Name: Erasnae
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty-eight years old
Species: Iolitian (human descendant race)
Family: Erasnae never knew her family, taken from them at birth. She does have a mother (Emilii), brother (Caspio), and father (Tarrinvan), but she has no memories of any of them.
Personality: Erasnae is proud, and displays a dogmatic adherence and religious fervor when it comes to her duties. She is devoted to her paired priest and to her deity, but is generally dismissive of those beneath her in status. This includes most citizens of Iolita, for she truly only answers to the upper echelons of the Church of the Divine Sky. She is generous and gracious in minor ways, so long as these ways do not conflict with the rules and laws she is expected to know and obey without fail. Her one material obsession is with flowers, and she has gone so far as to keep a small garden in her temple suite. She is slow to anger, but certain of her place and will dole out calm justice to those who offend her or break the rules of the Church.
History: Erasnae was born to a poor farm family, but taken from them before she could walk. A visiting priestess from the Church sought her out, along with a handful of others born on a foretold night, and spirited them all away to the Temple of the Divine Sky to be raised to be proper Paired Priests and Priestesses. Throughout her life, she was kept in relative seclusion, taught grace, charm, how to speak when spoken to, and how to take praise with gentle, becoming pride. Her whole life, her feet never touched the outside ground or common streets. On the very rare occasions she was taken outside the temple, she was carried on a litter, shielded from the scents and sights that might damage her ability to grow into her purpose by veils made of perfumed silks and strands of flowers. When she reached the age of responsibility and choice, she was taught of her other feminine gifts and how she had been selected to be part of a pair, priest and priestess, who would act as votive objects for the moon god and sun goddess. It was then that the forays into the outer world became more common, though she was still living a shielded life, never taken to dangerous parts of the cities she visited, always protected in her litter.
On her twenty third birthday, she was introduced to the priest who would be the Moon of the pair. Kharanva was as devout as she, and he was the first man she had ever seen without the obstructions of curtain, veil, or window. For a moment, the pair were embraced by the spirits of Moon and Sun and felt Their love for one another echoed in mortal hearts. The two were then kept apart for an entire year, allowed to long for one another, to dream of a day they might hold hands again and be wed. They were wed on the day of a solar eclipse, the two holding the spirit of the Moon and Sun once more. Erasnae had been schooled in what to do, how to conduct herself around her priest, and he in turn treated her like an idol. Through worship of one another, they worshiped the gods themselves.
Erasnae felt blessed. She had everything she had been brought up to believe that she should. She was doing her duty, and was praised and honored for it. Her suite was well appointed, and the only thing she'd ever found lacking was that there were never enough flowers, and those handpicked and delivered daily faded too fast. It was then that she requested her garden, and later demanded it. The garden itself was planned and planted with haste, and that spring, she walked barefoot on grass for the first time. This awoke a subtle, but growing, need that she has pushed to the back of her mind, a need to feel the outdoors. Along with this is the soft whisper of heretical knowledge that one cannot truly worship the sky or its gifts while kept inside a building, away from it all. But her adherence to rules is something Erasnae does well. It would take a great event for her to ever abandon her duty and her love.
Current Goal/Purpose: Her current goal is to serve the Church of the Divine Sky and to remain with Kharanva. She seems to have no personal goals but to breed more exotic varieties of flower in her garden.
Appearance: Erasnae is quite lovely when made up, and anything she lacks in natural beauty is more than made up for in how she carries herself and her sure knowledge of how to decorate herself. She stands at five foot nine inches tall, and is trim with pale skin that is almost always seen dusted with real gold dust when she makes an important appearance at a Church function. Her eyes are deep green, and her knee length hair is golden, often worn in a long, simple braid. Her face is heart shaped, and her lips pouty and dark, a stark contrast to her skin. Freckles cover her from head to toe, coming out even more when she is under the skylight of her garden, which is often. Her hands are delicate, held gracefully and never moving with idle nervousness. Her motions are practiced, smooth, and pleasant to look upon, though none outside of the temple have actually seen her walk. Her body is without scars. She always wears whites and golds, never the darker blues or cool silvers that her paired priest wears. She is a representative of the Sun Herself, and as such is blessed with what many would consider great beauty. She is still pretty when one washes away the make up and gold dust and takes off the elaborate costumes, but she hardly stands out. However, it is so widely known that the true face of the Paired is that which is decorated, a reflection of the gods, that none dare ask or even speculate aloud what she might really look like.