Original poster
Hi! Good morning! It's 1:56 where I live, and I'm still up, even though I'm supposed to be going to a theme park tomorrow to get the crap scared out of me on a Halloween walk. Poor lifestyle decisions GO!
My name is Mura (or Moora ) or Frei, and I'm a female college student, aged 22. This is my first post on the site and I am so nervous I cannot even tell you how nervous I am. It's been a really long time since I signed up on a forum to RP. I'll probably start with some One on One RPs. Group RPs still sound mildly terrifying.
Favorite genres?: I'm hoping to expand my horizons here, since most of what I do is Modern setting stuff, sometimes with a magic or otherwise supernatural element. I'm actually interested in all kinds of stuff, and have lots of ideas - I'm hoping to get a better feel for things as I poke around the site.
Characters?: I usually play dudes, but I'm starting to get more comfortable writing girls. Personality-wise, I can do both outgoing or shy sort of characters.
Zombie Fox Plushes/Bread Priests/Space Marines/Wolf Packs?: Space Marines are jerks. They're big and bulky and they get in the way. Plus they like to shoot people a lot.
Favorite song?: Right now it's a threeway tie between Florence + the Machine: Rabbit Heart, MGMT: Electric Eel, and Anthony Hamilton: Woo.
That's my piece! Thanks for your time!
My name is Mura (or Moora ) or Frei, and I'm a female college student, aged 22. This is my first post on the site and I am so nervous I cannot even tell you how nervous I am. It's been a really long time since I signed up on a forum to RP. I'll probably start with some One on One RPs. Group RPs still sound mildly terrifying.
Favorite genres?: I'm hoping to expand my horizons here, since most of what I do is Modern setting stuff, sometimes with a magic or otherwise supernatural element. I'm actually interested in all kinds of stuff, and have lots of ideas - I'm hoping to get a better feel for things as I poke around the site.
Characters?: I usually play dudes, but I'm starting to get more comfortable writing girls. Personality-wise, I can do both outgoing or shy sort of characters.
Zombie Fox Plushes/Bread Priests/Space Marines/Wolf Packs?: Space Marines are jerks. They're big and bulky and they get in the way. Plus they like to shoot people a lot.
Favorite song?: Right now it's a threeway tie between Florence + the Machine: Rabbit Heart, MGMT: Electric Eel, and Anthony Hamilton: Woo.
That's my piece! Thanks for your time!