Disney Children Based RolePlay

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Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
Once Upon A Time. . .

The good and the evil were finally on good terms, or the closest thing to good that you could get between a witch and a queen. But nevertheless, everything was peaceful throughout the lands . Everyone was happy with their families, moved on from the past, and making children to carry on their legacies. That was until all the children of the royal began to dissappear. No matter how well protected they were, one by one, they would suddenly dissappear and no one knew where to. Knights searched for months and still had found no clue as to where the children were or who had taken them. That was when the children of the evil storybook character's began to dissappear also. One by one, just like the children of the royal, each and every child dissappeared of the evils. The only children left in the land were that of the unroyal and unevil. Not knowing what else to do, and thinking back to their past, the good and the bad began to turn against each other. Burn villiages here and there, a witch's layer destoryed, etc. It went on and on until it finally turned into the ultimate war of good versus bad.

What none of them knew, what no one knew, was that it was not good nor evil that took the children. It was a darkness, something that no one had seen and survived to tell the story, though many rumors had been heard. The darkness was nothing more or less than that. It was not a person, that anyone knew of, but it was a darkness that showed itself only when it wanted to be seen. When your parents told you there was nothing to be afraid of in the dark, they didn't know that the darkness was real. It is a monster, worse than that. It is worse than all evil combined.

The War

The war between good and evil was the worst war between them ever. Villiages were destoryed, many killed, more injured, woods burnt, and worse only continued to happy. The war lasted years until finally they decided that it was no use in fighting, if the other had their children they would have surrendered instead of letting the years go by. So the war ended up being the worse and most pointless war in history.

The Awakening

The Darkness rarely shows itself unless it is disturbed, but it had become accustomed to watching good fight evil and always winning, so when good and evil stopped fighting and began to get along, it decided to change the peace and make it chaotic again, so it stole all of the children of the good and evil. It did not kill the children, instead it just put them under a powerful sleeping spell, but once the good and evil stopped fighting again, the darkness released the spell but decided to play hide and seek with the children. It cleared their memories and sent them to different villiages across the lands and gave them only one thing from their parents, making them find out who their parents are.

The only thing left with each children when they were dropped at different locations were the clothes on their back, a small gift from their parents representing who they belong to, and a locked map to lead them to their destination so that they could decide their path.

The Story

Because of the children being taken by the Darkness, something that still no one knows, everything upon the land has become gloomy. Years hve passed now and the children who have been stolen have reach their teen years and are nearly grown and the parents of the stolen children are still weeping and upset because of their loss. When the Darkness clears the children's memory, not that they had much of one, they send them to seperate and random villiages to live out their life with whoever takes care of them like normal villagers. But one day a rock strikes the lands and each of the characters are able to open the locked maps that they were dropped off with. They are surprised to find that it is blank, but they are oblivious to the fact that the map is magic and shows you only one destination at a time.

Each character is shown a path by their chosen animal and they are forced to follow it (as in their animals will drag them if they don't go the way they are suppose to). At each location the children meet with other children and slowly, one by one, discover that they are very alike and have the same map to follow. Their final destination is in the middle of the woods where they would meet the darkness and be explained their past and the war that was caused. The teenagers don't want to see a fate such as their parents. Many of the evil don't want to be evil and follow in their parents footsteps and many of the good don't want to be good, and the children don't want to have to become enemies with their newly made friends, so they decide to make their own fate and a new story for all, something the storybooks have surely never seen before.


So basically there are two parts to the story. The first part is where the characters are meeting one another, going on crazy adeventures, and building relationships on their quest. The second part is where the characters are going back to their families but are fighting to make their own story and not follow in their parents footsteps.
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Well I think my name shows my interest level lol.
I adore the concept , Dear! I'm so happy to have you back around and if you want I'd be glad to help and offer my aid in CO-GM'ing this with you , sweetie.^^
Well I think my name shows my interest level lol.
Yay! That's so exciting! Are there others that may be interested and you know will be faithful players? I've started this up once and another group a couple times but it's hard to keep it going. I'm really looking for people who stick with it, you know?

I adore the concept , Dear! I'm so happy to have you back around and if you want I'd be glad to help and offer my aid in CO-GM'ing this with you , sweetie.^^
SHAYLA! I've missed you! That would be awesome! I haven't had good experiences with Co GMs so far, but I'm thinking of trying it again and I'd love to have you around. —also, having nothing to do with this, do you think Berkeley would be worth digging up?
Yay! That's so exciting! Are there others that may be interested and you know will be faithful players? I've started this up once and another group a couple times but it's hard to keep it going. I'm really looking for people who stick with it, you know?

SHAYLA! I've missed you! That would be awesome! I haven't had good experiences with Co GMs so far, but I'm thinking of trying it again and I'd love to have you around. —also, having nothing to do with this, do you think Berkeley would be worth digging up?
I've missed you greatly as well! I would be happy to be your CO-GM and if you want feel free to add me on Discord. You do have a Discord right? Would make plotting and talk far easier to do then on Iwaku. As for Berkeley , I think that is something we could surely talk on and the variables of doing so if you want!. ^^
I've missed you greatly as well! I would be happy to be your CO-GM and if you want feel free to add me on Discord. You do have a Discord right? Would make plotting and talk far easier to do then on Iwaku. As for Berkeley , I think that is something we could surely talk on and the variables of doing so if you want!. ^^
Honestly, I deleted Discord. I was never a big fan of it and I just used PMing instead.
Yay! That's so exciting! Are there others that may be interested and you know will be faithful players? I've started this up once and another group a couple times but it's hard to keep it going. I'm really looking for people who stick with it, you know?

SHAYLA! I've missed you! That would be awesome! I haven't had good experiences with Co GMs so far, but I'm thinking of trying it again and I'd love to have you around. —also, having nothing to do with this, do you think Berkeley would be worth digging up?
I say bring Berkeley back lol. I was in it but under a few different usernames lol. I'll tag pppl.
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Honestly, I deleted Discord. I was never a big fan of it and I just used PMing instead.
Want to message me then and I will start helping out and help you get some more people and get this up?^^
Sure I be in
Yassss~ I'm in!
I am very interested!
@MarilynFae how many children can we have? Obviously you know the first one I'm going for lol
@MarilynFae how many children can we have? Obviously you know the first one I'm going for lol

Well, I'm going to have a set amount of children that each Disney Character can have, but Shayla and I will talk about it.
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Well, I'm going to have a set amount of children that each Disney Character can have, but Shayla and I will talk about it.
Ok awesome
I haven't been a part of a roleplay like this in a while! I am definitely piqued.
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Ehey... here I am, summoned by your tag Justin. I'll join for reasons :D
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Justin