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Character Creations; some people hate it while others enjoy every minute of it.

For me, I love it. I love putting every last detail on said character, from the name all the way down to the history, to the very tedious details of that person. While I may not share all of the character's traits, I do have three hundred questionnaire filled out for every character I have. Because I believe that in order to play the character correctly, you must know them first.

What is the best creation you have made?
The worst?
What about a character that you want to make but have no roleplay to fit the character?

I make quite a bit of characters, and I don't make them before the roleplay starts because no matter how much you try to plan out how a character is, you'll never get them 100% to fit that roleplay or story.

How do you feel about the subject?
I am aaaaaaall about the characters and the nitty gritty details. O_O

I don't always have a clear picture immediately, though. Sometimes I have to play the character and slowly get to know them as I am roleplaying them.

And sometimes I know everything about them and can write a huge essay about them from the start. O_O

I ALWAYS start off with simple notes, though!

As for trying to think of my best characters, worst, and inbetween I am drawing a blank at the moment. @__@ I have over 200 documented characters in my blog, and have played even more than that in the bazillion years I have roleplayed. So it's really hard to pinpoint stuff without spending a few hours going through my sheets.

My favorite characters have always been ones that have to go through HUGE emotional and life changes. I like to see how they evolve. O_O
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I love to create new characters with new stories, as long as it is in game creating. I don't know my characters at all before the roleplay has started and usually it takes me a few posts to get into their personality. I prefer making up their back story while the rp goes on instead of fast crafting up a back story. My character ALWAYS becomes more interesting when I'm not forced to create them beforehand and can just get to know them and watch them grow throughout the rp. (Which is one reason why I'm mainly into onexone rps. Character sheets are rarely required.)

So yeah, I love creating new characters once I have an rp to create them in.

As for the questions:

What is the best creation you have made?
HEY, we shouldn't pick favorites :( They're human beings, they might get jealous. ... ... Though I do love one of my newer characters, Paris. He's just so sweet and innocent and always makes people think he's flirting with them xD
Ehm... All my other characters are glaring at me o.O I'm scared.
Also my very newest character, Shiela is definitely a big favorite. She's a villain in this current rp, and she's just so charming and happy all the time. I know she kills babies and women and men to be able to live forever. And I know she wants to torture and kill our main characters... But she's just misunderstood and scared. I promise.

Edit: Some other favorites are Alice (From simply never simple, an rp that died a year ago), Aisha (current rp, Behind those golden eyes) and Anna Blue (From I'll never be a part of your world, died three-five? times with the same partner, last time was maybe a year ago.) They were the longest roleplays I've ever done (around 800+ pages) so I really understood them well and had gotten to know them a lot. But considering how long I played them, it's not that weird. My absolute favorites stays Paris and Shiela, as I loved them as fast as they were written down, while the others needed months to sink in. *End of edit*

The worst?
I don't create charactes I don't like. I have grown out of a lot of them, and some of them aren't very interesting. But I don't think I feel that anyone has been bad. I've got a lot of mediocre characters, but considering all of them are from roleplays that died early, it probably have to do with me not getting into the character enough and not being able to get to know them completely. So no one is the worst, but a lot of them aren't developed enough.

What about a character that you want to make but have no roleplay to fit the character?
I don't really make a character if I don't have an rp to put them in. But there is one character (Shiela, from above). She's like 130 years or so, and she comes into the current rp when her life is going to end. (She'll most likely be killed by a demon soon, for pretty good reasons.) So I really want to play parts of her back story at some point. Either before her family got killed, when she still hadn't realized her full potential as a witch. Or after her family got killed and she started sacrificing innocent lives so that she would never age and die. (She got slightly phobic against death when she saw her brother die in her arms.)
So if I ever come up with a plot for her, then I will definitely do a back story roleplay with her.
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-Jerks out his ziplock of Characters and shakes it vigorously.- Whichever one pukes last is my favorite n___n
Well, unfortunately I think the best characters I've ever come up with aren't ones I've ever roleplayed as. I've been in the process of writing a book for the last couple years now, and I have to say those characters are at the moment my best. They can just as easily be described in a few sentences as they can in four pages. I know almost the entire history of everyone in my story, which in a small way sucks because I'll never get to show it all.

It's hard for me to think of a worst character. I've made characters that sucked, but as the idea evolved in my head, so did they, and what started out as a bad character became a much better one (I sight the above book plan as an example. The first version stunk, but it's getting quite in-depth).
I usually have a hard time making certain characters. But I do enjoy letting my imagination soar. You know.
Making characters is one of my favorite parts about roleplaying. You can't roleplay without creating a character, right? So it's kind of a passion, besides, I create characters on a daily basis. I'm an author, which calls for creating characters down to the very last detail and I enjoy every minute of it. There is something about creating a person and then watching them grow as you roleplay with them. Sometimes, I can change a couple details about a character and reuse them, if I love them so much I want to roleplay with them again.

What is the best creation you have made?

That would be Gemma Revane, I love that woman more than anything. It's almost as if I gave birth to her and I kind of know..with my brain. Once a warm, loyal and caring person, she is now a cold, rude and emotionless doll. She wouldn't be though, if her parents hadn't taken the most important thing away from her. The one thing that brought her happiness in the struggle of keeping the Earth Crystal protected. It's insanely fun portraying her character, because I can play with both sides of her. Though she only shows the old side of her when with Sarah (the older version of her sister) though she had no idea it's her sister. They were separated when Gemma was ten and Sarah was five. Though Sarah is an amazing character as well, unfortunately, I don't own her.

The worst?

Tamara Rolland, good lord she is the most whiniest little bit- OK, I need to calm down. She was the first character I ever created and I hate her, I hate her with a burning passion. Everyone had to protect her, she couldn't take care of herself. She wanted everyone to love her, everything revolved around this chick. I've come a long way since then, honestly. Now my characters are more strong and while they can break down at times, they can take care of themselves. I cannot stand Tamara Rolland, she will never be used again.

What about a character that you want to make but have no roleplay to fit the character?

I don't have one at the moment, I usually wait to create my characters, though sometimes I write them down when I think about them. I have a notebook full of characters, some bad and some good. And while they can't be used at the moment, none of them really fit this question. I feel like I'm talking about them behind their back, that's how much I care about characters I create.

So yeah, I love creating characters, it's one of the best parts, aside from furthering the plot with a great roleplay partner. :)
Breathe "characters" at me and I'm on that like white on rice. I don't always have the questionnaires filled out, but I have an instinctual knowledge of every one of my characters and why they work. I love talking about any and all characters, how they differ, their chemistry, and so on.

I've got a really bad habit of making characters that I think are great, and that I have a really clear understanding of... and then putting them into roleplays that never really get going. I try to make a character to fit each roleplay, instead of taking a pre-made character and shoe-horning them into another setting, so I haven't re-used a character yet, but there are plenty I would like to re-use, but they just don't fit.

On the whole, the subject is hit and miss. I can look through the sign-up topics and immediately come up with a character that I think will thrive and then start filling out the character sheet at lightning speed, whilst, at other times, I can stare at the blinking cursor for hours on end because I really want to join the roleplay, but I just can't come up with a good character for it. Sometimes, though, the ones that don't come easily are easier/more fun to roleplay and they go further than the ones that came to me immediately, so it can balance out.

I wouldn't really say that I have any favourites, but one of my most-hated characters was in my early days of group roleplaying. She was a manipulative alpha bitch that treated everyone like crap and had her own team of lackeys to boss around. At first it was great fun to write such a blatantly mean character, but as time went on, I started wanting to develop her as more than just an evil bitch only to find that the other people I was roleplaying with didn't like it. They wanted her to stay as a cookie-cutter bitch and I wanted her to evolve, so in the end, it became a real chore to keep writing the character, even though everyone else kept telling me how great she was. At the first good opportunity, I had her killed off, which didn't go down too well but it was better for me.
What is the best creation you have made?

Hard to say, though I really enjoy playing my Nism couple: Thoee, Deen and their daughter, Honalee (Thoee has a son in the oven at present). I also enjoy playing my Kah'Saun character Sev Ornil... he came out of my head so fast and yet so well-formed, it's like I've known him all my life. And then there's Pico. Two and a half feet of hide, claws, teeth and attitude who just happens to consider deep-fried rat nads dipped in wasabi the unltimate snack food. Just don't get on his bad side... remember, he's crotch high and bites.

The worst?

Hmmm... can't recall. Sorry. All I can say is, some of my characters are not as well-developed as others. "On the back-burner," so to speak.

What about a character that you want to make but have no roleplay to fit the character?

I don't make my characters for roleplay, usually. I just throw whatever character in my roster I think fits the subject/storyline. Though I did create Thoee and Deen and Sev for specific sites/stories... I was inspired. But that isn't my usual way.

How do you feel about the subject?

I'm just a writer of sci-fi and fantasy... I make critters for stories, so when I "arrived" online and got involved in RP for the first time, I simply took the critters/characters I'd already created and played with them. I also brought what writing skills I had at the time. And speaking of time, I do hope I've managed to improve. Well, actually, I know I have. And that fact makes me happy.

I also think it makes all my alien/fantasy critters happy.
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