City of the Dead

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"Yeah, I got some gear I need to get. Some clothes, my guns, some toiletries. You know, the basics," Dane replied. He opened the door, and kept it open for his sister to walk through.
"Do you want me to come with you or do you want to meet me there?" She could use some items at the store since there was only a few groceries in the house for her. Maybe she could go out later if he was planning on coming to her house quickly.
Dane looked at his sister, and grinned to himself.

"Yeah, I'll head home and get my things. Then I'll meet you back here to follow you to your place. That sound good?" He smiled again, knowing that for at least a year... he was safe.
"Alright." She said noticing the small smile appear on his lips she had not seen that in a long time. "I gotta head to the store so I'll see you back in about half an hour." With that she got in her car and waved to him.
The process was simple and easy. Dane went home, packed his stuff, met his sister again, followed her to his new home for a while, and "set up camp" as it were. He lived there for a good 4 years, paying back his sister back every time he got his check from the government. It was a good and simple 4 years.

4 Years Later~

As Dane was waking up on that fated Monday morning, little did he expect a knock on the front door from his old Commander. Expecially after what he had said and done when he had left the Corp.
It was early in the morning and right now she was sleeping in. She worked so much and today was her day off so she didn't even hear someone knocking on the window. The past 4 years had been good little fighting with her brother.
Dane saw who it was through the peep hole, and sighed to himself. Crap, Commander Johnson... Dane opened the door with a flat look on his face.

"What do YOU want, Hank?" Dane asked, snidely. Com. Johnson gave him a look of utmost contempt.

"Discharged or not, Mr. STEWART... I am still your senior officer and so demand your respect.. if your capable of that," he added, smirking. Dane smiled, then did a drawn out bow complete with waving his arm.

"Of course your MAJESTY... what can this poor man do for you?" Dane asked, blowing it out of proportion. Com. Johnson frowned again and sighed.

"We... *sigh* we need... your... advice," Com. Johnson said slowly. Dane could the the contempt growing each word, and his smile grew each word.
When he said majesty she woke up and heard voices. She appeared behind him in a house coat pulled over her body and slippers on her feet. "What's going on?" She asked seeing the man and hoping he wasn't going back to the military.
"Well, sis. Seems these poor men have lost their way," Dane replied without turning. The Commander's face becoming shocked. "They were hoping to find someone here, but turns out... he's dead. So sad, but really, what did they expect by being led by a buffoon?" He finished, pushing the last word out with an excess of air.

The Commander looked at Dane with rage and surprise mixed on his face. Before he could reply to Dane's answer, Dane held a hand up.

"Oh, and by the way?" Dane asked, before connecting a fist into the Commander's lower left jaw, knocking him to the ground. "THAT'S for before." The Commander scrambled to his feet, holding his jaw.

"I should have you court-martialed!" He spat, through his broken teeth. Dane only smiled.

"Too bad you know you won't, huh? HANK?"

This time it was the Commander's turn to smile. "Fine, We'll go ahead with the testing WITHOUT your guidance. See if it affects you THEN?!?"

At this, Dane could only freeze his face in horror, as the Commander drove away.
When he started talking about the man in uniform she gripped his arm gently not wanting him to start a fight. He was ripped out of her grip and she called out to him. "Dane stop it!" She cried out knowing she could not over power him. "What did he mean by testing? What's going on?" She asked crossing her arms and staring at him it was obvious she was not very happy with him right now.
Dane looked back at his sister, a look of horror spread on his face.

"The testing he was referring to, is an experimental drug. It's meant to help cure diseases. We tested on rats, but all it did was make 'em angry... a few even died. We decided that it was too dangerous to test on humans. From what he's saying, they're gonna test it on people anyways. The fucking- IDIOTS!" Dane yelled.
The horror look across his face shocked her and made her look back what was going on. "Killed the rats?" She couldn't beileve what he was talking about she always loved animals and this was too sad.
"Yeah, the rats died... they fucking ATE EACH OTHER. They became so filled with anger that they actually got to be lethargic and cannibalistic. They were possessed, crazy,... INFECTED. That was the most apt description we could give them. They weren't even rats anymore, they were... something ELSE," Dane replied to his sister's frightened face.
She let the information set into her mind as she thought about what he just said. "So what does this mean?" Crossing her arms she waited for him to answer.
"If they're going to try the 'vaccine' on people: it either means that they got it right and there's nothing to worry about... or," Dane trailed off. "Or it means that we are gonna have people killing each other for food in a facility God-knows-where, with God-knows how many weapons that there are there, and we could have a very deadly epidemic on our hands..."
"They can't do that unless they know it's completely safe can they?" She said uncrossing her arms and realizing what this meant zombies? Or zombie like things coming to get them? They would have to move and quickly if they were going to survive.