SMUT Deliver Me

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elegance is more important than suffering
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Slice-of-Life, Gothic, Horror, Fantasy
Halloween has always been Rhydian's favorite holiday. The humans had always been callous to their kind, twisting them into violent, sadistic brutes known as 'demons,' yet once a year, they joined together to dress like them in mockery or celebration. Given these roots, it's understandable to him that some might not enjoy the holiday, but he's always been on the side of turning shame into pride. The Magi might have Hallow's Eve for its magic, but it belongs to the Darklings just as much, if you ask him.

Still, The Lady doesn't seem to care one way or the other about it, and so there is always a disappointing lack of celebration in the cathedrals on Hallow's Eve. Thankfully, they don't have much going on regarding duties during the major national holidays, which allows him to slip away from the cathedral for the first time since he arrived in Julian City a few weeks ago. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration; he's left the cathedral a few times, but only for a few hours at a time or so, and mostly doing charity work for the poor that beg on the streets of such a wealthy city. He hasn't truly had a night to himself yet.

He'd heard some of the priests talking about a big masquerade party happening at the Town Hall, and having no other plans, decided on a whim to attend. He had a suit made for himself for the occasion, consisting of a black shirt and pants with a dark navy vest and tie. His shirt cuffs are emblazoned with the Julian City's cathedral symbol to show his pride, though they're subtle enough to not look gaudy. He had a cape made as well that attaches around his neck to resemble his usual collared robes, and he bought a glittery navy masquerade mask to complete the look. He expects to look quite dashing, though he hasn't even begun getting ready as of yet.

"Wit gwad, vror vexity?"

"Hm? Oh yes," he glances down at the priest kneeling between his legs, eyes staring up at him beseechingly and his mouth stuffed with Rhydian's cock. "Very good, Father, just watch your teeth." He tightens his grip on the other man's dark locks, which seems to satisfy him, as he resumes sucking his length immediately.

It is good, but it pales in comparison to what he experienced last night. Frey, that damned priest... He can't tell if his presence is a blessing or a curse that The Lady has bestowed upon him. Sex is a very normal part of daily life for a Libitine, and their lust is bountiful, but he's never known anyone as hungry for it as Frey. Even during the most innocuous of tasks, Frey's arousal seems ever present, warm and heady like a tangible thing wrapping around Rhydian's cock and stroking it to hardness.

It was evident when he met him, and confirmed by the other priests, that the Libitine has no sense of control over his pheromones. Given his exceptionally high libido, this has proved a problem in trying to be near him for extended periods of time. He also quickly learned that Frey has little social skills, frequently breaching social decorum and boundaries unintentionally. All of this combined has left him the black sheep of the cathedral, shunned by the rest of the priests as weird and intense.

It's a bit pathetic, really, to watch the man walk around with his cock hard as a rock beneath his robes and trying desperately to hide it, no one willing to lend him a hand despite their shared love for intercourse. Apparently, his heats are frequent and intense, and he has to lock himself up in his room to avoid being a nuisance to the rest of the building. It's sad, and as one of The Lady's bishops, he's deemed it his duty to see to pleasing Frey. Perhaps if he can help to fill the aching hole inside him, in more ways than one, Frey will gain better control over himself instead of letting his lust run rampant.

That's a convenient excuse, at least. Perhaps more truthfully, he just finds Frey sexy as hell. Despite his eccentricities, he's beautiful, and seems oh-so-willing to take whatever Rhydian might give to him. He likes the warm tingling that Frey's presence brings him, and he feels no shame in wanting to bend the other man over the nearest surface and fuck the feeling out of them both. Unfortunately, though, Frey seems to mostly keep to himself, barely lifting his head to even meet his eyes. Then there's their duties that often keep them apart. There has yet to be a good opportunity to seduce the man properly, so Rhydian decided to make himself one last night.

Slipping into Frey's dream, he found the man kneeljng before the altar of their Lady under the pale glow of moonlight coming in through the cathedral's large windows, mumbling frantically beneath his breath with hands folded in front of him. Rhydian waited behind him politely, allowing himself to be wrapped up in that warm embrace of the man's desire, until Frey stood. Deciding to make his presence known, he pressed against his back and moved his hands to his shoulders.

"Frey, my dear boy, what has you troubled at this late hour?"

Libitines always smell appealing, it is part of their chemistry, but Frey always smells particularly divine, like light florals and a cinnamon-sweet heat with a touch of something medicinal and unique to him that Rhydian can't place. It makes him want to eat him up.

"My dick," Frey had said so honestly, so casually, that Rhydian had had to hold back laughter.

"Is that so?" he'd purred, amused, hands beginning to kneed the tense muscle of the priest's neck and shoulders. "How is it troubling you?"

Frey had blinked at him owlishly from over his shoulder before shamelessly lifting his robes to reveal his erection, angrily red and already dripping, his Prince Albert piercing glinting in the moonlight. "My desire never cools or fades. I repent, but it remains without control."

"Mm. And why should you have to repent?" He smiled as innocently as he is capable of, guiding the priest to turn toward him so that he can cup his face. He was not just warm, but feverishly so, cheeks flushed attractively and his cock practically burning a hole in his robes where it was pressed against his thigh. "As Libitines, we have been uniquely blessed by the Lady to not only enjoy sex as anyone else might, but to find holiness in it. Healing. Sex strengthens and nurtures our bodies and brings us closer to Her and each other. It is how we thrive and build community with one another. Do not be ashamed of your sexual appetite; it is simply in our nature to want to share our bodies with others." Unable to help himself, he stroked Frey's plush bottom lip with his thumb, savoring his hot breath (already beginning to pant) against the pad of it.

"I would never turn my back on the gifts Our Lady gave us, nor the power of communion through sex... but my body does not relent when it is not time to worship. So I repent." He lamented as much, but his guilt seemed performative with how he'd already begun to sneakily rub his length against his thigh, tongue poking out to wet the digit against his lips. Such a desperate creature. "Are you here to punish me?"

"No, Father," he'd assured, pushing his index and middle fingers into the warm, wet cavern of Frey's mouth where they were greeted with immediate enthusiastic sucking. "I'm here to rebuild you. To milk the tainted semen from your desperate, starving body and replace it with my own holy seed. I shall fill the aching womb inside you to keep you from disturbing the peace of our brothers and sisters."

He was laying it on thick, but it seemed to spur Frey on as much as he'd hoped, his hips quickening against him. He pulled off his fingers with a pop, a lewd string of saliva breaking between them. "Thank you, Your Excellency."

"Now bend over Our Lady's altar. Your sperm, while unworthy, shall be your meager offering for her graciousness."

Frey was ever obedient as he bent over and lifted his robes to reveal his excitedly winking pink hole, his pierced cock and balls quivering against the cold granite of the altar. When Rhydian slipped one of his slick digits inside of him, it sunk down to the knuckle almost immediately, Frey's soft insides pulling him through tight muscle hungrily. "You must touch yourself here often, don't you, Father? You took my finger so easily." It doesn't take long for him to work a second finger in, scissoring him open in between bouts of torturing his prostate, making the man squirm and moan beneath him.

They continued like that for some time, Rhydian's practiced fingers drawing orgasm after orgasm out of the priest, white rivulets running down the altar's side and pooling at their feet. Only once he seemed sufficiently milked did Rhydian remove his fingers and step away, admiring Frey's gaping entrance and his lovely whines of disappointment. He lifted his own robe to let his own neglected erection bounce free, thick and throbbing with need, precum collecting in the sparse dark hair at his base. Frey's disappointment seemed to melt away into near manic glee at the sight, body turning to kneel in front of him immediately, as though he couldn't help himself.

He rubbed his length against his face gently, teasingly, biting down on his lip to keep from moaning. He was so turned on that just the slightest stimulation felt like it could make him cum. "Show me that you are worthy of salvation, Father," he ordered, and Frey devoured him with unmatched enthusiasm as though he were the most delicious thing he ever tasted. "Oh, My Lady," he gasped, steeling himself against the onslaught of Frey's dangerously skilled mouth by gripping onto his hair. Had the others been lying about leaving Frey to his own devices? How could he possibly be so good at sucking cock if he wasn't very experienced?

It was an embarrassingly short time before he was spilling hot and sticky down Frey's throat with a choked moan, and they both likely could have kept going if Rhydian didn't stop Frey by pulling his hair back. "Get back on the altar for me."

He was desperate and panting when he stood behind him again, turning Frey's face so that he could coax him into a bruising kiss while rubbing his still rock hard cock against his entrance teasingly. "Beg me for it," he'd demanded, though the words that came out of Frey's mouth were distant and incomprehensible. "What?" Again, garbled nonsense, more distant.

The dream was slipping away, and fast. "No, fuck —" he growled, thrusting desperately as everything went dark —

He'd awoken in a cold sweat, painfully hard, his sheets stained with ejaculate. Thankfully, one of his admirers was happy to give him a hand.

Just thinking about the whole thing has him throbbing, hips thrusting of their own volition into his current bedmate's mouth. Thankfully, the priest doesn't seem to mind, and with his hands balled in the other man's hair, Rhydian fucks his wet throat while he remembers the feeling of Frey's, the delightfully hypnotizing scent of their sex, and the feeling of his insides lovingly tangling around his fingers. No doubt they would have felt better around his cock while he pressed against his prostate and slammed into his deepest wall.

"Fuuuck," he hisses as he cums, pulling out of the priest's mouth and kissing the top of his head. "Good boy. I'm sure Our Lady would be proud of your progress."

After a reciprocal gift, he sends the priest on his way, cleaning up and slipping his costume on. It's getting late by now, so he really should get a move on if he doesn't wan to be out until the early morning.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
He'd paid the new bishop no mind at first. Visitors to the cathedral came and went and regardless of their importance, it was rare that he remembered them all that well. Sometimes, they were a bitter taste sliding down his throat and a hand gripping his hair and grazing the scalp. Sometimes, they were bite marks that formed a chaotic pattern across his pale skin, lapped clean by a rough tongue. His favourites were sharp pangs of mind-scrambling pain and starry vision, followed by addicting lava in the pit of his stomach and drool slipping out of his gaping mouth. They were sensations to him more than people. After all, he devoted his memory to The Lady and Her scriptures and his deplorable fantasies. He had little need for anything else.

But the night that Bishop Rhydian had appeared in his dreams, when he had shown him a mercy that he had not felt in ages, with practised fingers and a cock heavy with Seed blessed by their Lady, Frey had awoken a changed man. It was rare that he dreamt, even rarer that he remembered any dreams that he possibly had, but this one had been so close to reality that he considered it to be a vision, a prophetic reward wrapped within a command. The bishop would redeem him. The bishop would assure that he was useful to the Lady's cause. The dream had ended before the sweet bliss of being stretched full and given purpose because he was meant to bring it into reality.

He ached for him.

His recent explosion of pheromones had finally supposedly died down to a reasonable level, but he still felt just as hungry, just as empty, just as desperate for salvation as before. Every few hours, he wiped himself down under his robes after making his humble exit from his quarters to fulfill his usual duties. His cock leaked without shame, stood at attention without rest. Frey's head felt like it was full of cotton puffs, his thoughts cloudy and blurred. Sweeping the cathedral with gentle strokes and wiping down the various plaques and frames with care, he kept his gaze low, lashes a heavy sweeping fan over his warm eyes, just atop ruddy, delicate cheeks.

Frey ran his tongue repeatedly over his teeth, counting them in a meditative fashion as his chores led him around the halls, until he heard the footsteps, accompanied by a familiar scent. Immediately, his skin flushed deeper, his dick twitching in his underwear and his salivary glands tripling their workload.

The Bishop. With a shy half-smile, Frey stilled his movements, his draped robe barely disguising the near obvious bulge at his pelvis.

"Your excellency," he could barely say without revealing that his mouth was watering faster than he could swallow, his voice breathless and silken, "May I be of service to you?"
「 🕳 」
code by wren.
Last edited:
  • Wicked
Reactions: wren.
His costume does look quite fetching, if you ask him. Like a sexy, somehow more flamboyant, version of The Phantom. He's quite cocky as he slinks out of his room and through the winding hallways of their cathedral, exchanging polite nods and the occasional wink with passing staff that bother to make eye contact with him as he passes. Before he reaches the exit, though, that familiar smell of medicinal florals and heat sneaks into his nostrils, grinding him to a halt in an almost Pavlovian manner. Perhaps he should worry about how his intrigue with Frey has possessed his senses, but why examine his obsession when he can just enjoy the carnal pleasure it brings him?

Effectively pulled off-course, he follows the scent to find the man himself standing in front of a painting of a flower and butterfly that looks suggestive of cunnilingus with a microfiber cloth, apparently cleaning. Despite being a priest, he's never seen Frey actually preaching. He hasn't worked here for long, but has he really only ever been delegated to cleaning duty?

Frey notices him before he even opens his mouth to get his attention, a fact that sends a thrill down his spine. Has he been paying enough attention to recognize his footstep pattern? Is he enticed by his smell in the same way Rhydian enjoys his? The flush on Frey's cheeks, the gentle smile, the slight bulge of his erection beneath his robes, the hopeful glimmer in his eye — evidently, Frey remembers their night together as clearly as he does. More importantly, his body seems like it's inviting him for more.

"Good evening, Father," he purrs, "Hard at work as usual, are you?" In more ways than one. He steps closer, resting a (completely friendly, of course) hand on the small of his back and leaning toward the painting as though interested in getting a better look at the artwork. "Such beautiful art in this cathedral. I dare say it's better than what we had in Black City. Look at the brushwork on this; such clever, precise strokes. The way they captured the movement of the probuscus as it glides over and between the folds of the flower, and the realism of the dew drops dripping off the petals… exquisite, don't you think?"

He lets his hand drift down toward his ass for a fleeting moment before pulling it back to his side without breaking his friendly smile. "You know, Father, I don't think I've ever seen you leave this cathedral. I admire your intense devotion and your willingness to serve, but if you don't rest once in a while, you'll exhaust yourself. What use will you be for The Lady then? I'm on my way to a costume party for Halloween right now, myself, you should join me. Oh, but you don't have a costume, do you? I'm sure I have something for you."

Before Frey can protest, he's already wrapping an arm around his waist and leading him back toward his chamber. "You're a bit taller than me, but I'm thicker, so I think my clothes would hang off you a little too much. Thankfully, I have a lot of costumes I once bought for other people, so I'm sure we'll find something that will flatter your delicate shape." Surely, the more he talks and takes initiative, the quicker Frey will get caught up in the whirlwind and submit to his desires?

His room smells of sex when they arrive, though he can't be sure if it's from the sex he'd had minutes ago or if the smell of sweat and semen has just permanently worked its way into the crevices, masked only by the scent of his natural pheromones. He releases Frey at the doorway and opens up his closet, pulling out a couple of clear tubs resting at the bottom and setting them at the other man's feet before removing their lids. Inside are a number of outfits, ranging from traditional lingerie to leather and spandex bodysuits to classics such as "sexy schoolgirl" and "sexy nurse."

"Which of these do you like most?" he prompts, kneeling down to dig through the options for one that looks like it might fit him.
  • Wicked
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
That familiar urge between his legs was one that he'd nursed since the moment he'd been able to recognize what it was. It felt like home, it felt like the only thing that tethered him to his fragile and insidious body, something that he could always rub raw for comfort and come out still feeling like himself. The Bishop's prophetic appearance in his dreams had chained him to it, it had made him more than a faceless entity in the cathedral. He was the blood in the buildings' veins, the ceaseless and merciful moving heart, the sweet, sweet mouth of The Lady. Frey's fingers twitched and crumpled tightly around the cleaning cloth in his hand, his heavy-lashed eyes unable to tear themselves away from Rhydian.

Those dulcet toned words, smooth and lustrous from the tall, unmistakable column of his throat, sent a tingle of pleasure straight up through Frey's spine, up into his empty head. It felt like his heat was reigniting, clouding over his senses all over again in a single second as Rhydian's hand made contact with the small of his back. Immediately, he began to tremble, though he tried his best to listen. It would be heresy not to.

"Only the best for Our Lady." he whispered in response, his voice almost unabashedly heavy with arousal, eyes taking in the exquisite artwork. They fluttered shut briefly when the Bishop's hand brushed over his behind, but opened once more, dreamily. He did not bother resisting when told to come along to a party, mind melted to nothing more than cerebral goo in his skull with Rhydian's arm around him. "Yes, your excellency."

He smelled of incense and sex. Frey breathed deeply with him so close, wishing he could drown himself in that scent.

The Bishop's room, though made from the same bones as his own chambers, sported far more furniture and belongings, but at its core, it came from the same body of the church. Frey reddened even further, taking in deep breaths of the pheromones and sweat and spunk in the air, his body wishing it had contributed. He almost didn't register it when Rhydian pushed the clear tub of costumes over towards him, the options waiting by his callused, bare feet.

Gingerly, Frey knelt down, touching the costumes with a certain reverence, even if only doing so because they were the Bishop's possessions, before he found a set that caught his attention. The tiny crop top and shorts combo barely hid any skin, a near complete reversal of his normal robes, paired with a headband of crude dog ears that were a shade of orange-red similar to his own but pitching a little heavier towards reddish hues. They were secondary to the actual pieces of interest to him though: a matching leash and a fluffy tail attached to a humble butt plug.

He marvelled at it, holding the set up as though it were something irreplaceable and precious.
「 🕳 」
code by wren.
  • Spicy
Reactions: wren.
Frey finds a favorite quickly; a sexy dog costume. He holds the bag like it's some kind of treasure, his expression like he's struck gold. Admittedly, it's endearing. "Excellent choice, Father," he chuckles, standing back up and offering Frey a hand to pull him to his feet as well. "You'll make a fetching puppy. You certainly have the loyalty of a dog, don't you?"

He turns to take a seat at the edge of his bed, gesturing toward the mirror right across from it. "You can change here, if you'd like. If you're shy, you can use the bathroom." It's a courtesy offer; he already knows Frey will take the opportunity to strip in front of him. Likely not even in an intentional attempt to seduce him, but simply because he's completely unashamed of his nudity. He revels in it, why would he hide it? That shamelessness, while perhaps considered his biggest fault to many, is what has drawn Rhydian to him the most.

He leans back on his hands as Frey disrobes with an attractive amount of eagerness that makes up for his lack of grace. He hasn't actually gotten to see Frey completely nude as of yet, having held him last night with his robe on but bunched up around his middle. He looks… frail. On the verge of being too thin with little muscle, and when he turns toward the mirror, there are a number of scars across his back and limbs. Who did that to him? There are so many, those marks couldn't have been from one encounter. Most of them look like lashing scars, too. Did some inexperienced idiot get carried away while punishing him?

… It's none of his business. What is his business is the stark dick imprint and huge wet spot on the front of his underwear. Even from these six feet away or so, he can smell his arousal and it's starting to make him dizzy, his own cock twitching in his briefs in response. Frey's cock is practically crying out for attention, no his entire body. There's a bright flush along his cheeks, neck, shoulders, and chest, and his perky nipples are standing at attention as though begging for someone to pull on them. He reeks of fertility and need and the instinct to breed him silly is making Rhydian itchy. There's no way Frey's heat has ended, how could this possibly be the strength of his pheromones on an average day?

Like a moth drawn to a flame, his body seems to move on its own, rising from the bed and floating toward the priest, arms wrapping around his bare midriff. He's managed to get most of the costume on, the shorts so thin that it does nothing for hiding his angry erection and the shirt barely stretching past his hard nipples. He steps as close to him as possible, crotch rubbing against the hole in the shorts meant to accommodate the tail.

"I told you this would look good on you," he purrs, taking the bag from him and helping to put the red collar on, pressing a kiss to the pulse point in his neck. He attaches the leash to the heart-shaped latch on the collar, wrapping the long rope around his hand several times to get a strong grip on it. "I like lapdogs. Think you could be mine?" he murmurs in his ear with a wicked grin.

"Oops, we forgot your tail, puppy," he says, grabbing the fake tail and letting the bag flutter to the floor. He meets Frey's eyes in the mirror as he makes a show of licking the plug all over, then wraps his lips around it and sucks with hallowed cheeks. Once it's drenched with slimy saliva, he pulls it out with a satisfying pop. "Bend over, puppy," he whispers, pulling his underwear down enough to push the toy inside him. It goes in easily, Frey's body swallowing it up eagerly. "That's a good boy. You look so pretty like this. Bark for me."

He pushes him back upright with a guiding hand on his abdomen. "Still, we need to do something about this." His hand drifts down to his cock, palming him through the shorts. He can feel the heat of him through the fabric and it's making his own cock twitch. He nuzzles his neck, inhaling his scent deeply, happy to get swept away in the tidal wave of Frey's lust. "There's a time and place for this kind of thing, Frey. You can't go into public all swollen like this."

He hooks a finger around the band of his shorts and underwear, pulling enough to get a good look at the stringy mess he's made inside them. "You're so wet, you've made a complete mess of your panties, you naughty boy." He pulls Frey's cock from its imprisonment and wraps his hand around him, rubbing him from base to tip, pointing him toward the mirror to avoid staining their clothes. Frey's excessive precum makes the task easy, his fingers occasionally slipping off his head from the sheer volume of it. "So hungry, aren't you, Frey? My poor boy. How long has it been since someone has touched you like this?"

He turns his head to whisper in his ear again, eyes still trained on the exciting tableau they are making in the mirror. "I'll make you a deal. If you can be a good boy for me at this party and control yourself, I'll breed you all night long once we get back. Wouldn't that be nice, puppy? To mate with me until the sun comes up?"
  • OMG
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
The Bishop's hand in his made the emptiness between his legs feel like an unbearable absence, as though he had been incomplete in every single way one could be and would continue to be so until filled. Frey stood, feet on the cool tiled flooring, his callused fingers brushing over the costume's fabric. His nod was measured and demure, agreeing that he would make the picture perfect puppy. He'd never interacted much with dogs, much less any animals in general, really, but he understood what they signified here. Loyalty, obedience, dependence. He could be all of those things with ease, if Rhydian asked him to.

Frey felt those eyes on him, like flames licking up and down his skin, even without any of it on display. He'd change that soon. He'd burn alive if that was what it took.

Without responding, Frey began to shed his robes. It was easy work, pulling loose a lax knot and separating a fold here and there, until the entire shift fell into a crumpled halo of fabric around him. His skin was an expanse of taut white flesh, pulled tight over bones and nearly devoid of visible muscle. It puckered in places where the scarring was uneven and violent, smoothed over and discoloured where the healing had succeeded to a better degree. Even looking in the mirror, he could see the Bishop's eyes on him, a certain calmness to his demeanour, but like any good, resourceful dog, Frey could smell it on him. He inhaled deeply, pulling on the shorts and the crop top, sucking on his teeth.

The scent grew stronger as Rhydian approached. Frey watched him in the mirror, ruddy cheeks in no way nearer to clearing up. He couldn't tell if he tensed or melted into the arms around his midriff, but he certainly twitched invitingly when searing hot lips pressed against the skin of his neck, soothed by a bandage in the form of a collar. "I'm yours." he whispered breathily without even thinking about it, never looking away. Even if he had been capable of coherent thought in that moment, his answer would not have changed.

The plug became glossy with spit, licked and sucked audibly. Frey heard it, even through the thunderous pounding of his heartbeat in his ears, his dick painfully yet deliciously restricted within the tiny shorts. He whined when eagerly bending over, the plug disappearing past the ring of his anus, swallowed up without needing any coaxing. It wasn't enough. It would never be enough. He panted now, shamelessly making soft barking noises the moment Rhydian asked him to, hands outstretching to press against the mirror. They would leave hand prints.

Rhydian guided him back into a standing position. Frey hadn't been sure he could, but all miracles were possible with the help of The Lady and her mouthpiece. His knees nearly buckled at the touch of the hand against his cock but he managed to stay somewhat upright, holding onto the Bishop. "My apologies, your excellence..." he mewled pathetically, moaning wantonly and squirming when grasped and stroked from base to tip, "I... I'll cum, I can't-" The tears sprung to his eyes at the near relief of being touched directly, each breath shuddering and almost excruciating. So soon, yet not soon enough. The Bishop had what he needed.

Rhydian's words were so hard to focus on. The sounds were barely comprehensible to Frey's empty head, but he registered it as a question and a promise, both of which Frey could agree to without needing to fully understand. He wanted to be good, he needed to be good, he would be good.

"Yes, yes, y-yes..." he babbled uselessly, his voice cracking, "All night. I'll be good- So good..."
「 🕳 」
code by wren.
  • Wicked
Reactions: wren.
Rhydian grins against Frey's cheek, eyes never leaving their reflections and his hand never ceasing in its firm, decisive strokes on the man's twitchy cock. "Go ahead and cum for Master, puppy. Cum as much as you need to be satisfied." His mirror is going to be soaked in semen by the time they finish, but that's the least of his concerns right now. If Frey has any chance of following through on his part of the deal, Rhydian needs to milk him to flaccidity. With anyone else, that would be an effortless task. Frey's sexual stamina is in a league of its own, though. Arousal is practically his natural state.

He keeps his other arm pressed against Frey's torso should his knees buckle entirely, fingers sneaking beneath the hem of the crop top and skating over one of his pebbled areolas. "I hope you'll succeed," he purrs as he pinches his nipple and rolls it gently between his index finger and thumb. "My pretty bitch in heat... I want to breed you so badly. Can't you feel it? Can you feel me throbbing against you?" He rubs his aching erection vigorously between the mounds of his ass, pressing the plug in slightly deeper. "Our bodies are calling out to each other. I need your warm pussy as much as you need my cock rubbing against your walls."

He's starting to get lost in the haze of the moment — his face is flushing, he's panting and moaning against Frey's cheek, hot breath fanning against moist skin while he ruts against him desperately. "I promise I'll scratch that itchy spot inside you that you can't reach. I'll drill your pussy's deepest wall and fill your womb with my thick, fertile seed. Does that sound good? Maybe you'll even have my puppies," he jokes, but he's losing his composure, the layers of his costume leaving him feverish and suffocated. It'll do neither of them good if he ends up unable to remain on his best behavior at the party.

"Fuck it," he growls, at the end of his rope, abandoning Frey's cock and nipples to tug his shorts and underwear down to his ankles in one fell swoop. "Tighten your thighs." He's quick to undo his own fly and release his erection before thrusting it between Frey's wet thighs with a moan, grabbing onto Frey's hips hard enough to bruise. The delicious drag of his cock over and over against the soft plushness of Frey's balls and the velvety flesh of his cock is almost maddening. He wraps a hand around both of them, thrusting wildly into the tight ring he's made with his fingers.

"You look beautiful like this, and you feel so good," he pants before pressing wet kisses along Frey's jawline and neck. It doesn't take long before he's shooting with a loud moan, ropes of white splattering against the mirror. His hips continue to swing practically by themselves, body begging for more. Only once they've both emptied their balls all over their poor reflections does he stop, forehead pressed against Frey's shoulder while he catches his breath.

"Stay here, I'll clean us up," he instructs, pressing a chaste kiss to Frey's cheek before pulling away and hurrying to the bathroom. He washes the juices from his hands and wipes his cock with a moist cloth before returning to Frey's side and gently wiping him off in turn. When he's finished, he tosses the soiled cloth in his hamper and tugs Frey's clothes back into their proper place. "You did so well, puppy." He'll worry about the mirror (and his poor carpet) later. If it weren't likely to turn Frey right back on, he'd order him to lick it up.

He takes a moment to straighten his clothes before taking hold of the leash around Frey's neck, pressing a lingering kiss to the taller man's sweaty forehead before tugging him out the door. He tries to ignore the surprised stares from passersby as he pulls Frey through the cathedral's hallways but he can't seem to control the self-satisfied smirk on his lips. When they pass by the painting they'd been standing in front of minutes ago, it graduates to a slightly manic grin.

His car is parked out back in one of the reserved spaces. It's nothing especially fancy, just a black BMW, but it smells new despite his having owned it for some five years. He doesn't get to use it often, after all.

The wind is a bit biting outside, which is good for helping him regain his senses. He's almost entirely settled back into his bones as he holds the passenger door open for Frey. Afterwards, he climbs into the driver's seat and proceeds toward the city hall. "Do you dance, Frey?"
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Between the solidity of Rhydian's chest against his back, his coaxing, deep voice against his flush ears and the unyieldingly sweet pumping of his cock in that steady, slick hand, Frey had no chance of holding back his release. It wasn't as though he tried though, so pitifully ready to burst at the slightest stimulation, already putty in the Bishop's hand the moment he'd reached out to touch him. He let himself go, fat tears rolling down his cheeks and body wracked with spasms, an absolute mess undone in under a minute, gasping and choking as Rhydian's hand milked him straight through his orgasm. Immediately, he was lightheaded, breathing heavily and lips gleaming with saliva, feeling the Bishop's thick cock against him, putting pressure against the plug.

"Puh... Puppy n-needs you, I- ugh," his voice was fragile, weak and broken, begging without an ounce of shame and following Rhydian's goading wherever it would take him, "I- ah, need to be f-full, please, Master..." Even the rutting alone was making his dick twitch against the hand that so diligently stroked it, but when abandoned, Frey whimpered, lashes darkened by quickly drying tears.

The cool air brushed against his sweat damp skin when his underwear and shorts met the floor around his ankles, his whining growing louder when Rhydian's cock slid through the space between his thighs. He became jealous of the air underneath his weeping dick, of the ring of the Bishop's fingers, stretched by the sacredness of that thick cock, but it didn't matter. Obediently, he held his scarred thighs together, arms reached back and clinging to Rhydian any way that he could, the feeling of hips flush against ass so good that it made him feel dizzy. The force behind it was so wonderful that he wished it would break something, anything, so that he could keep the wound to remember this moment. The thought was enough to make him cum again, keening sweetly and softly.

The bruises that would soon form on his hips would have to do as souvenirs, since soon enough, Rhydian's seed mixed with his own, spraying forwards and coating both the floor and the mirror. "Thank you, your excellency..." he sighed reverently, his voice tear-stained. Tiredly, eyes half-lidded, he resisted the urge to get down on his hands and knees and lick up the mess they'd made, only because the Bishop had told him to stay, which also meant to wait. With professional ease, he was cleaned up and tugged out of the room by the leash, which he was all too happy to submit to, the erotic haze of his mind cleared for now, at the very least.

The evening sky was dark already, the breeze nipping at his exposed skin. If he didn't naturally run hot, especially after cumming his brain out, it would have perhaps bothered him a touch, but it didn't. Into the car he went, the door held open by the Bishop even though he had moved to tend to it himself (his excellence had already looked after him enough that day). Frey set his eyes on his superior the way a well-trained pet would do, though he avoided his eyes, gazing upon his hands, shoulders and chest while he drove. The Lady had blessed him with a hallowed body, one that brought purity to the world. Frey hoped that he smelled like him.

"I have not, your excellency." he responded diligently, eyes still trained on him instead of the outside world that he so seldom visited, "I will learn tonight if you ask it of me."

The drive took a matter of minutes, the smooth purr of the Bishop's vehicle flowing over them. Frey watched Rhydian drive as though he never needed to blink, running his tongue over his teeth and rubbing his thumb against the back of his hand in meditative, rhythmic circles. City hall's gothic architecture was adorned with the glow of orange and yellow lights, jack'o'lanterns carved and lit at every corner. With the vehicle parked in the admittedly near full parking lot, Frey followed Rhydian to the lavish tented areas on the well-manicured lawn, surrounded by trimmed hedges. Various politicians and the like lounged, clad in costumes as some live band played in a corner, though Frey neither recognized nor paid any attention to any of them, always a step behind Rhy with his eyes lowered reverently.

"Ah, Bishop Davenport, welcome!" he heard the bellow of an older man, liquor dripping from their friendly tone, "I see you've brought a pet! How fun." Frey did not look at him, but he could see the politician's expensive shoes in the grass, shined and free of scuffs as he approached.
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"I will learn tonight if you ask it of me."

So formal. Frey is so passionate during sex, but he acts almost like a robot outside of it. As if he's just meekly going through the motions and looking for an order to obey at all times. Doesn't he do anything for himself? Besides play with his dick. "It's not an order, puppy, but I think you'll enjoy dancing. It's all about expressing yourself through your body and achieving a sort of freedom from it. It's not entirely different from sex in that way." Which is probably why he's always enjoyed it.

He ignores Frey's obvious staring as best as he can for the rest of the ride, swallowing down his amusement at the intensity of it. A day ago, Frey barely even looked at him, and now he's acting like he's addicted to his face. Guess that's what a good handjob and some frotting gets you. Will Frey become totally obsessed after he finally sinks his cock in him? Or will he lose all interest in him with the mystery over? He'd like to think he has an addictive cock. His partners certainly haven't complained before.

City Hall is already bustling when they arrive, which isn't unexpected given that they are about an hour late to the festivities. He feels no disappointment, though, given that the distraction had been arguably better than anything the festival has to offer them. In fact, he's already itching with a desire to return to his room and make good on the promise he and Frey had made.

Still, he won't give in to his base desires yet. He manages to find parking in the crowded lot and steps out into the cool night air, joining Frey's side. With Frey dressed in so little, it's only the polite thing to press the man to his side and wrap his cape around him so that he might retain some warmth. He doesn't grab at the leash around Frey's neck this time, as that would probably be a bit too much in a public place like this.

Then again, as they follow the flickering Jack-o-lanterns and street lights toward the building's manicured lawn toward the scattered crowds, he spots plenty of other scantily-clad partygoers and handsy couples. Maybe leading Frey around like a dog wouldn't be entirely out place.

"Isn't it funny how sexual Halloween is for so many people?" he asks, though given how sheltered Frey appears, perhaps he's not aware of this phenomenon. "It must be the costumes. The anonymity they provide encourages people to act out their desires in a way that they wouldn't normally. It's a shame, isn't it, that they feel limited like that? To deprive themself of something so wonderful and natural as sex? It almost makes me wish that we could share the liberation of The Lady's blessings with everyone, though I know not everyone is deserving of it." The Libitines are her people, not the Vampir, or the Were, or whatever else stalks the streets of Cervia.

"Mm, it makes me yearn all the more for our temple's next communion. It's been a while since we've all embraced each other as we ought." The sweet, aphrodisiac-laced wine, the whole temple smelling of sex and heady pheromones, the blur of bodies and pleasure and wailing prayer... just thinking about it makes his cock twitch in his pants.

"Ah, Bishop Davenport, welcome!" A cheerful voice calls out, attached to a plump, middle-aged man with whispy brown hair and a toothy grin. His cheeks are ruddy from drink. Mr. Green, a fellow Libitine and a temple member, though his duties as senator often keep him away from services. "I see you've brought a pet! How fun."

Sharing the man's mirth, he grins and pulls Frey closer against him, hand migrating down to flirtatiously grip his hip. "I did, isn't he a cutie?" he gushes, pressing a chaste kiss to Frey's forehead. There's only about a fifty-fifty chance that Mr. Green recognizes Frey from the temple, given how much the priest blends into the background. "This is Frey. I've just started training this puppy, but I expect great things from him."

Mr. Green laughs heartily, throwing back the rest of whatever liquor was in his tumbler. "He seems quite docile already. Have you whipped him into shape that quickly?"

"Whipping hasn't been necessary yet, he's quite obedient. A needy little bitch, though," he teases, smirking at Frey.

"I don't doubt it," Mr. Green says, eyes roaming over Frey approvingly in a way that makes Rhydian's grip tighten possessively. He hasn't finished having his fun with the priest yet; Mr. Green will need to wait his turn. "Come, come, my friend! Join my wife and I, we've taken over a couple of the nicer seats they've moved out here." He walks away before either of them can refuse, boisterously waving for them to follow.

Having no real reason to refuse, Rhydian follows him to a small tent consisting of a couple of velvet sofas and a table filled with an assortment of snacks. Mrs. Green has already found a home on her husband's lap, nursing a glass of champagne and wearing a more devilish smile."Your Excellency! What a pleasant surprise!" she coos.

"Mrs. Green, you look stunning as always," he flirts impassionately. Although women have their own charms, he's never found himself particularly moved by them. He sits on the couch across from them, pulling Frey down into his lap without hesitation, wrapping one arm around his waist while the other settles on his calf. "Have you met my partner for the evening, Frey?"

"I don't believe I have. A pleasure to meet you," she smiles with the typical fake friendliness of a politician's wife.

A waiter passes by with a tray of champagne glasses and Rhydian stops him to grab two flutes, handing one off to his companion. With a grin, he clinks their glasses together before lifting his to his lips and taking a long drag, the hand on Frey's waist unashamedly moving to cup his ass through the thin shorts. The Greens won't care, and who else is going to notice in the shelter of the tent's folds?

"Isn't the champagne exquisite? Oh, you ought to try the food, too!" Mr. Green encourages, nearly knocking his wife off his lap with his enthusiastic pointing toward the assortment of food presented on several trays on a table between them.

With far more grace and care to not jostle Frey, he leans forward to exchange his glass for a small plate of fruit, leaning back against the couch and setting it on the cushion beside him before selecting a grape from it and holding it up to Frey's mouth expectantly. "Do you like grapes, puppy?" he asks softly.
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Treating anything like it was sex certainly did perk up Frey's ears, as though he actually were a dog instead of a darkling dressed as one. Truth be told, he didn't particularly trust his body to look elegant or follow directions properly when it came to dancing. He trusted himself to follow orders, however he was but a lowly servant of the cathedral, not someone who was trained in the art of movement. Still, it would be hard to ignore the obvious interest in his eyes, mixed with the reverence and utter intoxication welled within them, focused solely on Rhydian. One would think that since he almost never left the cathedral, his interest would be more piqued by the unfamiliar world around him, but it was growing quite clear that he would be content to make Rhydian his world until he was dismissed.

At the party, Frey remained close, his pulse staggering whenever Rhydian brushed against him too long, his cape extended to shield him from a bit of the breeze. What a kind Master he was, to assure that the moment a crowd was in sight of him, he was publicly seen as claimed. Heavy, liquid heat churned in Frey's stomach. Or perhaps it was less a show of possession and maybe worrying for his well being, since it likely wouldn't reflect well on him if Frey grew sick as soon as he took him from the cathedral. Still, part of him silently wished that it were the prior rather than the latter.

The Bishop spoke of The Lady's blessings and the way that the general populous only indulged in them when they found it appropriate, rather than embracing it. Frey nodded sagely, lips glistening with saliva. "... They are not yet enlightened. I was lucky to have been accepted into The Lady's grace when I was." His words were genuine, more grateful than lustful, but it did not last long before Rhydian lead his brain right back to where it usually resided: into lust's warm embrace. The thoughts came to him without warning or hesitation, The Bishop's cock in his mouth and another in his ass, or perhaps the two of them switched around, perhaps even more dicks waiting to be served with eager adoration.

His cheeks reddened once more, held by the hip, Rhydian's lips on his forehead. Like true pet owners, they spoke of him almost like he wasn't there, in a way that made his chest rise and fall with a little more intention, his body warming up to the point of being uncomfortable. Frey's eyes lifted upwards, back on Rhydian and meeting his gaze as he did infrequently, his lips slightly parted. His expression only confirmed the Bishop's words... A needy little bitch indeed. It was as though he hadn't just cum from his fingers and rutting not even more than an hour ago.

Soon enough, he was on Rhydian's lap, nearly mimicking the position of the ever smiling Mrs Green on her husband, her rouge making a lip shaped stain on her champagne flute. Well-versed in such a position, he was quick to make sure he was seated in a way in which he was always making some sort of contact with his partner for the evening's cock through his pants, whether it be with his thigh or a gently resting hand. His nod of acknowledgement towards Mrs. Green was an afterthought, all of his attention on Rhydian. Luckily, she didn't seem to care much, more than fine with refocusing her attentiveness on her husband, in an attempt to distract him from his food.

Frey's breath filled the champagne glass, his sips tiny and indulgent, his tongue slowly being coated with the drink, his sensitive teeth aching from the cold. There was a hand cupping his ass. He shifted his thigh slightly, to brush against Rhydian. His dick was hard again, in those tiny shorts.

Rhydian held a grape up to his lips. Frey shuddered, his stomach flipping uncomfortably. He'd eaten warm rice porridge this morning. He did not want to eat again. "Allow me to feed you, your excellency." his voice came out soft, almost pleading.
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Well, that wasn't the reaction he'd been expecting. He frowns, searching the anxiety on Frey's face like he'll find its source there as well. Come to think of it, he hasn't seen Frey eat much of anything. Granted, it's not like they've spent a lot of time together since he joined the cathedral, but when Frey joins the church members at meal time, he spends more time pushing food around his plate than eating it. That, combined with his looking so thin... he must have a poor relationship with food.

Well, they'll have to fix that, won't they?

He lowers the grape toward Frey's hands in silent assent, parting his lips to allow Frey to push the fruit into his mouth. In a parallel to their night at the altar, his hand firmly encircles Frey's slender wrist as he swallows his fingers, pushing the grape to one cheek with his tongue so that he can take two digits down to their base knuckles, meeting Frey's eyes as he sucks and licks them clean. They taste vaguely of salt and precum.

Releasing Frey's fingers with an audible pop, he bites down on the grape enough to make its juices ooze before leaning forward to capture Frey's mouth with his own. He licks his way into the other man's mouth, letting him taste the sugary sweet juice before pushing the rest of it into his mouth. He licks an errant drop from Frey's chin as he wraps a hand around his throat, stroking the column of it with his thumb in the way you do to get a pet to swallow its medicine. "Swallow for me."

He smiles when Frey does so, leaning in to kiss him again, sloppy and unhurried. He can sense the spike in Frey's arousal and knows he's hard without looking, though he moves his hand from his thigh to his groin just to check, palming his erection. "Naughty puppy," he murmurs in his ear, though he doesn't stop rubbing him through the thin fabric of his shorts. "Remember our deal? You need to behave yourself if you want your pussy stuffed."

Withdrawing, he diverts his attention back to his champagne glass on the table, snatching it and tossing them rest of the contents down his throat and savoring the pleasant burn. It seems the Greens are preoccupied with their own love affair on the other couch, hands already beneath each other's clothes.

Smiling at Frey again, he taps the bottom of his glass to signal him to finish it before setting both glasses aside and pushing them both to their feet. "Come on, let's dance," he orders, taking Frey's leash in hand again absentmindedly and pulling him out of the tent and toward the music swelling through the air.

There's already a decent crowd dancing by the makeshift stage, so there's little attention on them as he pulls Frey against him. "Just follow my lead and wiggle your hips." The music is fast-paced and sensual, providing him ample opportunity to get creative with his movements, though most of it consists of spinning Frey and grinding his length against his groin, his thigh, his ass. "You're doing well," he purrs in his ear, as if he isn't doing most of the work, holding him by the hips with his front pressed against his back. "Are you uncomfortable?"
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Rhydian stared at him. Pain seared across Frey's chest, agony that, for once, did not feel good. The humiliation burned. He had said something wrong. The aforementioned porridge bubbled up inside of him, knowing how good it would feel if it burned up his oesophagus, spewing back out out his mouth. He'd make room for Rhydian inside of him, more room for The Lady, more room for whatever was needed of him. The porridge didn't belong in there anyway. He felt the taste of acid in his mouth, his thoughts scraping along the sides of his brain as he took the grapes, his chest heaving with breaths that were turning into pants. His mouth watered.

The grapes felt weighty in his hands as he pushed one into the warmth of the Bishop's mouth. He was blushing to his ears now, seeing the fruit pushed to the side of Rhydian's cheek, making a rounded protrusion like a cock would, his two fingers swallowed down to the knuckles. His dick strained against his tiny shorts, his body leaning so close to Rhydian's that their faces were nearly touching, eyes entranced. Penetration. Bliss. His fingers twitched against his tongue.

Frey wanted to fuck his throat. He could cum on that alone, as if his fingers were his cock, if it meant Rhydian would let him inside where the voice of The Lady resided. The Bishop was a walking temple, a place of worship, a refuge for wretches like him. A mewl left his throat, barely audible over the chatter and music around them. Rhydian let him go. Frey was reluctant, but was soon both rewarded and punished, Rhydian's tongue in his mouth with the sharp acid of the grape's juice. He forced himself not to gag, instead moaning into the lips that were taken away from him far too soon. He swallowed as commanded, his wet fingers laid gently over the pulse in Rhydian's neck, mimicking him.

Oh, how he loved him in that moment.

His body shuddered involuntarily again as he sighed breathlessly, body somehow both tense and limp at the same time atop his lap. 'I love you. Puppy loves you. It hurts.' he thought to himself, eyes dreamy and pleading while Rhydian's hand worked his dick through his clothes.

He did not say it aloud. "I will behave." He treasured the grape slowly clawing its way down his throat, into his stomach. A vile gift, it was. That too, he loved.

And then they were up on their feet again, the leash tugging him forwards. His body was gleaming with sweat now, red in all of the places that his blood pumped frantically. Whether it made him look more or less sickly was debatable, but he followed Rhydian regardless, somewhat awkwardly attempting to follow his lead. Dancing proved to be difficult to him, despite his usual movements in the cathedral being so fluid. Still, he found a somewhat disjointed rhythm for himself to follow, so enraptured by the way that the Bishop was grinding against him that any brain cells that he had left were replaced by thoughts of cock.

Are you uncomfortable? "Not with you, your excellency. I feel good." he turned his head slightly, so his soft voice could be heard, "You feel good."
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Rhydian is used to starry-eyed looks. He's made love to plenty of inexperienced partners who then looked at him like he created the universe simply because he made them orgasm. There's something about the hungry way Frey looks at him, however, that makes his pulse spike. Perhaps it's because Frey is not operating on the same naivety as those other men. Frey seems to have plenty of sexual experience, yet for some reason, he's deemed Rhydian worthy of the same devotion he gives to Their Lady and the cathedral. Perhaps it's because he's not entirely certain that Frey wouldn't and won't eat him alive.

He knows that hunger intimately. He's been haunted by it for most of his life, that clawing and insatiable need for more. Always more. A gaping hole that is only filled for as long as it takes him to get a breath. He might be better at controlling it than Frey is, better at hiding it under his sleeve until he can deal with it in private, but it's there. For many, it's too much. They have trouble keeping up with his velocity. So he spreads it out, spreads it thin across many bodies. Lets them have what they can stomach and tries to be satisfied with being half-full.

It's the hunger that makes him shiver against Frey when that soft voice calls to him. Makes him want to push Frey down on the grass and fuck and suck him until both their throats are coated in the taste of the other and their cries form a harmony more beautiful than anything the band next to them can play. Until the Earth is impregnated with Frey's sperm and his belly is swollen with Rhydian's. Fuck the bystanders, let them bear witness to two starving creatures gorging themselves and lament that they will never know true satisfaction.

"Good," he says instead, voice husky with arousal. "You're doing so well. Especially for your first time dancing." Letting the hunger win for a moment, he spins Frey around so he can pull him to his front and press their lips together. He tries to maintain some footwork, but he admittedly is more focused on fucking Frey's mouth with his tongue.

By the time he pulls back, he's rock hard in his pants, his grip tightening on Frey's hips. "I worry that your lack of control is rubbing off on me. It's starting to get difficult to think of anything other than having you impaled and whimpering on my cock. How are we supposed to interact with the public when we're both so hard?"
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Their pheremones, intertwined, turned the air into honey, sweet and heavy sliding down every partygoers throat. Or were there other libitines in the crowd, thickening the atmosphere until all hope of keeping one's clothes on seemed futile, shedding all that was unneeded until only base, pure desire remained. The crowd swayed and pulsed around them, a living consciousness that fed off of them, mixing their presence with the music in their ears. Ever so pliant, Frey let himself be spun around, half-stumbling as though he was touch-drunk, moaning into the Bishop's mouth, only to have the sound so greedily swallowed.

He fell into a rhythm, tongue wanting and eager in Rhydian's mouth, hands grasping uselessly at the front of his clothing, taking in handfuls of fabric. The dancing of his body grew even clumsier with the addition of kissing, almost completely disjointed and at his partner's mercy. Against him, he felt Rhydian grow hard, matching him. Frey's body ached for him, empty and unused. He pressed against him, yielding and forgetting where he was.

"I apologize for being bothersome..." he panted out, pupils blown out, though he didn't seem very sorry at all, "Perhaps I wasn't made for the public, your excellency. Perhaps I was made for you. For your cock. For The Lady's words on your blessed tongue." The words tumbled from him without shame and with every bit of desperation that he could muster, his weight so leaned into Rhydian that if he stepped back, Frey would most definitely stumble again.

Frey's pheremones blanketed the entire party.
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Frey's words go straight to his erection, making him throb in his tight trousers. The warmth and weight of Frey pressed against him, the alluring smell of his skin and the persperation that has gathered from their dancing, the pink in his cheeks and the black holes of his eyes...

He needs to breathe. He steps back slightly, steadying Frey with his hands and putting a little bit of distance between them so he can try to clear his head. The world had seemed to melt away around them while they were dancing, but it all comes rushing back to him. The dancing of the other guests has become... considerably more suggestive, with far more grinding than their had been earlier. Is that their fault?

He's normally so good at controlling his pheromones, both in public and in private (if need be), so why is he acting like a rutting dog? Is Frey really that powerful? Really that unmanagable? Perhaps the other priests had been right to warn him against fraternizing with him. He can't remember the last time he'd felt so out of control of his own mind and body, like Frey's lust was pouring into him and infecting every part of his brain. It's frightening, though he'd be lying if he said it wasn't equally exciting.

He still wants to fuck him, even as his rationality slowly surfaces, but he's going to need to be far more cautious in pursing this... entanglement.

"We should get you home, puppy," he says, snatching Frey's leash and leading him back toward the car before the other man can get a word in. He scrubs his mouth as they march in silence, strangely embarrassed by the obvious tent in his pants as they pass gawking partygoers.

He still holds Frey's door open for him once they reach the car, ushering him in quickly before taking up his position at the wheel once more. He rolls down the window before driving away, letting the cool night air ventilate the vehicle and prevent any pheromone-induced car sex. Frey's words are still replaying in his mind, Frey's lust still a tangible presence beside him, the urge to ravish him still eating at him. The wind nips at him as if to scold him for it.

"You were doing so well at first, puppy, but you need to be punished for not controlling your pheromones properly. As your bishop, it's my duty to keep you in line. We could have done something irresponsible and ruined the party." He can only hope his lecture isn't just going in one of Frey's ears and out the other, his brain too liquified to understand anything but cock, but it's doubtful that the other man gives even an ounce of shit about the party or its guests. Hadn't he essentially just said as much?

"Remember that we represent Her and the cathedral when we interact with the public, Frey. Although we needn't be ashamed of our desires, we have to consider time and place, remember?" Having hit a steady stretch of road, he lets one hand wander to Frey's bare thigh, squeezing reassuringly. "If you take your punishment well, though, I just might forgive you and make good on my promise anyway." That's right, frame it like a reward and not an inevitability. There's no way he can send Frey back to his room unsullied now that the man has him burning up and aching all over like this.

Once they finally arrive at the cathedral, the halls are empty and silent, its inhabitants no doubt asleep or still out partying for the holiday given the late hour. The sound of his heels clicking on the marble flooring is near defeaning, but he puts no effort into quieting them since he's more preoccupied with getting them into his room as quickly as possible.

When he does, he locks the door behind them, tension melting immediately at the familiar scent and sight of his dimly lit room. He turns to Frey, unclipping the leash from his collar. "Strip for me, puppy," he orders, waiting until Frey is mostly bare before ushering him toward the side of his bed. Hanging from the ceiling is a pair of fur-lined cuffs connected to a chain just enough to keep a person's feet on the ground, and he's quick to usher Frey under them, facing toward the corner. "Raise your arms." He locks the cuffs around his wrists without preamble, letting his hand slide down the man's exposed back appreciatively.

On the wall beside them is an array of toys he has collected over the years, each promising their own torturous pleasure. With Frey completely at his mercy, what would be the best way to punish him? As he deliberates, he strips out of his costume and puts everything away with meticulous care until it's just him and his beading cock. Perhaps he should give Frey exactly what he wants up to a point. Control his orgasm so that his body might learn to regulate itself.

Grabbing his flogger from one of the shelves, he trails it up and down Frey's back, smirking at the way his muscles tense repeatedly. "You have experience with this, don't you?" he asks, referring to the various scars littering Frey's back. "Apparently not with anyone considerate, however." He cracks the whip across Frey's flank, leaving a reddening mark across the mounds of his ass. He can't be especially harsh; Frey is nearly all skin and bone, so even his ass and thighs aren't particularly plush.

He presses against Frey's back, pressing kisses against his shoulder as his free hand wraps around Frey's cock. "So wet again, you horny pup." He works his hand up and down his shaft, his liberal precum making the task easy. "You just can't help yourself, can you? You're so excited to mate that you can't help being naughty. What is Master supposed to do with you?"

He turns his head to suck a mark into the man's neck, speeding up his hand until Frey reaches the brink, then he quickly withdraws and cracks the whip across his thighs.
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