you make the thread. ^_^
Awesome! I'll definitely let you know when I get the thread up. (:

I'm wanting this to be a bit of a small group too, just so that things won't get too hectic since I'm not that big of a fan of really big roleplays. I was thinking about four people (not including me) to be in this roleplay. Just to keep things on track anyway.

Oh, and after looking at my schedule and seeing the things I have to do this weekend, I think I'll create the thread next week while I'm on fall break. At least then I know I'll have time to focus on that without worrying about any kind of homework or studying. Hope everyone is all right with that! ^_^
Just remember to post links here, otherwise I won't see it!
If this is still happening, I'm interested. ^^
I'll definitely post the threads here once I make them! Like I said, it'll either be Wednesday when I get them up or Thursday.

And yes this is still going on, Lady Sabine. (:

You're more than welcome to join us, though I think you'll be the last person I'll accept into this if everyone else who has talked on this thread already is still up for this.
All right, so I think once I get home today I'll start working on the thread, so it'll either be up later tonight or tomorrow. Hope you all are still wanting to do this! (:
Wooo! Still excited!
*pieces [MENTION=3677]Psychedelic[/MENTION] back together again*

Now now ... you might harm the eggs...
YAAAY~! Now I'm going to go read the other one.