Demon Toys

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So as of late I noticed how many toys freak me the f*** out.. like they will be dead silent for 2 hours then out of nowhere turn on. It reminds me when I was a kid similar toys that did that crap. Kinda like the furby. Does anyone else have any experiences with this kind of thing?

I was once cleaning up at my church's day care, and I turned off a light, and all of a sudden, a toy started making noises and flashing lights. I was the only one down there, so I just 'Noped' the fuck upstairs and out of there faster than Usain Bolt.

In hindsight, it probably reacted to light or something, but that doesn't make it any less creepy.
I always avoided those type of toys as a kid for this exact reason. :/
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Way back in the day, post Jurassic Park: The Lost World, there was a toy that was essentially rock'em sock'em robots, except with FUCKING VELOCIRAPTORS.

The toy was basically a raptor on a long handle attached to his foot, he had a button on his chest that ejected him, and there was a knob at the end of the handle you used to spin the raptor and make his limbs flail. They also roared, snarled, hissed, etc.

They roared, snarled, and hissed randomly inside the garage boxes against the wall of my bedroom. Took us weeks to figure it out.

Also furby with low battery = nightmare fuel when from the depths of the closet you hear "Oooooh waaah... Daaaark.." In the deepest slowest voice one could imagine. That furby went away quite soon.
My daughter used to have this little Disney castle that would chime whenever you pressed a button. She grew out of it, and it ended up getting buried at the bottom of the toy box, but every so often I would hear it chime. I assumed that it was toys shifting against it, so I yanked the thing out, pulled the batteries out and thought that was the end of it.....

Nope! The thing continued to chime without batteries, and it was completely random. Sometimes it'd chime in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, sometimes during the day when the kids were at school. I ended up tearing the thing apart thinking maybe there was a battery I missed, but it continued to chime even after it was in a million pieces. I didn't even bother putting it out in the trash. I took it straight to the dump. =/
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TinyTurts had one of those bad-boys for a while. And after everything was put away and the house was quiet and there was sleeping the damn thing would turn on, and say "I am SpiderSapien! Pew! Pew! Pew!" and then try to climb out of the toy box.

I hated that thing.
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I had this motion sensing robot T-Rex.

The lounge room was dark.

I wanted a glass of water.

It was 12am.

Something roared in the dark and I shat my pants when its eyes turned red.
Meh. Never had problems with my furbies. I did have a handheld fishing game that made a terrible noise when the battery went dead. It wasn't that amazing. I just took the batteries out.
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