[Characters] Pretty Pretty Slaughter


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What makes a magical girl a magical girl? In the universe of PPS - magical girls are far from the only things that could qualify as a "girl with magic powers"; although, the thing that makes a magical girl different is that they possess an extra organ known as a "Magiaphage." Many magical girls remain ignorant of this crystalline-organ located on the upper portion of their heart. Regardless, they still benefit from the effects of the magiaphage (we will talk about the more later).

So what can a magical girl do? Magical girls can transform into an idealized version of themselves at will. Usually this transformation is completely different from their human form rendering them unrecognizable. This allows many girls to keep their "human" form secret while they moonlight as a magical girl (or whatever it is that magical girls do). Once transformed, a magical girl is granted increased strength, speed, durability, and can regenerate from grievous injuries in a matter of minutes. Not all magical girls have the same level of strength though. A magical girl is dependent on her human forms level of fitness to further enhance her abilities; although, this does not exclude a typically weak girl from becoming stronger in her magical girl form - it simply means that her level of strength enhancement will not be as great.

Regardless of whether a magical girl is transformed or not they still have access to their magic, but it will not be nearly as powerful when in human form (This also applies to regeneration). A magical girl's power seems to have something to do with their personality. For example: a typically aggressive girl usually ends up with something that represents her anger (fire, rage power, steel fists) or a motherly girl usually ends up with something that resembles her maternal tendencies (healing, shields, empathy). Despite this tendency for a power to resemble a personality - it is not always the case. A magical girl can be a sweet girl, but once transformed she could have the ability to manifest an arsenal of explosives. It can be theorized that maybe unfitting powers represent some repressed-self deep within a girl.

In-addition to a magical girl's power, they also get access to a weapon they can summon. Sometimes this weapon is an arbitrary weapon that has nothing to do with their power or it can be necessary for their power. Their is no hard-limit on what a magical girl power can and cannot be with two exceptions.

1.) A magical girl power cannot alter time in any way.

2.) A magical girl power cannot enable inter-dimensional travel.

These restrictions are not because of an arbitrary power balancing, but are related to a much more sinister secret.

Other than those two - I encourage people to go wild with their powers. The general rule I have that the power of the ability must equal its creativity. So no instant death touches, but if one desires to have a strong ability, then you have to flex your creativity.

Wow magical girls seem strong, how will anyone stand against us? Unfortunately, magical girls are not at the top of the food chain, yet. There are multiple methods that can be utilized to eliminate magical girls. This brings us back to the magiaphage which serves as the most reliable method to permanently kill a magical girl. The magiaphage itself is extremely durable and is capable of deflecting high-caliber firearms; although, if one were to forcibly remove the magiaphage from a magical girl they will instantly die. Placing the magiaphage back into a magical girl will not resurrect them after this, but it will preserve their body.

Magical girls bodies are durable, but not impervious. A blade will still pass through their body, a bullet will zip through, and they still can catch fire. Magical girls are abnormally resistant to blunt-force and can survive high-falls or pass clean through walls with only a few cracked bones. Damage still has an effect on the magical like it would in their human form, but magical girls have an unusual ability to keep fighting through trauma. For example: a magical girl will still experience the agony of losing a limb, but will not go into shock. If a magical girl suffers brain damage, they can still operate so long as their brain stem is still together (And relevant portions of their brain). Regeneration in magical girls is quick and can occur in 10-20 minutes depending on the girls level of fitness and other factors.

Effects that would cause constant damage (drowning, suffocation, being sucked into space) will put a magical girl into an eternal limbo until they are removed from the trauma. Magical girls do have a limit on how much they can continually regenerate and utilize their magic. This varies from girl to girl and is largely dependent on their human forms level of fitness. Typically magical girls never run out of energy unless they are exposed to prolonged battles of attrition.

So what is the catch to being a magical girl? One word: mutation. A magiaphage becomes corrupted on a scale of 0% to 100%. Every 10% a Magical Girl goes up on the corruption scale, they acquire a mutation. It is up to you to decide whether or not the mutation will be beneficial, or detrimental. Example mutations: Monstrous arm that consumes flesh, eyes that trigger a fear response in the brain of men, a second mouth with an insatiable appetite, hard skin that cuts others if touched, and so on. Mutations are supposed to have a horrific nature, so keep that in mind if you desire to start with mutations. Please do not begin with a corruption level of more than 30%.

Corruption is accrued when a girl experiences extreme levels of trauma and stress. Every girl has a different tolerance for stress and trauma and to reach higher levels of corruption the trauma must be ever increasing. So what got a girl to 10% will not get her to 20%

I think that's all the major details. As an aside, there are different classification of magical girl. Your girls are assumed to be known as the "Alpha" classification which are the most broadly powerful. I have included a list of magical girl classifications in this post for lore reference. If you want to be something other than an alpha-class magical girl then bring it up to me.

Note: This only a guideline. The CS does not have to follow this exact format; however, it must include all of the below information (plus anything extra).

Basic Information
Human Name:

Magical Girl Name:



Human Appearance: (Please write descriptions along with photos)

Magical Girl Appearance: (See above note)




Backstory: (Aim for 3 solid paragraphs or more)

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents: (Examples: hacking, guns, driving, dancing, etc. You can translate these skills over to your magical girl form.)

Magical Girl Power(s): (There is no hard cap of how many abilities you can have. Please be reasonable though)

Human Weapons and Equipment: (This category is any grounded, realistic/semi-realistic weapon or equipment your human will use. If your character is a non-combatant in human form then just ignore this section)

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment: (This category can have fantastical, wacky, and outlandish weapons your Magical Girl summons. Examples: Giant mallets, blazing swords, army of floating guns, a giant flying battleship, and so on.)

Corruption Level and Mutations: (Every 10% a Magical Girl acquires a new mutation. Please cap this at a maximum of 30% for now. You do not need to have any corruption. If you choose to have corruption, then please make that part of your backstory)

Magical girl types

NOTE: A and B refer to "Alpha and Beta" which refers to what "power-levels" can inhabit set categories. Most magical girls are simply an alpha or beta with no special classification.

Alpha: The second most common form of a magical girl. These magical girls are characterized by their large power output, exceptional abilities, and a strict hardening of ideals. It is theorized that these Magical Girls have some direct connection to "Pretty" due to their tendency towards heroism.

Beta: The most common type of magical girl. These magical girls possess a standard transformation and one or two minor abilities. These girls are regarded as a low threat to public stability and tend to go undocumented.

Gamma: (A) A magical girl directly connected to dimensional cracks via [EXPUNGED]. The Tinker Virus is the only recorded "Gamma-Girl."

Delta: (B) This category of girls call themselves "Downers." They share very little characteristics with magical girls (EX: They lack a magiaphage) and rely on vices to fuel their comparatively minor powers.

Epsilon: (B) A handful of Inuit Magical Girls who act as heating mechanisms for their tribes. They have Magiaphages, but otherwise have no other Magical Girl characteristics.

Zeta: (A) A recent classification that is quickly growing in number. These Magical Girls tend to be military conscripts who have been deprived of their power for so long (While being forced to use military weaponry) that they adapted to use standard weapons to supernatural efficiency.

Eta: (B) This classification of Magical Girls is only found in "Neverlandia." These girls have either been specifically gathered, or modified, to serve as breeding units to asexually produce more Magical Girls. They have one or two minor powers, and have a transformation..

Theta: (B) These very small amount of girls have grown a fragmented magiaphage. They have developed multiple personality disorder, and have a high rate of depression. This classification shares no other characteristics with Magical Girls.

Iota: (A or B) These girls lack a transformation and regenerative capabilities. They have no magiaphage, but have traces of the same material in their bloodstream. They are capable of using magical girl-like abilities and weapons.

Kappa: (A) Magical girls who suffer from cognitive, emotional, or physical disabilities in their standard form. They tend to have a very powerful and profound transformation. These girls tend to have extremely above average capabilities in their magical girl forms.

Lambda: (B) A small network of beta-class magical girls with connected minds. They currently all live together in a polymorphic relationship with one-another.

Mu: (A) One half of the "Mu and Nu" combination of magical girls. Mu girls are alpha-class and are psionically connected to a Nu girl, and find themselves in "love" with said girl.

Nu: (B) The other half of the "Mu and Nu" combination of magical girls. The Nu girl is beta-class and also possess the psionic connection to their Mu pair, and find themselves in "love" with said girl. If the Nu girl dies then the Mu girl dies. If the Mu girl dies the Nu girl will begin to rapidly mutate well beyond 100%.

Xi: (B) Only one example of Xi class exists. Xi class are two magical girls who were originally born as conjoined twins. They both share two magiaphages. Our organization has removed one and found that they still both can live off one.

Omicron: (A) A living weapon that became a magical girl during development. She is currently being kept in stasis until it is assured she can be properly controlled. This classification is mostly theoretical, but it is rumored ArarakiCorp could make this classification become a wide-spread reality.

Pi: (A) This category is reserved for female dogs who grew magiaphages. They are very destructive and have been mostly put down.

Rho: (A) A choice few dangerous artificial intelligences who have developed magiaphage compatibility. These AIs have been successfully quarantined.

Sigma: (A) Magical girls who can create more magical girls. Pretty is currently the only magical girl who can do this. It is theorized (due to discrepancies) that more may exist.

Tau: (B) Magical girls who have been weakened by interfacing with magitech equipment. Virtues are the most prominent magical girls in this category.

Upsilon: (B) These are men who have become a lich via [EXPUNGED]. They lack the same power as magical girls, and tend to have severely shortened life-spans.

Phi: (A) Highly mutated magical girls who directly communicate with gheists. These girls have become known as "Harbingers."

Chi: (A or B) Previously "gene-strain" mutated girls who became magical girls.

Psi: (A or B) Previously psychic girls who became magical girls.

Omega: (O) These girls fall into their own category. These girls have been modified by the Tinker Virus to be an "Alpha-Plus" category. They are superior in all ways to alpha-class girls.

Lore page for reference:

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Wow, you've really went all-out on the Lore for this! I'm working on a character and a couple Faction ideas. :)