Original poster
ALright, well. tell me if I'm wrogn, but everyone wants to win when they have a player versus player fight in an RPG right? i mean, NPC characters controlled solely by yourself can onyl do so much, soa one on one fight every once in awhile is a welcoem change of pace. so to be blunt, I'm complaining abotu BAttle RP's. but to be complex, I'm voicing a concern that i might be god-moding when i play battle RP's myself.
So here is the background of this complaint.
THe last fight i was in, I won, hands down, no contest, it was a magic and brawl fight in an arena, nothign too brutal, but it ended in seventeen posts total. (This wasn';t on iwaku, to clarify)
I feel liek the guy gave up. He posted soem good stuff, but when i dodged a few times, mentioning that his stamina was already suffering byt eh third post ( epic dodging comes at its price, it was only fair) he started to back off, rather than advance with a follow up of some sort,
I had read this guys posts, he was a sub-Mod. this was about a year and ahalf back on soem sight whose name was so benign i had saved it as a favorite insteade fo memorizing it. THE GUY WAS A PROFFESIONAL RP fighter.
SO i ask you... am i beign unfair thinking a battle should last thirty or forty posts. it was the only thing goign on, it was a one on one thread. so.. i dunno, i guess i'm sayign i want to do soem battle RP's int eh near future, but i don't wanna go into it the same way i did before, wanting different results if i am beign an unintentional ass about it >_<
So here is the background of this complaint.
THe last fight i was in, I won, hands down, no contest, it was a magic and brawl fight in an arena, nothign too brutal, but it ended in seventeen posts total. (This wasn';t on iwaku, to clarify)
I feel liek the guy gave up. He posted soem good stuff, but when i dodged a few times, mentioning that his stamina was already suffering byt eh third post ( epic dodging comes at its price, it was only fair) he started to back off, rather than advance with a follow up of some sort,
I had read this guys posts, he was a sub-Mod. this was about a year and ahalf back on soem sight whose name was so benign i had saved it as a favorite insteade fo memorizing it. THE GUY WAS A PROFFESIONAL RP fighter.
SO i ask you... am i beign unfair thinking a battle should last thirty or forty posts. it was the only thing goign on, it was a one on one thread. so.. i dunno, i guess i'm sayign i want to do soem battle RP's int eh near future, but i don't wanna go into it the same way i did before, wanting different results if i am beign an unintentional ass about it >_<