EDGERS - Dystopian (AfterTheFall and CallofTheSirens)

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In the year 2136 society was divided into three groups.
These groups were known by three names: Perf, Semi and Outsider.
It's now the year 2256 and after 120 years of peace things have begun to change.
In the district of Cenate all children are brought up not knowing of their parents in section known as The Iuvenes Department. Here all children are educated and carefully monitored until they are 16 when they will take a test to determine the rest of their lives. The test includes a scan of the brain to determine a person's emotional and intellectual state. Those who pass are from then on known as Perf's or Semi's. Those who fail are known forever as Outsiders.
Being considered biologically beautiful and of an emotionally stable state, within the Inner City of Cenate, Perf's given a life free from restriction. They're entitled to a job should they so choose but are allowed to live as they want provided they do not leave the Inner City. Provided with the best technology and life expectancy they can live out their lives under the best circumstances.
Those who are declared intellectually smart and within a maintainable emotional stability; Semi's; live under stricter regulations. It's their job to make sure the Perf society is maintained. They're trained to become doctors, teachers, or scientists. Supposedly considered lower than the Perf's, the Semi's live under a curfew and are required to take a scan every morning to determine if they're safe to go to work.
The ones who fail, the outsiders, live in squalor at the edge of the district. Carefully monitored by guards, they live out their lives bartering and just getting by on the food provided monthly by the council. Those who are considered too dangerous are killed on the spot.
However, within recent months, the death toll has slowly began to rise in the Perf society. A rising anxiety has hit both them and the Semi's as they begin to hunt for the killers, a suspected group of rebels known as Renascentiam.
As the Council plan a comeback against the attacks, they form a group of 'Edgers' - people who are declared too hostile to society - to sniff out and find the rebel group Renascentiam. According to the laws of their society, these people should not be allowed to live on because of the danger they propose. But in a world where killing amongst the Perf society has never existed, there's got to be more to it than meets the eye.

Based in a futurist society with technology such as holograms, hovercrafts, robots, and whatever other high tech stuff you can think of.
Personality: (Please note their society when writing this)

Raelyn (Rae) Tager


Hair Color: Medium Brown, Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 5'4, Weight: 120




Interested In:



Brief Description:
Raelyn loves making new friends but it's hard to earn her trust. People had used her friendship before to make them popular. Her family is well-known in the city of Crenate. Her great grandfather was the first men who was elected into the council. Lately there has been rumors that her father had started an rebellious group called the Renascentiam. She doesn't believe these rumors are true. She believes that her father is a good guy and that everyone is jealous of how wealthy her parents are. Although she came from an wealthy family, she was raised like any typical child. She was sent to an boarding school where she was taught Mathematics, Literature, and plenty of other subjects. Her favorite subject was gym. She's very athletic. She had tried out for the girl's volleyball team and was the team captain of the cheering squad. She graduated last year with an average 4.0 GPA. She was put into the Perf society since she was considered biologically beautiful. She laughed at the results since she always had low self esteem. She's very easy to get along with and will always be there if you need advice. But don't tell her any secrets. She might accidentally tell it to someone.

Worse Habit:
Alcoholism- Drinking

Worse Fear:
Hemophobia- fear of blood (causes her to faint)



Zander Brandt


Hair Color : Dark Brown, Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 6'1, Weight: 168


Interested In:



Brief Description:
Zander normally doesn't talk much. He had been made fun of when he was younger since he had difficulty learning how to read. He often got letters like M and W mixed up. The teachers had him tested and found out that he had dyslexia. He worked hard to be like the other kids. He would read books during recess and asked his teachers for extra homework. He's very intelligent. He was able to read at an college level when he was in sixth grade. He would've been put into the Semi group if his emotions were stable. He isn't easy to get along with. He's very hot-headed. He often gets into fights and had made a lot of enemies throughout the years. It takes a lot of time and trust for you to earn his friendship. His friendship is worth it, though. He would do anything to protect his friends even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

Worse Habit:
Picking up fights/ Making enemies

Worse Fear:
Getting too close to someone


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Name: Kerri Elizabeth Morgans
Hair Colour: Red
Eye colour: Green
Height: 5'2
Weight: 110
Age: 17
Interested in: Male
Personality: Kerri is smart and detached which can leave people thinking she's 'heartless' when that is not the case; she has merely learned to keep her emotions hidden.
Society: Perf​

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Name: Jaden George Harris
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: green
Height: 6'0
Weight: 158
Age: 19
Interested in: Females
Personality: Jaden is funny, light hearted, and smarter than he may seem. Although he may come across as an happy-go-lucky-optimist he does have a darker side but isn't seen so much.
Society: Semi
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Name: Annabelle 'Anne' Clarke
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5'4
Weight: 115
Age: 16
Interested in: males
Personality: Anna's personality can switch at a flick. She can go from being very happy one minute to angry or sad the next.
Society: Outsider
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