Ike Sapphire
Original poster
Well anyway I just came up with an Idea that can keep this place clean of so much new topic just for one Deviant art name. So I came up with a solution you post your name on here and I will edit this post so that all the names are uner a list. GIVE ME THE URL I DON'T WANT THIS Here is my account name LINK CRAP!!! Also nothing off the topic all I want is the URL. One other thing I will not tollerate you posting pictures on this thread if you so happen to do that I will have to ask you to pull the pictures from your post *there is a reason for this and I explain it throgh out this*
List of names and links:
http://ike1694.deviantart.com/ ~Shadow Ike
http://diananotacat.deviantart.com/ ~Diana Notacat
http://mabushiikage.deviantart.com/ ~TheNeverThere
http://sovineh.deviantart.com/ ~PersonaH
http://red-eyed-kitsune.deviantart.com/ ~TK.09
http://mendori-san.deviantart.com/ ~aki
http://dawnloire.deviantart.com/ ~Dawn
http://athnepheil-art.deviantart.com/ ~Fel, King of Bacon
http://hitsuzen91.deviantart.com/ ~Shiny
http://zelkirb.deviantart.com/ ~Tuxedo Mask
http://aurora-malfoy.deviantart.com ~PattyPixie
List of names and links:
http://ike1694.deviantart.com/ ~Shadow Ike
http://diananotacat.deviantart.com/ ~Diana Notacat
http://mabushiikage.deviantart.com/ ~TheNeverThere
http://sovineh.deviantart.com/ ~PersonaH
http://red-eyed-kitsune.deviantart.com/ ~TK.09
http://mendori-san.deviantart.com/ ~aki
http://dawnloire.deviantart.com/ ~Dawn
http://athnepheil-art.deviantart.com/ ~Fel, King of Bacon
http://hitsuzen91.deviantart.com/ ~Shiny
http://zelkirb.deviantart.com/ ~Tuxedo Mask
http://aurora-malfoy.deviantart.com ~PattyPixie