Disrupted Peace

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[BCOLOR=transparent]A whimsical giggle floated through her lips as she watched him take off his shoes and step into the water. The look of relief on his face told her he was most likely from all his traveling - who knows how long he was traveling on his own before she found him? It made her frown, feeling sympathy for the man, but she quickly smiled as he guzzled down his own bowl of water. And another, and another. Several bowls later he stopped, and by now Eirlys was watching him with concerned eyes. The last thing she wanted was for him to get sick with water. By the time he finished his fourth bowl the woman was finishing her first, savoring the cool water. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His words caught her by surprise. Despite not knowing exactly what he was saying, the look of gratitude on his face told her what she needed to know. "Thank you!" She repeated eagerly, unsure if she was using the words right but knowing she felt similar. Once he had his fill of water Eirlys offered her hand down to help him up. Her body was coiled with toned muscles she's strengthened over her years of living in the woods, and once he grabbed onto her wrist she gave a hefty tug to pull him up, most likely using more strength than necessary though it was all in good intentions. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Elliot vult lavari?" Eirlys asked in that innocent voice of hers, eyes ever so curious as she began walking down stream, making gestures of cleaning herself so he would understand. After a few minutes walk she stopped at a crystal clear pond, though it was small it served its purpose well. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After such a long trek he must feel dirty. Eirlys enjoyed cleaning herself off after especially long adventures, so she could only guess he felt the same. The woman knelt at the edge of the pond, setting the bowl to the side and dipping her hands in the water, rubbing the liquid up her arms to set an example for Elliot. "Immundum, Elliot." She encouraged, flashing a bright smile over her shoulder before she stood up and turned to him, prepared to give him the privacy he needed should he decide to clean himself off. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot wants to bathe? → Elliot vult lavari?[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Bathe, Elliot. → Immundum, Elliot.[/BCOLOR]
Elliot wasn't sure how to translate what she said, but he had to guess it was something to do with bathing. "Bathing..." He mumbled for her to hear.

The man motioned to his clothes, pulling at them lightly before pointing to the water. "I want to bathe." With every word, he acted it out best he could. He motioned to himself, the pool, and washed his face while he had the chance to do so. It was best she leave so he could spare her his naked form.

He stripped down to his breeches and threw them at the edges of the pool. His journal sat on a nearby rock, not wanting it to get wet, it was safe off the ground on the smooth gray surface. If it was soiled, he didn't know what he'd do. Years of research down the drain, just like that, all because he wanted to take a bath. For good measure, he even took it up off the rock, took a step back, and found a different rock to set it on, far from the edges of the water, and much closer to a small group of trees. He paged through the book casually. In the very beginning there were poor sketches of bits and pieces of golems. Things researchers found at the edge of the forests. As he leafed further into the book, the drawings improved, and his once neat handwriting turned sloppy.

He laughed. How youthful he seemed in the beginning, how organized, and now he craved everything. There was no order in the book, just scribbles and notes which all seemed to congregate, at least once in a while.

Elliot finally sat in the pool and scrubbed at his body. He wasn't muscular, nor was he too slim. It was just the right amount of tone in his opinion. He washed his mop he called hair, and scraped the dirt from under his nails. Until he was shining, Elliot would not get up, a bath was long overdue.​
[BCOLOR=transparent]With Elliot beginning to clean himself off Eirlys trotted back to her hut, having thought of something that would be of use to him. Once she made it back to the structure she rummaged through the contents on the table, and after a few moments of looking she found what she was looking for, grasping it tight in her hand as she hurried back to the pool where she left Elliot. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The woman walked to him with an air of nonchalance despite her inner flush, doing her best to keep her eyes from his newly revealed skin, the only sign of her embarrassment was a light pink coloration taking over her cheeks. She knelt at the edge of the water and brought the item into view: a root, simple in structure with what looked like a brownish skin covering it. Eirlys made sure she had his attention before breaking a small piece of it off, setting the rest of the root on a nearby rock. A dip in the water softened it up enough for her to grind it into her hands, making soapy bubbles in the water. It smelled.. clean, fresh - and smell she quite enjoyed, though because of the root's rarity she hardly ever used it, however she was more than happy to let Elliot use it, making a point to show him that it can even be used on his clothes.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After using a small piece to show him what to do she gave the rest of the root to him and began to leave him at the pool once more, the pink on her cheeks darkening as she realized she stole a small glance at him. Interaction with others like her was foreign; Eirlys knew no code of conduct - how to act and how not to act - but there was something that felt almost… sacred about looking at his revealed skin; a body that was thin but well toned, which made it fill out nicely. The awkward feeling that began twisting in her stomach made her vow to not let her eyes wander so carelessly around him; the confusion only increasing her curiosity.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The second she made it back to the hut she began to gather some wood to make a fire, placing it in an organized structure a little ways away from the hut so as to not catch the leaves and wood on fire, though she didn't light it just yet. Elliot had to be hungry - Eirlys sure was, and she knew just the thing to cure that. With a strong resolve she gathered one of the spears and began down the stream once more, making a point to travel wide around the pond so as to not catch sight of Elliot bathing. After about ten minutes of walking she made it to a large pond, one far larger than the pool Boh'm was sat in. Swimming near the surface were glimmering fish that had delicious flesh. Hopefully Elliot liked fish. [/BCOLOR]
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