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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras mattis at felis eget tincidunt. Vestibulum egestas suscipit luctus. Nam vitae eros tincidunt, auctor purus quis, rutrum purus. Donec sed convallis augue. Sed ac erat in tortor finibus congue ac nec eros. Donec at urna et tortor aliquet hendrerit euismod vel mi. Pellentesque eu ipsum nunc. Cras eu dignissim metus, nec condimentum lectus. Vestibulum cursus maximus suscipit. Aliquam diam ipsum, pulvinar at ex id, tempus mattis ipsum. Curabitur dui urna, aliquam eget consequat sit amet, convallis accumsan mauris. Proin ut auctor lorem.

Suspendisse in interdum enim, at gravida dolor. Curabitur non augue lacus. Proin ipsum ante, elementum ut ultricies non, accumsan et nisl. Donec vestibulum odio a sem ultrices finibus. Phasellus ullamcorper imperdiet sodales. Praesent vitae ante sed lectus tincidunt cursus. Suspendisse nibh magna, dictum auctor imperdiet at, aliquam eget orci. Quisque congue bibendum dictum. Nulla felis ante, convallis et mattis quis, suscipit sit amet ante. Nulla a lectus blandit, elementum lacus et, commodo massa. In ut enim ut ligula tincidunt ultricies. Nullam vitae sapien in enim facilisis venenatis ac congue nisl. Sed posuere, erat sit amet varius luctus, lectus dolor mattis dolor, eu molestie augue tellus sit amet est.

Integer eleifend convallis lectus, at pulvinar leo scelerisque et. Integer maximus non dolor facilisis finibus. Nunc lobortis commodo velit nec convallis. Morbi eu magna mollis, vestibulum metus eget, dapibus lectus. Mauris euismod euismod enim, ut dictum turpis. Pellentesque sit amet ipsum a ligula pharetra vehicula. Vivamus eget tempor mi. Etiam iaculis pretium libero et volutpat.

Proin porttitor rhoncus ligula. Donec at quam ante. Nulla facilisi. Integer quis leo id magna feugiat scelerisque vitae eget mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Sed at condimentum nunc, tristique lacinia est. Pellentesque ipsum dolor, rhoncus gravida gravida consectetur, iaculis tristique mauris. Nunc sit amet viverra mi. Ut feugiat mattis odio. Curabitur rutrum iaculis massa, eget dignissim purus aliquet at. Pellentesque aliquam posuere condimentum. Fusce condimentum semper tellus, eu vehicula lacus venenatis ac. Praesent varius nisi aliquam augue posuere, a aliquam tortor posuere. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Phasellus sit amet nisl eu leo dapibus lobortis. Sed bibendum elementum convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam luctus vehicula diam vitae tempor. Fusce vitae dui sapien. Curabitur a posuere nisi. Nulla rhoncus risus at purus pulvinar, vel vehicula urna vehicula. Aliquam ultrices libero a elementum congue. Mauris et pellentesque augue. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce molestie, dolor vitae blandit posuere, felis sem vestibulum leo, eu euismod ante leo at mauris. Suspendisse in leo justo. Aenean tincidunt, urna nec fringilla fringilla, dui justo tincidunt erat, id malesuada augue nisl ut erat. Curabitur nec egestas nulla. Sed egestas mauris ac arcu volutpat congue. Quisque dapibus molestie lacus ac ultrices. Proin molestie sapien et mauris cursus vestibulum. Etiam posuere mi id pulvinar varius. Nullam facilisis tellus eu tellus elementum, quis tempus ipsum pulvinar.

Sed nulla quam, ullamcorper eu ultricies egestas, sagittis non nulla. Sed et auctor est. Morbi efficitur velit justo, nec rutrum mi condimentum in. Curabitur accumsan nisi eu justo maximus fringilla. Proin consequat erat ut tincidunt ultricies. Sed at pulvinar tellus, placerat pellentesque elit. Aliquam accumsan mi nulla, at ultrices odio consequat at. Donec eu ligula sit amet nibh interdum cursus imperdiet vitae mi. Sed vehicula purus sit amet nisi mattis, nec pulvinar turpis sagittis. Integer dapibus rhoncus orci, vitae vulputate enim lacinia quis. Curabitur placerat tellus arcu. Nunc sed felis sit amet neque tempor rutrum congue eget ante.

Nunc rutrum imperdiet lacus eget convallis. Aenean in iaculis ligula. Nulla eleifend tempus gravida. Morbi et ex euismod, suscipit dolor non, lobortis odio. Integer pharetra odio eu neque venenatis convallis. Nunc vitae placerat dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec ligula quis odio bibendum condimentum. Nulla at ullamcorper turpis, vitae malesuada felis.

Proin tempus vitae ex et cursus. Etiam vel orci sed ligula congue porta quis eu dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent pretium porttitor elit, in aliquam purus pretium eget. Pellentesque semper urna justo, condimentum dictum ex porta congue. Pellentesque scelerisque urna sed feugiat tempor. Suspendisse euismod, lectus eget ornare accumsan, dui sapien pellentesque nisi, ut convallis quam ipsum id magna. Etiam lectus sapien, vehicula et mi vel, egestas tincidunt enim.

Donec eget mattis ante. Vivamus tempor ac augue sed commodo. Vivamus eu consequat lectus. Aenean in urna id lectus suscipit tristique eu id neque. Ut scelerisque nulla libero, vitae commodo lacus vulputate ut. Vestibulum vel suscipit sem. Duis vel nunc a est commodo sollicitudin in ac nunc. Suspendisse sollicitudin faucibus sapien, sed convallis enim facilisis id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus urna, molestie vitae sagittis ac, posuere vel neque. Fusce nec fermentum justo, ac scelerisque magna. In in vulputate libero. Morbi massa lorem, consectetur at tincidunt at, tincidunt sit amet mi. Suspendisse scelerisque auctor pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
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Leander Drak
First born son of King Grovan Drak; Prince



Highveil; the Dominion

posting sample
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Even though Leander is a prince, he would stand out in a crowd regardless. Many describe him as beautiful but there have been a few that commented on the hint of pain behind his striking green eyes. He is tall, standing at six foot two, and has an athletic build. His skin always appears sun-kissed and his hair cascades in copper waves against his strong jawline. Women swoon over the prince, for his title and his looks, but it isn't long before their perception of him is soured by his rotten personality.

Arrogant and privileged, Leander knows that he is better than most and he is not above flaunting his title. He demands respect even when he does not deserve it and when challenged, he can be brash and belittling. Leander's unpleasant personality is, more often than not, a shield to protect his desperate need to be accepted and loved and to mask his feelings of inadequacy and fear that he will never live up to the name that precedes him.

Leander dresses as you would expect a man of his class to dress with a few liberties. He wears semi-fitted trousers in darker colours and white pressed button-up shirts with loose arms and the neck open to bare his collar bone. Over top of his shirts, he would wear either a waist-length jacket, a vest, or a tunic-style overcoat. These pieces were often adorned with jewelry or accent patterns in gold. Hanging from his shoulders was either an overcoat that hung mid-calf in a colour to match his trousers or a cape with a golden armoured shoulder for more formal occasions.

Leander favours a one-handed sword that allows him maximum mobility. It rests in a scabbard attached to his hip so that he is able to draw it quickly. Strapped to his thigh opposite of his sword and above his pants is a long dagger in a smaller scabbard. On his ankle on the same side of his sword and inside his boot, the smallest dagger is hidden.

+ Natural Born Warrior: Leander showed a natural gift for the sword when he was quite young and opted for more beneficial fighting methods over fencing for sport. He found solace in training and did so as much as he could. Leander was even mentored by a well-revered knight that hailed from the Blackened Keep who defected to the Dominion and became part of the King's army. He is also proficient in hand-to-hand combat and is surprisingly agile. Although Leander prefers to fight with a weapon, he is just as lethal without.

+ Cunning and Manipulative: Leander has grown up in a world of politics, niceties, and manipulation. He has first-hand experience in what to say and how to say it to get what you want. He has learned to observe small details about others and gather information to use against them. Leander is not above blackmail and he has worked tirelessly at creating a network of corrupt people to do his bidding should he need them.

+ Determined and Hardworking: For everything Leander is, lazy is not one of them. He is determined and he works hard. Leander is the type to work until his hands are bleeding and although he might take a moment to sulk, he will never give up.

- Distorted Moral Compass: Leander wasn't raised as a typical child and his sense of right and wrong is heavily skewed because of it. Instead, Leander serves only his own ideals of right and wrong no matter how unorthodox they appear to be.

- "You Arrogant and Selfish Prick!" A slur Leander has heard a number of times resulting from him only thinking of himself and acting irregardless of how it might affect others. Leander thinks highly of himself and his pride can be off-putting.

- Privilege: Although Leander has a traumatic childhood, he has never experienced the hardships of coming from nothing. His family is royalty and he has only known luxury, which results in his lack of gratitude for things. In addition, he has no actual sense of the reality of others and the world itself.
The Dominion celebrated when King Grovan Drak welcomed his first son into the world. Celebrations were held across the land for the weeks to come following Leander's birth; at last, the Dominion had a Prince to succeed the King. As young as Leander could walk, he was raised with one purpose in mind; one day he would take Grovan Drak's place on the throne. It was an immense amount of responsibility, pressure, and expectation to put on a child and with it, came many rules. Leander was to attend council with his father to observe the politics of the country, he would have daily lessons on all manners of being a King, and he would have free time only when permitted. He was robbed of his childhood - seldomly allowed to socialize outside of his duties. King Grovan Drak was intent on molding the boy into the perfect image of himself no matter the costs… but it came with grave repercussions.

Leander was just five years old the first time his father struck him. He was playing hide and seek with a young page in the keep when Grovan Drak went to collect him to attend council but he didn't want to go - he didn't want to stop playing. His taste of innocence and freedom would be soured when his father struck him for all peering eyes to see… and it would not be the last time that Leander was corrected for inappropriate behaviour.

Grovan Drak would continue on to have two more sons, Andrius and Braegen. The two did not have the same responsibility or expectations thrust upon them simply because they were not firstborn and instead were awarded the affections of their father. As Leander aged, he began to resent them for that and the position he held being the firstborn son. He became more rebellious, always pushing boundaries or making snide remarks and when he was older, he began to dabble in the dealings of the black market. Leander continuously earned the disapproval of his father despite whatever successes he had or promise he showed. Leander would never live up to his father's name, he would never be worthy, and he would forever live in the shadow of the great King Grovan Drak.

made by zenith
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First born son of King Grovan Drak; Prince



Highveil; the Dominion

posting sample
Click here

Even though Leander is a prince, he would stand out in a crowd regardless. Many describe him as beautiful but there have been a few that commented on the hint of pain behind his striking green eyes. He is tall, standing at six foot two, and has an athletic build. His skin always appears sun-kissed and his hair cascades in copper waves against his strong jawline. Women swoon over the prince, for his title and his looks, but it isn't long before their perception of him is soured by his rotten personality.

Arrogant and privileged, Leander knows that he is better than most and he is not above flaunting his title. He demands respect even when he does not deserve it and when challenged, he can be brash and belittling. Leander's unpleasant personality is, more often than not, a shield to protect his desperate need to be accepted and loved and to mask his feelings of inadequacy and fear that he will never live up to the name that precedes him.

Leander dresses as you would expect a man of his class to dress with a few liberties. He wears semi-fitted trousers in darker colours and white pressed button-up shirts with loose arms and the neck open to bare his collar bone. Over top of his shirts, he would wear either a waist-length jacket, a vest, or a tunic-style overcoat. These pieces were often adorned with jewelry or accent patterns in gold. Hanging from his shoulders was either an overcoat that hung mid-calf in a colour to match his trousers or a cape with a golden armoured shoulder for more formal occasions.

Leander favours a one-handed sword that allows him maximum mobility. It rests in a scabbard attached to his hip so that he is able to draw it quickly. Strapped to his thigh opposite of his sword and above his pants is a long dagger in a smaller scabbard. On his ankle on the same side of his sword and inside his boot, the smallest dagger is hidden.

+ Natural Born Warrior: Leander showed a natural gift for the sword when he was quite young and opted for more beneficial fighting methods over fencing for sport. He found solace in training and did so as much as he could. Leander was even mentored by a well-revered knight that hailed from the Blackened Keep who defected to the Dominion and became part of the King's army. He is also proficient in hand-to-hand combat and is surprisingly agile. Although Leander prefers to fight with a weapon, he is just as lethal without.

+ Cunning and Manipulative: Leander has grown up in a world of politics, niceties, and manipulation. He has first-hand experience in what to say and how to say it to get what you want. He has learned to observe small details about others and gather information to use against them. Leander is not above blackmail and he has worked tirelessly at creating a network of corrupt people to do his bidding should he need them.

+ Determined and Hardworking: For everything Leander is, lazy is not one of them. He is determined and he works hard. Leander is the type to work until his hands are bleeding and although he might take a moment to sulk, he will never give up.

- Distorted Moral Compass: Leander wasn't raised as a typical child and his sense of right and wrong is heavily skewed because of it. Instead, Leander serves only his own ideals of right and wrong no matter how unorthodox they appear to be.

- "You Arrogant and Selfish Prick!" A slur Leander has heard a number of times resulting from him only thinking of himself and acting irregardless of how it might affect others. Leander thinks highly of himself and his pride can be off-putting.

- Privilege: Although Leander has a traumatic childhood, he has never experienced the hardships of coming from nothing. His family is royalty and he has only known luxury, which results in his lack of gratitude for things. In addition, he has no actual sense of the reality of others and the world itself.

The Dominion celebrated when King Grovan Drak welcomed his first son into the world. Celebrations were held across the land for the weeks to come following Leander's birth; at last, the Dominion had a Prince to succeed the King. As young as Leander could walk, he was raised with one purpose in mind; one day he would take Grovan Drak's place on the throne. It was an immense amount of responsibility, pressure, and expectation to put on a child and with it, came many rules. Leander was to attend council with his father to observe the politics of the country, he would have daily lessons on all manners of being a King, and he would have free time only when permitted. He was robbed of his childhood - seldomly allowed to socialize outside of his duties. King Grovan Drak was intent on molding the boy into the perfect image of himself no matter the costs… but it came with grave repercussions.

Leander was just five years old the first time his father struck him. He was playing hide and seek with a young page in the keep when Grovan Drak went to collect him to attend council but he didn't want to go - he didn't want to stop playing. His taste of innocence and freedom would be soured when his father struck him for all peering eyes to see… and it would not be the last time that Leander was corrected for inappropriate behaviour.

Grovan Drak would continue on to have two more sons, Andrius and Braegen. The two did not have the same responsibility or expectations thrust upon them simply because they were not firstborn and instead were awarded the affections of their father. As Leander aged, he began to resent them for that and the position he held being the firstborn son. He became more rebellious, always pushing boundaries or making snide remarks and when he was older, he began to dabble in the dealings of the black market. Leander continuously earned the disapproval of his father despite whatever successes he had or promise he showed. Leander would never live up to his father's name, he would never be worthy, and he would forever live in the shadow of the great King Grovan Drak.
made by zenith.
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