Criminal Minds RP 1 - OOC

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Jessica Stansell

Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
anime and modern mostly
but fine with any genre i guess
Character List

Behavior Analysis Unit Members
Penelope Garcia:
Spencer Reid:Me
David Rossi:
Tara Lewis:
Stephen Walker:
Emily Prentiss:~Dark Disney~
Jennifer Jareau:
Luke Alvez:

Former Behavior Analysis Unit Members
Aaron Hotchner:
Derek Morgan:
Elle Greenaway:
Kate Callahan:
Alex Blake:
Ashley Seaver:
Jordan Todd:

Other Criminal Mind Characters
Joy Struthers:
Kai Struthers:Me
Diana Reid:Me
Cassie Campbell:
William Reid:
Jake Hotchner:Me
Meg Callahan:
Henry LaMontagne:

There's the character sign up list of the characters I'm plan to include and do scenes with in this rp. If you want to do an OC then just enter a post here telling your OCs name and give a description and background on the character. You can also play both anyone from the list as well as your OC characters at the same time if you want.

I will enter the plot in the IC thread when I set it up.
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Name: Avery Reid
Age: 14 years old
Background -> Avery is the younger son of Diana and William Reid and the much younger brother of Spencer Reid. With a close match in IQ as his older brother Spencer, Avery attends a boarding school called BLSK aka the Brilliant Level Smart Kids Boarding School which was built a year before he was born to which Diana found out about the school before she gave birth to her younger son Avery, and that goes all grades through from K to 12, Avery being in the 8th grade. While only 14, Avery, having started at 11 years in age, attends college classes as well as his regular school classes, much like his brother Spencer did at age 13 even though Spencer graduated public school at 12 years and therefore took his college classes alone, and Avery already achieved a masters Architect degree. Avery is estranged from his father William Reid much like Spencer is, and Avery in fact never had his father in his life due to Diana never mentioning about her pregnancy with Avery to William as William was hardly ever around, much like he hadn't been there while their older son Spencer was growing up. Avery is also friends with Aaron Hotchner's son Jack Hotchner and David Rossi's grandson Kai Struthers. And although Spencer dosen't know about Avery yet, due specifically to the facts that Avery was in a boarding school and nearly all his life in fact from age 2, as the BLSK boarding school had a nursery level and preschool level on the campus as well and the fact that Diana was unable to raise Avery like she did Spencer due to her mental illness having become to rough on her when she gave birth to Avery, and that Avery is 21 years apart in age from his older brother, Avery on his end knows Spencer very well as well as all about the Behavior Analysis unit where his brother Spencer works and what they do.
wait Derek and Aaron leave Nooooo I like them But I love Reid

Hmmm OC and Emily
wait Derek and Aaron leave Nooooo I like them But I love Reid

Hmmm OC and Emily
Yeah I love Spencer Reid too.^^ And I love David Rossi also. And of the female characters in the team I love Garcia. And I think I remember from the episodes I saw so far that I liked Jordan Todd's character too a lot, though she didn't stay with the BAU team for very long.
And yeah Morgan and Hotchner leave in the later seasons. And like you I like their characters a lot too. Of the male characters, Aaron Hotchner was one of my very favorites up there in rank with Rossi and Reid. I think I read that Derek leaves at the end of season 11. And then I heard about Aaron Hotchner on the news actually. He leaves, I think they said that day, after season 10, in which Aaron's character simply resigns in the show from what I read, but it was because Thomas Gibson was kicked off the cast. But yeah, I haven't seen those two particular episodes yet, but I read a lot on the shows series, having seen a good many episodes already on the tv, some repeatedly. And I wasn't sure which seasons all the episodes I saw so far were in, and that's what made me start taking interest in reading about them on wikipedia too. But I now have seasons 1 through 10 on dvd so far, having decided to purchase the dvds of the series recently due to liking the series as much as I did, so yeah I'm planning to watch all of them. I'm hoping to get season 11 soon as well on dvd. And of course the 12th season is the newest season so the episodes of that season are still coming out.

And you want to RP an OC and Emily as well? Okay I'll put your name next to hers in the list^^
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