Boss Frost
Original poster
Recruiting 3-5 characters for a module, 'Ruins of the Dragon Lord'. The starting level is 1, using 36 point buy. All 3.5 published books available, Mongoose Publishing (3rd-party) material also accepted.
The Setting - Moru Country
"Welcome you? Why should I bid you welcome to this godforsaken stretch of land? Better to be gone and Godspeed; in these parts, they are much better words than 'welcome'."
"I asked if the gods existed. The gods answered, 'we do not'."
This should be enough to bring a character to the foreground of your mind (I hope). If there's any more information you think you might need for the creation of a character or their backstory, let me know.
The Setting - Moru Country
"Welcome you? Why should I bid you welcome to this godforsaken stretch of land? Better to be gone and Godspeed; in these parts, they are much better words than 'welcome'."
-Old Smoke-Man, Resident
The Moru Country is mainly a barren wasteland of broken hills and uneven rocky plains, with the notorious landmark of Mount Moru in the middle. The climate is always temperate to cold, the weather rainy and misty; despite the frequent rains, the land remains dry, arid and desolate as though affected by some curse.
Very loosely defined, without clear political borders defining where it ends and the surrounding regions begin. To the north and the east there are vast expanses of plains and hills, similar to the Moru Country but fare more pleasant. These lands are unnamed and unclaimed, belonging neither to the Morudian region nor the countries beyond them.To the west and northwest borders are somewhat clearer, as the fresh and fertile northwest riverbanks are a clear indication of where the Morudhain waste ends; finally, the Moru Country has it's best defined border on the south march, marked by the start (or end) of Moru Road at the non-Morudhain village of Meadowvale and the Last Shrine of iri.
The Moru Country is largely unpopulated, with several Morudhain settlements scattered throughout, with a total population of little more than 10,000. Humans of non-Morudhain stock can be found, mainly in Meadowvale and the Last Shrine, which total somewhere below 1,000 inhabitants.
Very loosely defined, without clear political borders defining where it ends and the surrounding regions begin. To the north and the east there are vast expanses of plains and hills, similar to the Moru Country but fare more pleasant. These lands are unnamed and unclaimed, belonging neither to the Morudian region nor the countries beyond them.To the west and northwest borders are somewhat clearer, as the fresh and fertile northwest riverbanks are a clear indication of where the Morudhain waste ends; finally, the Moru Country has it's best defined border on the south march, marked by the start (or end) of Moru Road at the non-Morudhain village of Meadowvale and the Last Shrine of iri.
The Moru Country is largely unpopulated, with several Morudhain settlements scattered throughout, with a total population of little more than 10,000. Humans of non-Morudhain stock can be found, mainly in Meadowvale and the Last Shrine, which total somewhere below 1,000 inhabitants.
"I asked if the gods existed. The gods answered, 'we do not'."
-Extract from Fiall Garnwynn's poem I asked if the gods existed
The gods of the Morudhain Lands are quite grim, no more concerned about the lives of mortals than the harsh elements they represent. They rarely interfere with their worshipers' lives, be it to harm or help them. Before others brought the worship of other gods to the Moru Country, local folk did not dare to expect their gods to take part in their affairs; their gods are simply capricious forces of nature, doing as they please to the world and those living on it.
While you, the player, are free to choose any deity of the Eberron pantheon, the gods of Moru Country will be a bit... different. Here's a link, if you're unfamiliar with them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religions_of_Eberron
While you, the player, are free to choose any deity of the Eberron pantheon, the gods of Moru Country will be a bit... different. Here's a link, if you're unfamiliar with them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religions_of_Eberron
This should be enough to bring a character to the foreground of your mind (I hope). If there's any more information you think you might need for the creation of a character or their backstory, let me know.