Class of the Year

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Xavier just sat there in his seat, and looked around his classroom. There was the group of nerdy guys in the front left side of the room, and the few but smart jocks on the right side of the class room. But there was still a seat to his right by the window that was open. "Hmm, I wonder who is missing from class right now? ... Wait, what if it is some really hot girl..." He then tipped back in his chair and rested his hands behind his head before looking up at the ceiling and voided the teachers words, and started to day dream about superbly attractive women. "Oh man, I swear if I actually do get to sit next to one, that would be awesome..."

The jocks continued their loud conversation about football players as usual, while the nerds were off talking about how much more ram they got for their computers. "And I really do still wonder how I got stuck in a class like this one..."

"Everyone, shut up and pay attention!" Mr. Clayton yelled.
Finally! G-9! Sheesh. Not one person even tried to help her. Where are the gentlemen these days? She sighed. Then she heard a loud stern voice of a teacher and immediately knew she was screwed. "Crap," she whispered under her breath before turning the knob of the door and going in. "Sorry, I got lost. I'm a new student..." then she noticed that everyone was staring at her. The class barely had any girls in it. She saw about 2 other girls; one dressed in completely black and the other... well. Let's not comment on that. She looked down at her skinny jeans and loose shirt that shows a bit of skin. Oh, great. It was just like that time when she took summer classes for engineering at MIT where she was practically the lone female with enough sense of fashion to let the guys know she was indeed from the opposite sex.

"You're Avery Steinem?" Said the strict professor. She nodded before saying "Yes, sir."

"Okay, grab a seat and shut up."

And she did as she was told. She looked for a vacant seat and chose the one next to the window.
Xavier sighed as he looked at the girl who just entered the classroom, and then shook his head. "You have only been in the classroom for about two seconds and you are already on the teaches bad side. Nice." He liked the idea of another girl coming into the class though, he didn't want it to be a giant sausage fest, and what was even better, is that the girl sat to the right of him by the window. And maybe class wouldn't be boring anymore, since now he had a decent person to talk to. Maybe this period could just get a little better.
"Thanks, although it's not exactly a compliment I'd want." Avery took out her notebook and started pretending to write. If she'd already gotten on the bad side of this professor, she'll need to take it back. She wasn't used to teachers not liking her. Not that she exerted effort to make them like her, they just automatically did. But this guy? Well, she didn't know. Maybe there was a first time for everything. But she didn't think that would happen until she gets to college.
He sighed loudly before looking towards the girl. He didnt really give a crap about school work, so he might as well go ahead and talk to the person closest to him. "So Avery, I know I don't really know you, but my name is Xavier, welcome to Mr. Claytons dumb Pre-Calc class, are you feeling at home yet?" He said before slightly smirking. He was only kidding, but he wasn't going to tell her that. He wanted to see how she would react to his comment.
She simply offered her hand in a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Xavier. Thank you for the welcome." Avery knew he was being sarcastic although her gratitude was sincere. "How do you know this was a 'dumb' pre-calc class? Have you ever taken this before by the same teacher or do you really just have a special kind of abhorrence towards Mr. Clayton?"
Ella saw her brother and sighed now her days would be harder by far, she followed him not even caring about the game or the fact that most of her team was yelling at her to at least try. She found him and saw the fight "ok that is enough." She was small with her 5ft frame and didnt really look at all mean with her brown hair and hazel eyes but really only her brother knew that she could handle herself better in a fight than most "either you idiots break it up or i do." Grabbing her brothers arm she yanked him to her "you really are dumber then a bag of rocks you know that." She did love her brother but she was already in a bad mood and it was almost worse that her first time talking to him in school was like this.
"Would you pull the stick out of your end? I was defending nertopilis," he said. the nerd had ran off, without even saying thank you to him. The other boys ran off, leaving Chad alone with his sister. His green eyes held a smirk. "So, how's it going out there? Your team still losing?" he asked. He looked at his sister again. "Mom mad at me again? She won't look at me without glaring at me," he said.
Ella laughed "i dont know all i see when i look out their is more balls to the face then a porn." She turned to walk out "yup mom mad at you dad mad at me we are just one big messed up family." She laughed and turned back to look at him "and you have it easier dad at least will let you do things I cant even go to the movies without a million texts." She looked at him and was really serious for a minute "can you try in this class at least to be normal you know as well as i do every teacher hates you so that means they hate me and its twice as hard with us in the same class."
"Get your head out of the 'poor little me' thing. Least mom will talk to you without glaring at you. She's always going on about her starchild, her beautiful clever daughter," he rolled his eyes and began to climb up the bleachers. He hated it when his little sister acted like this. It annoyed him. He'd planned to leave soon, but he didn't tell his sister.
"Well, I mean people were letting me know that he acted like a dick, and I didn't really believe them, but now I do, I mean, do you see how he just greeted you? That is no proper way to greet a lady if I do say so myself!" Xavier said before smiling slightly, and shook her hand abruptly. "Oh by the way, never go to the right side of the class over there." Xavier said as he pointed to all the jocks. "Most of them take advantage of girls." One jock at the table looked back at Avery before giving her a quick wink.
Ella laughed she loved making him upset but she really wasnt in a pity me mood she was more tired than anything right now and whenever she was tired she became mean and moodier than normal. She went back to the other side of bleachers so she just watch the kids getting hit. She really was getting upset she somewhat missed the time where they could talk but it was long gone it seemed, she was watching when a ball came right at her and with one motion he slapped it out of the air making it bounce on the floor and grabbing it when it bounced up.
Avery found him amusing enough. She noticed the wink the sleazy jock gave her but ignored it. Her boyfriend would've probably laughed about it too then have the whole baseball team of her previous school beat him to a pulp. She didn't care much for those at all. "Nah, I think I'll grow on him." She smiled before getting her stuff for the class. She figured he was probably trying to playfully flirt with her and she was fine with that.
"Whoa whoa whoa, that's the first I have heard ... Well scratch that, nevermind a lot of people say that, but oh well... Oh also Avery do you play any sports?" He said, slightly yan
"Whoa whoa whoa, that's the first I have heard ... Well scratch that, nevermind a lot of people say that, but oh well... Oh also Avery do you play any sports?" He said, slightly yawning. Xavier wasn't into sports much, even though he was on the schools baseball team. He was a second string batter, so he wasn't the best, but he was decent. He just hates all the jocky people. He hated them the most.
She thought about his question. She played several sports but she wasn't sure if she'd join any teams this year. Although it should be good for her college applications. "I play tennis, volleyball, soccer. I also used to be a part of the swim team. Speaking of which, do we have one here?"
"I think we have one here at our high school, but then again, I am not sure... and that is actually pretty said, considering that I am a third year student and I have absolutely no idea if we have a swim team or not... man am I involved! Anyways I might as well get my things out too." He then sighed before pulling his back pack over to him. He then unzipped the zipper on his back pack before opening it up, and guffawed. "O-Oh shit, I forgot my book for this class, man am I screwed..."
Avery found him rather... peculiar. "I'll just find out later. ...uh, thanks. I guess." She simply ignored him and focused on the discussion ahead. "We can share my book if you want."
((sorry took me so long to reply guys, going through a rough time))

Chad strolled back into the game, spotting the bullies and beamed them in the head with a dodgeball. It hit one of them hard and the other made a break for it. Chad's aim was cruel as the ball struck the kid in the back of the head knocking him over. "Make fun of the weaker ones will you?" he mumbled.