Dear God, Again?!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
That's right. At the behest of another;



I dragged him out of perpetual absence.

Been a while since I've seen you. o_o

Welcome back, dude.
I'll just be lurking, posting where I see fit.
Welcome back, dude.
Well, well, well. Running Naked with Bear Man has returned.
Hahaha!! Holy crap, I forgot I even had that nickname!! XDDDD

I need your number again.
Love, Kitti.
Just sent it as a Message. Text me when you have it.
holy crap KJ! : D I never did get a chance to go visit you while I was still in Michigan : (
Don't worry about it! I failed to keep in touch with you, either way.
I go from ohio --> michigan -->pittsburgh wonder where i'll end up next? D< KEEP IN BETTER TOUCH THIS TIME! *wacks KJ upside head* wait i dont' have your number anymore anyways haha got a new phone...same number though
ah hai welcome back. I sort of remember you ^^
I go from ohio --> michigan -->pittsburgh wonder where i'll end up next? D< KEEP IN BETTER TOUCH THIS TIME! *wacks KJ upside head* wait i dont' have your number anymore anyways haha got a new phone...same number though
if all goes to plan i'll be in Indiana for a short time next year for national conference D<