Do You Guys Even Lift?!

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Agree whole-heartedly. I'm taking the opportunity in my new-found downtime to invest in a home gym.

I am definitely going to lift.
I already do lift. 8D
Walking push-ups and rows! All kinds of stuff. @.@;
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Not much of an exercises myself. I like taking walks and going for runs out in the nature, but I hate being cooped up in a gym. It kinda suffocates me... (plus I don't like to strain yself too much but that's a different matter :P)
I would like to do more lifting, but our machine always gets stuck because the rope always gets loose somehow so I kind of have given up on it -_-' Maybe when I have my own home I might buy a new (and better) lifting machine, but for the moment that won't happen.

I could just get a membership at the gym but.... .... There's people there... ... I don't like people watching me sweat :( Sweating time is my alone time. Only music or movies are allowed to accompany me on my sweating time!
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I totally get you on this! That's why I never go to the gym. I don't like being watched, and I get to feeling so self-conscious, like there's some dudebro judging me on my technique and instead of helping, is laughing.

I'd rather just get it done in the privacy of my own time.
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That I do, and walk quite a bit everyday.
I don't at the moment. I want to though. I really want to get to doing more exercise. I just wish my knee would stop giving me grief. The first time I remember noticing arm muscle, was a few days after my second archery class. It was an outdoor range, in these hills. I was with a largish-medium sized group of people. I remember almost slipping on this rock, and I was wearing thin shoes, so it hurt. Recurve bow, worrying about poison ivy, and twitching from the bugs, it was awesome man. I had so much fun. :D I really want to do it again.

I also want a home gym and stuff, and I started working on actually being able to do on-your-toes push ups, not knee push ups.
I want to though.

One of my favourite quotes, something that always can get me a bit more pumped, charged up, and puts a fire in my belly:

"The training is nothing; the will is everything."

It's not so much as what you do, or how you do it, or how much of it that you do. What matters is the will, the drive to do! You don't have a home gym? Don't need one, I can do push ups and sit ups. Can't do traditional push ups? That's fine, I'll do them on my knees! Can't do full sit ups? Crunches, then!

The point is, don't let anything stop you. As the Nike slogan goes, Just do it. That is the goal to not just fitness, or starting a fitness regime, but to everything.

Just do it.
Just doing is simply put, but really it's The matter of doing your best.

Everyone's best is different. Your best changes day to day, when you are in good health to being sick. As long as you do your best no matter what the circumstances may be you'll reach your goals. It is important to remember not to overwhelm yourself especially in physical routine.

Building yourself up happens only after you have torn yourself down to the bare bones. Conditioning your mind is as important as conditioning the body. At least this is how I came to understand it when I was learning to staff.

Some days I would just be smacking myself in the face or dropping it over and over. I kept in mind that every time I dropped it and every time I clunked my head that my mind was working with my body to recognize the physical mistakes and correcting them would only occur through picking the stick back up or smacking myself again and again. Now I can proudly say I never hit myself, but I have practice so much that I have learned to drop it before it can hit me.

The days where we think we are failing should be as equally important as those when we do not. Just my two cents :D
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9 hours a day, 5 days a week.
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