Does anyone have a kritzgrieg or quick-fix midigun that they wanna gift me in TF2?

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As the rather blunt title suggests, I'm looking to get my hands on a kritzgrieg or quick-fix medigun in TF2, but I don't have enough items to craft them, nor enough money to buy them, and I can't trade until I've been a member of steam for 15 days, so I have no other way to get them. If anyone is willing to do this, I will gift you in return with any weapon I have in my backpack, of your choosing. If you'd like, we could pseudo trade (gift each other) other weapons as well, but mediguns are my top priority. Any takers?
I have a spare Quick Fix that I won't miss. My Steam handle is andisaurusrex (but my name will appear as Fluffy on your friends list) if you'd like to arrange a trade. You don't have to give me anything back if you do not want to. I've been playing Loadout more than TF2 lately.

Also, we have a group where you can ask these kids of questions. :3 It might not look active right now, but I bet some fresh faces and new posts might breath life back into it:
I have a spare Quick Fix that I won't miss. My Steam handle is andisaurusrex (but my name will appear as Fluffy on your friends list) if you'd like to arrange a trade. You don't have to give me anything back if you do not want to. I've been playing Loadout more than TF2 lately.

Also, we have a group where you can ask these kids of questions. :3 It might not look active right now, but I bet some fresh faces and new posts might breath life back into it:

You might have to be the one to search for me, because I'm new to steam and don't know how. Also, I can't trade, I can only receive gifts, and give gifts...I think, loll

My handle is tylerlamontejones
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